General / changing HD to SSD - step by step for no lose licence of metashape
« on: October 10, 2020, 04:54:31 PM »
Hi to all,
I'm decided to change my actually traditional HD with a new SSD disk.
I have to create an image of the original HD in the SSD to have an identical disk after substitude it in the notebook.
I'm here to ask about my Pro licence of Meshlab. I have to save it after change the disk or there a no problems and it work fine in the new SSD?
Thanks for any suggestion.
I'm decided to change my actually traditional HD with a new SSD disk.
I have to create an image of the original HD in the SSD to have an identical disk after substitude it in the notebook.
I'm here to ask about my Pro licence of Meshlab. I have to save it after change the disk or there a no problems and it work fine in the new SSD?
Thanks for any suggestion.