« on: January 18, 2014, 12:31:14 AM »
We very much have enjoyed the power of Agisoft on our creative projects and we wish to take things to the next level and setup a multi cam system.
We would like to find a consultant who has experience setting up a multi cam system and perhaps pay a flat fee for technical advice so that we don't make mistakes others have made. Please contact me right away if you are interested and would qualify.
We wish to have 12 cameras and have them wirelessly connected because we need the flexibility of being remote. We have looked at the Canon 600D and remote systems such as pocket wizard or cello, but we are not certain. We just want excellent results.
If there is a way that the cameras can wireless send the photo to one location that would be great, but not required. We are going for simplicity and reliability. Meaning, we want to make sure we have an excellent camera for both photogrammetry and a multi cam system and we want to have a wireless remote system that is very accurate to fire the shots exactly simultaneous.
We would like the ability to add future cameras, but 12 will suit our purposes of going into the field, shooting, coming back with the shots and putting them in Agisoft to create 3D meshes.
Christopher Hampton 423.316.5571 (U.S.) gohampton@mac.com