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Topics - Ucodia

Pages: [1]
Hi there,

When using the "export model" and "texture" as a batch process, there does not seem to be a way to tell to which model those operations will apply to when there is multiple models for a chunk.
Somehow it applies to one of the models in the chunk but I have no way to tell to which model it gets applied to.

Is there a way to chose to which model within a chunk the batch operations "texture" and "export model" will apply to?

Feature Requests / Allow the smallest grid unit to be 1cm or 0.01m
« on: October 30, 2024, 02:23:39 AM »
Currently the grid unit can be changed from pixels to meters though this is useless if you are working with objects that are only a couple of centimeters in size.

Allowing to chose centimeters as a unit or decimal number as a value would allow the grid size feature to work seamlessly with all object sizes.

General / How to precisely scale a model with a standard license?
« on: October 30, 2024, 02:08:04 AM »
Hi there,

I have been evaluating Metashape for an art project and eventually bought a standard edition license after being satisfied with the results I got.

I know exactly the distance that there should be between 2 points in my models but I cannot find a way to scale it precisely using Metashape standard, the only tool I found is the scale tool that shows an arbitrary scaling number, which is honestly useless since there is no actual real world unit being displayed.

So my question is how can I tell Metashape there is X distance between these 2 points so that it would scale it accordingly?


I would find it too bad it is not possible to hide the navigation globe and bounding box in the model view. As a result it appears even in the capture view which is frustrating as I would like to take screenshots of just the model without the navigation globe and bounding box overlapping the model render.

I attached a screenshot of the navigation globe and bounding box overlapping the model.

Edit: Nevermind, after digging I found that there is a submenu that allows to hide the "trackball" and "region". Topic can be closed.

General / How to avoid texture blackness around low confidence areas?
« on: October 24, 2024, 07:57:53 PM »

I am scanning objects with complex shapes which requires a very large coverage to see all possible surfaces.
In this latest scan I took 240 images and got excellent results on the mesh reconstruction, though I have one area with low confidence which results in texture blackness.

Is there a way to avoid that blackness and instead have a colour more similar to the data around? (orange/yellow in this case)
Attached picture of textured model and confidence model.

Thanks ✌️

General / How do I exclude black velvet background from image alignment?
« on: October 10, 2024, 05:45:55 AM »
Hi there,

I am shooting using a 360 turntable on a black velvet with a strong flash and cross polarization.
Though an issue I get is that it seems that Metashape is able to pickup dust particle and/or the surface of the black velvet and uses this to align pictures.
As a result, each series done after rotating the object on the turntable end up aligning on the same exact path, which is wrong.
I use darktable to process my images and apply white balance, color calibration (color checker) and exposure.

How do I exclude those particles during the alignment step so that each camera path is well recognized and avoid black artifacts in the model?

In the 4 pictures I attached:
1. Original picture
2. Picture with all depth map levels
3. View of the model and alignment
4. Settings used during alignment

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