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Messages - giancan

Pages: [1] 2
General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.2.0 pre-release
« on: October 31, 2015, 08:53:29 PM »
Dear Alexey,
as I mentioned earlier, in this beta version I experienced some problems when creating dem or orthomosaic from dense cloud. Indeed, although I "clean" the dense cloud, when I create a new DEM or ortho in different coordinate system, the results ignores the editing I did to the dense cloud, and instead it uses the original cloud.


General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.2.0 pre-release
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:44:52 PM »
The issue definitely shows up when exporting to potree. All points are exported from the dense cloud although I surely delete some of them from the dense cloud.
In the dem, this is more difficult to show but I will try to capture some screenshots to demonstrate it.

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.2.0 pre-release
« on: October 21, 2015, 02:08:40 PM »
He there,
it seems that in this new version the DEM (and potree as far as I can see) creation ignores any edits to the dense cloud.
If I cut part of the cloud or clean it up from undesired points and create DEM or export it as potree, what I get is the cloud before all my edits.


General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.2.0 pre-release
« on: October 10, 2015, 05:40:52 PM »
Dear Alexey,
I know how to save psx, I'm just wondering if there is a way to avoid the creation of folders and subfolders with the psx file.

About the panorama, I have 16Gb memory and trying to export panorama in a group of 128 images.
The default resolution in the wnidow is 30374x15187... actually I hadn't check it so I understand this may be the issue. But still, in the previous version I had not this problem and I managed to export from the same project.

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.2.0 pre-release
« on: October 10, 2015, 11:03:57 AM »
Dear Agisoft,
it seems that every time I try to export a panorama, the computer freezes (after around 15seconds) and it doesn't seem to recover even after some hours... so I have to hard reset. In the previous version, it was taking quite some time but i didn't experience any freezing.
Is there any settings to check or is it just a bug of this pre-release?
Also it seems that psx files create a number of folder and subfolder, differently from psz where all was contained in a zip archive. It seems also that some operation are not available with the psz format, so I am obliged to save my files in psx... with all their folders. Are you planning to leave this file format as it is now (with folders outside the file) or will you allow the user to choose whether s/he wants to create single-file psx or folders-psx?

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.2.0 pre-release
« on: October 05, 2015, 06:47:16 PM »
Hi, is there (or will there be) the possibility to export polylines or polygones as dxf?
shapefiles are OK for maps or "top-down" view but they are not workable if you work for example with wall facades or buildings.

Python and Java API / Re: Ortho projection to exact plane
« on: September 30, 2015, 02:21:49 PM »
Hi Alexey,
for some reason, when I use this script from certain angles it seems that I have a section of the building more then a view from "outside".
Is it something to do with the depth of field (close and far field)?
I tried also to expand the bounding box in case it was too tight, but nothing changed.

Thanks a lot,

Python and Java API / Re: check photoscan version
« on: June 29, 2015, 04:03:47 PM »
Dear Alexey,

Do you wish to use anything similar to guided marker placement approach, when you define only one projection and the rest are estimated according to the camera positions and polygonal model?

yes, that could be a nice solution too.
Actually in my code (the one I provided is just part of it) I have the same points projected on at least 3 images, but something is wrong in it and I get bad results. So your solution could be already a great help.

Feature Requests / Re: Filter Points by Photos
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:40:01 PM »
Hi Alexey,
sorry to open again an old topic.
Can you please help me to convert this script for the 1.1 version?

Python and Java API / Re: check photoscan version
« on: February 01, 2015, 12:51:47 PM »
It doesn't seem to project the points on each photo as for the earlier version.
Do you think it should work? If so I can make some more test with other scripts and see how it goes...

Python and Java API / Re: check photoscan version
« on: February 01, 2015, 12:29:11 PM »
Thank, it works super well!

Can I profit to ask you also the following?

Code: [Select]
import PhotoScan

if "1.1." in

for i in range(0,len(photos)):

markers[5].projections[photos[imglist.index('GOPR7890.JPG')]] = (86.0,474.0)
markers[0].projections[photos[imglist.index('GOPR7902.JPG')]] = (527.0,71.0)

Thanks again,

Python and Java API / Re: check photoscan version
« on: January 31, 2015, 11:02:39 AM »
Dear Alexey,
thanks for your reply. I did check the documentation file but what it says is if the specific command has been removed but it doesn't say what replaces what.
Do you mind helping me in the conversion with the following script?

Code: [Select]
if == "1.1.0":

print("Currently working with: " + chunk.label)

if == "1.1.0": = PhotoScan.CoordinateSystem("EPSG::2100")
crs = PhotoScan.CoordinateSystem()

gc = chunk.ground_control

markers_input = {
1 : (357796.02514,4163663.16262,629.427062988),
2 : (358356.607585,4163468.47672,630.370910645)

markers = chunk.markers
locations = gc.locations

for item in markers_input.items():

new_marker = PhotoScan.Marker()
new_marker.label = "agr-pt_" + str(item[0])

locations[new_marker].coord = PhotoScan.Vector((item[1][0], item[1][1], item[1][2]))
locations[new_marker].enabled = True


print("Script finished.")

Thanks a lot

Python and Java API / Re: check photoscan version
« on: January 31, 2015, 10:40:59 AM »
I am actually trying to make a script to be compatible with 1.1 and 1.0. I'm checking the python version with
Code: [Select]
import sys
if "3.3" in sys.version: #it means that it is the last version of python so I dont use activeChunk but chunk and so on

At the moment I stuck in the command
How is the 1.1 version of it?
Is there a table where I can check the new version of all previous commands?

Python and Java API / check photoscan version
« on: January 28, 2015, 08:22:30 PM »
Hi there,
since I am producing a script for some users, how can I check which version of photoscan they have?
This will help me addressing different codes to different python... something like document.activeChunk versus document.chunk.


Feature Requests / multiple models at once
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:46:31 PM »
When loading large datasets, it would be great to have multiple models (or image alignment) if a single one is not possible. Perhaps this could be an option that the user can choose before aligning

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