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Messages - Suprasaurus

Pages: [1]
Face and Body Scanning / Re: Max cameras per computer over USB
« on: February 26, 2014, 07:29:33 PM »
       This forum turned up in a search for looking for ways to use multiple webcams for recording video. I would like to run 10-12 video cameras if possible. I have some software that can take inputs from that many cameras but most people using Vidblaster are using IP cameras or professional cameras. I want to use webcams because they are inexpensive even for HD and very small in size. I have been able to get 4 cameras to work so far. They are all different usb HD cameras with different drivers. The software doesn't see 2 from the same driver -- I think -- or I couldn't get it to work.

I am curious at to your use of so many cameras. I have read some about the photo scan function. Are you using your many usb cameras for still images only and does that give you better data capture? more angles or better resolution?

If anyone here has any more ideas on the hardware I would love to read them. I am going to try some of the stuff already mentioned in this thread.

Thanks :)

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