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Messages - lenamat

Pages: [1]
General / v 1.2.6
« on: August 24, 2016, 10:57:31 AM »

Could you please detail the 'bug fixes' added on v 1.2.6 and mentionned in the change log ?


General / Re: Black marks in an orthophoto
« on: April 13, 2016, 04:49:08 PM »

I am having the same issue with the orthophoto export in v 1.2.4. What bothers me is that neither the DSM nor the mesh have any holes, they appear only in the orthophoto...
I have tried building the ortho from both the mesh and the DSM : the holes are almost identical with both methods.
I've also tried smoothing the model and then rebuilding the ortho : the holes are slightly less numerous but they are still visible (plus the smoothing modifies the shape of sharp objects).

Is there any explication / solution for this problem ??


Feature Requests / Rolling shutter integration
« on: March 29, 2016, 01:07:06 PM »

Many of the sensors used by commercial drones have a rolling shutter system (e.g. DJI Phantom). Do you plan on integrating camera calibration for this type of sensors ? For what I have seen the georeferencing accuracy is downgraded compared to a project using a global shutter sensor (where the camera calibration calculated by Photoscan is correct).


Python and Java API / Re: reset region vertically
« on: March 24, 2016, 05:12:53 PM »
Thanks Alexey,

I have already taken a look a that script, but my problem is that I don't want to align the X and Y axes of the region with the X and Y axes of the coordinate system. I only want to align the region vertically while keeping the orientation of the XY plane around the Z axis. I have tried tweaking the script you mentionned but I never could achieve my goal (I am not used to dealing with 3D rotation matrices) ! :)

Python and Java API / reset region vertically
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:42:53 PM »

I noticed that in Version 1.2.0 build 2198 the function resetRegion() was modified so that it aligns the region vertically too. This is a functionnality I have been trying to code on my own (using transformation matrices), but I didn't succeed!... Could you please explain how you achieve this particular alignement of the Z axes between the region and the chunk's coordinate system ?

Many thanks!

Python and Java API / Re: Catch API error messages
« on: March 22, 2016, 06:31:59 PM »
Hi Alexey,

Thanks for the fast reply. I have already try to catch the potential exceptions raised by the API's functions but it doesn't seem to work...

For example if I try to launch the "Build dense cloud" function and my images are missing in the file hierarchy, no exception is being raised, even though I get the console message "can't load image: A:/B/C/Image.jpg". Can you think of another way to redirect these types of messages ?


Python and Java API / Catch API error messages
« on: March 22, 2016, 05:27:18 PM »

Is there a way to catch the API's functions' error messages  that are sent to the console ? I know I can retrieve the full content of the console pane but I would like to catch the error messages as they come so that I can redirect the ones I want to a custom log file.

Many thanks!


I have a georeferenced project where the processing region is not aligned with the horizontal plane. I have tried running the script that aligns the region to all of the three axes of the coordinate system and it works fine. What I want to do is to keep the original X and Y directions, which if I'm not mistaken means that I want to keep the original rotation angle around the Z-axis.

I have done multiple tests but I can't seem to get it right!... Could you please explain what are the components of the transform and rotation matrices, and how can I retrieve the x, y, z rotation angles of the local coordinate system ?

Many thanks.

Python and Java API / Re: Reset camera alignment
« on: February 29, 2016, 05:24:52 PM »
Hi Alexey,

Thanks for your quick reply. I added a step to remove the projections related to the cameras for which I reset alignment. Without this step it seems that aligning the cameras again does not produce proper results (I think the points resulting from the first cameras alignment are still taken into account).

I now get satisfying results, but the processing time seems to be quite long (several minutes) compared to just clicking on "reset alignment" (about one second!). Is there a faster method that I'm missing here ?


Python and Java API / Reset camera alignment
« on: February 22, 2016, 02:58:33 PM »

Is there a way to achieve the same results as the "reset camera alignment" function available in the GUI interface (when right clicking on an image or a selection of images) ? I can't seem to find any documentation on this functionality neither in the Python API nor in the forum topics...


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