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Topics - Matt

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Export Stereo Files Error
« on: August 07, 2024, 09:06:33 AM »
Export of Camera Inpho Project File  .prj is giving strange results.
Only generates a file for a single image instead of exterior orientations for each frame in the project, and the file it produces is wrong.
Please fix it.

Bug Reports / Can't pack file error
« on: May 06, 2020, 03:27:39 AM »
I am getting an error i have not seen before. 
While building a 6000 50 MP image orthomosaic I am getting a Cant Pack file error (see attached image).
I gave 500 gig spare on the System Disk and 1TB spare on the data drive and @ 380 gig of RAM. 
Any help would be appreciated

----> Well it seems it was because i was using .cr2 files to build the Ortho.  They have been supported in the last few builds for point detection/alignment but when writing the orthos the images are not optimized and are too large for my 2 TB M2 disk.

Feature Requests / Dense Cloud Classification settings in chunk info
« on: October 11, 2017, 03:51:01 AM »
I have been using dense cloud classification for many years and would love to see the settings recorded in the Chunk info dialogue. They are not saved as a property of the chunk and are set to the last classification setting you used.  This is pain if you work at multiple GSD scales.

General / Export unprocessed photos from photoscan
« on: September 07, 2016, 06:37:21 AM »
Subsequent to creating a photoscan project someone edited an original source image (they removed one of the bands).  In photoscan these edits are not visible, presumably because the original image is written to temp file somewhere in the project folder. In the photoscan project it is possible to click on the photo in question in the photos window and zoom in at full resolution. Is there any way of exporting this original image with all of its original bands.

I have managed to find one example of the image inside of the project file structure and a script to export an image but in both cases they are saved as a processed file (see attached).

Bug Reports / Dense cloud classification fail
« on: July 28, 2016, 07:28:19 AM »
I am trying to classify a 3.5 billion point cloud.  The classification runs and finishes but it fails to classify the points for around 1/4 of the study area and the remain unclassified. I have plenty of RAM (256 GB) and disk space but am a bit stuck.
I have attached a screenshot.

I have noticed that when i run detect points with a mask this information is not recorded in the info,  and always says No next to Constrain Features By Mask.  No bug just a wrong flag

General / Dense Cloud gaps
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:55:32 AM »
I am having issues with Dense cloud reconstruction where I get gaps in the point cloud that are not evident in the sparse cloud -->See attached image. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and why it would be occurring.
The dataset is pretty large comprising around 900 * 190 Mb tifs. It is Aligned in high and reconstructed in Ultra with Mild Depth Filtering to generate dense pointclouds for comparison with LiDAR.
The project is a little large to upload to the cloud as the photos are 145 GB and the project file 75GB

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.

General / Lenses for vertical aerial photography
« on: May 28, 2013, 01:31:09 PM »
I have been using a Canon 35 1.2L for a couple of years now but am finding limitations in auto focus over water and trees (to be expected) and manual seems to drift out of focus on long runs 200+ photos. This coupled with the chromatic aberrations has me looking for alternatives. Has anyone got some advice on good quality manual glass for EOS mount digital cameras. Thanks

Bug Reports / Can't load image
« on: August 01, 2012, 06:43:29 AM »
I am testing version 9 pre release and the photos will not load in photos pane and I get the Can't load image message.
 ---> On further investigation it seems that photoscan 9.0 is unable to load the .CR2 image format. The software recognises them when i select all files but fails to load them. Is there a reason for this as all my photos are taken in this format?



Feature Requests / Batch Orthophoto Export
« on: July 16, 2012, 02:41:46 PM »
I cant seem to find batch orthophoto export, it would be pretty useful in photogrammetric work flows.  It would also be nice to be able to save marker positions for individual photos.  I play around with multiple time snaps of the same areas and merge photos between projects to fill in coverage/control gaps.  It would be quicker for me than appending projects, aligning chunks and then merging them.  Thanks

Bug Reports / Cant Remove/delete Model in Build 1154
« on: August 15, 2011, 09:51:29 AM »
Dont seem to be able to remove a built model in the latest release

General / Exporting model coordinates
« on: July 17, 2011, 02:47:21 AM »
Can anyone tell me if they have successfully exported a high density (2.5 million point) model in real world coordinates. I am looking at landform reconstruction and can georeference the model but when I export it all the coordinates for the points are lost.  I can export using the points option but the density is poor (88K) and can also export an orthophoto.

General / Project Preference Settings
« on: April 29, 2011, 06:09:40 AM »
Hi Dmitry,

Is there any way of saving the preferences for each individual project in the project file? At the moment each time you load a project the Photo Alignment and Geometry preferences are inherited from the last opened project.

General / Historical Aerial Photography
« on: March 17, 2011, 03:22:44 AM »

I am currently running a research project looking at a time series of historical photography starting in the 1940's. The photos are 1500 dpi scans from the original film and I have managed to get some small mosaics happening with very low settings and by masking out the borders and fiducial marks. I have noticed however that the derived camera calibration information differs for each photo in the series. In theory this calibration information should be identical for each photo do you have any suggestions as to why this would be the case, and for gaining the most accurate results using this process.

Many Thanks


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