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Topics - jkova96

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General / Rename source images by date and time when images were taken
« on: December 22, 2024, 12:14:12 PM »
Hi to everyone,
Does someone know to write a script which would replace original image name of each photo in chunk with their date and time of capture?
Here's the thing, I have multiple photos with same name, but also I want to order images on the way how I took them in the field. Unfortunatelly project is very large and time consuming will be if I decide to process everything again. I think that the best option to solve this is to rename source images with captured date and time in reference tab. Of course pictures have date and time when referring to photos tab. (Check picture in attachments)

For example for image DJI_0001 rename name would be 20230513_133840 (Check for image in attachments)

Have a nice day!


Hi to everyone,
Does someone know to write a script which would replace original image name of each photo in chunk with their date and time of capture?
Here's the thing, I have multiple photos with same name, but also I want to order images on the way how I took them in the field. Unfortunatelly project is very large and time consuming will be if I decide to process everything again. I think that the best option to solve this is to rename source images with captured date and time in reference tab. Of course pictures have date and time when referring to photos tab. (Check picture in attachments)

For example for image DJI_0001 rename name would be 20230513_133840 (Check for image in attachments)

Have a nice day!


General / Replace source values with estimated values in reference tab/pane
« on: December 16, 2024, 02:04:48 PM »
Hi to everyone,
So here's the thing. I have one huge project with more than 1000 photos included for sure and one big trouble....well, I have multiple images with same names but they were shoot from different locations. One thing is clear, I can't go to that site anymore. These images was stored on different directories on my pc. Problem is that I want to enter, somehow automatically estimated values instead source values to minimize camera errors in report (cause source values are wrong, cause I did not use GPS RTK (or PPK) while capturing photos...)

My 'expected' workflow to replace source values with estimated was:
1.) Export reference values within reference pane tab. I choose 'cameras' when exporting and estimated values as well.
2.) Then I (re)import these estimated values as source values within import reference dialog...

Well, result is duplicate or even triple source values on same photo(s) name(s) (or even more than that). There's option to enter values manually but there's a tone of photos that needs to be edited...and that would took a while. 

I made a list of how many photos are duplicated or,  shows on more than that (in attachments you have screenshots of that too)

List of Photo names intervals and their repeating
DJI_0001 - DJI_0019 (IMG) 3X
DJI_0020 - DJI_0041 (IMG) 4X
DJI_0042 (IMG) 3X
DJI_0043 - DJI_0071 (IMG) 4X
DJI_0072 - DJI_0128 (IMG) 3X
DJI_0129 - DJI_0139 (IMG) 2X
DJI_0140 - DJI_0266 (IMG) 3X
DJI_0267 - DJI_0400 (IMG) 2X
DJI_0401 - DJI_0404 (IMG) 1X
DJI_0405 - DJI_0412 (IMG) 2X
DJI_0413 - DJI_0418 (IMG) 1X
DJI_0419 - DJI_0474 (IMG) 2X
DJI_0475 - DJI_0526 (IMG) 3X
DJI_0527 - DJI_0538 (IMG) 2X
DJI_0539 - DJI_0548 (IMG) 3X
DJI_0549 - DJI_0754 (IMG) 4X
DJI_0755 - DJI_0850 (IMG) 3X
DJI_0851 - DJI_0860 (IMG) 2X
DJI_0861 - DJI_0904 (IMG) 3X
DJI_0905 - DJI_0965 (IMG) 2X
DJI_0966 - DJI_0999 (IMG) 3X

Well, that's really big problem when you have older drone, in my case DJI Mavic Mini 1, and when Image number reaches 0999 then drone creates new folder with images starting from 0001, well that's the reason why I'm asking this. If someone know how to modify, on DJI Mavic Mini 1, that photos name use some conventional 'image name' format like year-month-day-hours-minutes-seconds (for example like phones have...for example: 20241216_115300.jpg) I will appreciate that also.

Please can you help me with this... I'll leave (in attachments) few images if you did not understand me what I want to accomplish, and what problem is...and of course link with the file exported from reference tab containing all stuff like (#label, X,Y,Z, Yaw,Pitch,Roll...etc)

Link to txt file with cameras positions informations:

Thank you very much for each suggestion or maybe solution to this issue.

Have a nice day!


Hi dear Agisoft team,
To be honest with you...I'm now really pissed off... >:(
So, I tried to install and try newest version (as trial) of Agisoft Metashape called. 2.1.3...and on 3 different PC's I'm getting same annoying error...
Before these versions I was on, well depending on last version in each PC: on first 1st PC was 1.8, on second PC it was 1.7, on third PC it was 2.1....Also there's 2 operating systems included - Windows 10 and Windows 11...I can't even install 2.0.4 version without this annoying error....
So, what's wrong?!
I can't believe that I can't install even free/trial version, so how could I try then is it worthly or not...
I can send you VIDEO for proving you what's wrong...and yeah BTW this is first time installing newer version(s), if someone want to talk about "yeah, but you installed already newer version, and you want to reinstall it again"
First, after selecting that I want to try trial version then I'm getting error, which is written under black window console: "Can't use license C:/Program Files/Agisoft/Metashape Pro/metashape.lic: Invalid signature: CryptVerifyDetachedMessageSignature: ASN1 bad tag value met (2148086027)
No license server found"...Men, are you sure that you exactly know what's behind these words...
Here's video by the way:

Please, give me an explanation cause I want to continue with my work, since I have a project on cloud...maybe I need two weeks not one month of trial...btw you should extent trial version time to at least half of year, cause one month is too less time for exploration what these program actually have...especially when I'm moving from really old versions...Ok maybe version 1.8 or 2.1 is not so old but anyways there's a ton of new stuff..even at work, ok we have licenced version, but when boss says that I need to something to do, I'm actually suprised when finding new stuff what's out there...consider about that.

« on: October 10, 2024, 09:28:28 PM »
Hi dear Agisoft team,

We faced one issue when trying to get Agisoft Metashape orthomosaic result. Problem is that everything in terms of accuracy and image alignment is fine (and everything else what comes after image alignment - point cloud, dem) but when ortomosaic was generated then we got like "coushin" or better said something like wave form across ortomosaic.

We capture photos with Wingtra ONE drone. We tested various projects with Agisoft Metashape but this is the first time that we have this issue. Can you suggest what might be wrong? I'll send you picture how final ortomosaic looks.

Here are pictures showing you how orthomosaic actually looks :

Best regards!


« on: September 26, 2024, 09:14:34 PM »
I don't know why sometimes I can't load coordinate system informations for mesh while importing in Agisoft Metashape.
It all stays in gray letters. I'm pissed off cause model/mesh has coordinate info, even it has XYZ file with offsets.
Please login and check for picture which explains what exactly I got.
Here are folders with all items required - model OBJ, mtl file, texture and XYZ file with offset coordinates (open this file in notepad to see what coordinates are): model -
2.nd model -
Also, there's picture (below) which shows you data which are included in each mesh folder.

General / How to successfully align images from Pix4D Catch app project
« on: September 17, 2024, 11:29:59 PM »
Hi dear Agisoft Metashape team,

I want to know what should I do to successfully align all images used in Pix4D Catch project, which is by the way aligned well.
So, to be honest with you don't know what should be the reason for that cause all photos submitted are same resolution as Pix4D Catch images are.

Image overlap is about 90% (see pictures within this link: )

I don't know what to say but difference between alignment results done in Pix4D cloud and Metashape are enormous.
See pictures below for differences.

Pictures - from Pix4D cloud:
Pictures - from Agisoft Metashape:

In fact best mesh what I got from Pix4D Catch images is generated with help of this script -
When I apply this script then I got, at least, complete model (I mean model with all images covered)

My settings are, source preselection - with  70 000 key points and 20 000 tie points. No masks used. (But take in consideration that no masks are used for processing in Pix4D cloud too)

Agisoft Report is available in file accessible here:
Here's comparison, down below.

3D Model from Pix4D Catch:
3D Model from Agisft Metashape, quick layout script used:
Pictures showing difference between Agisoft Metashape quick layout (best look) VS Pix4D Catch/Cloud result:
Used photos submitted are available through this link:
More informations, with included photos (I mean, informations about gps pose and etc) are available through this link:

I know that's too much informations for you, but MEAN QUESTION IS - WHY?! - I'm getting these results, wrong results...Please help. I just want to align these images perfectly without any help out of Agisoft Metashape (I mean without using script as quick layout script). Tips are also well included. Thank you. Hope you can get better results, cause in this case Pix4D wins...if someone (me or anyone) figure out how to align photos than Agisoft wins.

I did not be here for a while,
I'm trying to make orthomosaic for facade of one building.
I just studied the best way for making such orthomosaic, and I came solution according to these videos, found on YouTube - and, to try with markers. Problem is that I don't want to recalculate everything...I just want someone to make script which can create surface plane from 3 selected markers.

Don't know why this 2.1. edition does not have some PRO utility to create and visualize plane for creating facade orthomosaic?
I expected much be honest.

Have a nice day!


Hi to everybody,

My company just buy software Agisoft Metashape, version 2.1 (newer version).
I have similar request, let's say that's similar.
So, state geodetic department of Croatia ask us to send them coordinates of 4 corners of each image footprint - to be visible in images EXIF. They also specified image format in which photos should be exported - .tif format.

Is there a way how to perform that if possible, it not can I somehow
get .txt file where 4 corners of image footprint are stored.

Thank you forwards!

Bye :)


Hi to everyone,
I want to know if is possible to export model which contains cameras positions (if that possible) in standard 3D formats like maybe 3DS, OBJ...etc.
Actually, I've seen option when exporting my model to 3DS and under "Export Parameters" I've seen option called "Cameras". (check for picture(s) in attachments)
Can someone explain what that option does, cause I thought that maybe can be used for export 3D model with cameras positions around object itself.
Anyways, I actually did export to 3DS with "Cameras" ON but when I uploaded model to Sketchfab and then when I view same model on that platform I did not see
cameras anywhere around object. (check for picture in attachments)
I don't know if that option is some kind of "fraud" or is it can be viewable when using some other 3D software capable of loading 3DS formats into it.
Any advice will be appreciated :) Thanks  :)

Can I somehow download only orthomosaic from Agisoft Cloud, without downloading orthophotos?
I mean I have huge project, really huge project and it has 78 GB or so to download, so if there's way How to download only orthomosaic cause that's only what I need... (check for project properties in zip file, basically compressed PDF report)
Also when I cancel downloading, and when I continue (I mean basically start again) to download then It just starts from the beginning - NOT from spot where I canceled or stopped downloading...
Check for images - image_before and image_after in attachments.

Also while generating orthomosaic I ran out of Agisoft Cloud space, so...
If possible to download project without depth maps since I've delete depth maps from my local storage now I'm getting strange message when trying to create mesh from dense point cloud - which says: "No cameras with depth maps or Laser Scans in working volume" (you can check for that in the pictures)

Thanks and best regards :)


General / Don't want to open model created from DEM
« on: December 24, 2023, 12:51:04 AM »
I don't know but Agisoft always fascinate me when I want to try something new, and realize that it isn't quite working as expected...
This is that time...
Now, strange things happens too...
When opening DEM working all well,
But when want to open MESH created from DEM memory comes to overloading, I mean all 16 GB of RAM ...WTF...I don't understand how is that possible.
Please explain me this you masters.
Have a nice evening :/

Hi dear Agisoft,
Especially for those of you who mantain cloud...
I don't know how to express my anger right now after i figure out that my whole download which was interrupted by me yesterday now starts again.
I see that my whole dense point cloud was deleted after I choose psx file of project, which stored materials on-line.
Don't know why it can't store on my pc then again check if there's these files available into my PC, I mean there was whole dense point cloud downloaded, only depth maps missing....
Now, today i mean, there's no dense point cloud....and total waste of my time cause It seems that it's "all restarted" from beginning...even part of that stored on my pc.
It's problem for me cause I'm using mobile network, and when I figured out that starts again... I got headache man...
Don't know but when uploading then everything is fine, I mean uploading pictures to cloud...and if there's no internet connection or something...images continues from where they stopped - not from same beginning.
Pls explain me this.

I want to know if can someone explain me this,
Like said in the tittle of this forum, I want to know how can markers be off target - I mean on photogrammetry targets which is used for GCP (Check points) measurements, if errors are good?
I really don't know how can this happen? In my case I figure out this after optimizing photos and comparing how markers lays on orthomosaic.
Check out for pictures shown below - one - markers and photogrammetry target over 5 cm orthomosaic. Size of photogrammetry targets is approx. 40 cm by 40 cm.
2.nd picture shows my values on reference tab.

I did compared results via Pix4D Mapper and on that software seems everything OK.

Have a nice day !

« on: November 22, 2023, 10:41:51 AM »
Hi Alexey and others,
Did this feature of "mixing coordinate systems" between camera and markers been solved in Agisoft Metashape 1.8?
I'm getting strange results and strange offsets from ground when applying these two.
Camera XYZ and orientations have big errors according to Agisoft Metashape processing report.
Drone, from which pictures have been captured, has georeferenced in mean error from measurement side - 2 - 4 cm Agisoft Metashape I got staggering 1 - 2 meters...
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong...


2. IMPORTING PHOTOS (Workflow --> Add photos)
3. GEOTAGGING PHOTOS (in WGS 84 --> Image_02 in attachments )
4. ALIGN PHOTOS (Generic preselection, according to Processing report)

My errors from Agisoft Metashape report is shown on picture Image_04 in attachments.

But at the end I got really Huge errors...

I can send you original files (csv file for cameras and markers)
Maybe I'm doing something wrong...I really don't know....something is not good anyway...

EDIT: I tried to use script for converting my measured image locations and orientations into aligned image location and orientations,
tried to build "sparse point cloud" - processed these data with Agisoft Cloud...and I did not get any point at all...I MEAN (SORRY FOR BEING RUDE) WTF?!?!

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