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Messages - Digitage

Pages: [1]
Face and Body Scanning / Re: Pictures Not Alligned
« on: October 16, 2015, 02:27:04 AM »
mmm... probably you don't have enough detail on the fabric for the alignement to proceed correctly on your subset.

Did you try to overexpose your photos to get some more detail on the trousers / legging / whatever leg-clothing that does not work properly ?

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Most predicable set for better alignments
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:28:11 PM »
Hi Pyruss,

I concur with Lambo, masks can be useful when the subject is not detailed enough to give you a perfect alignment, but can be swithed off otherwise.

You might want to clean up the point cloud and use the optimise alignment process systematiocally as well after a first alignment calculation. It can improve results tremendously.

Hope this helps.

Hi Frank,

glad to help ;) This "optimise alignment" process works quite well, especially if you clean up the sparse cloud a little before optimising positions.

I look forward to read your detailed tests results in a few days!

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Triggering and Camera Questions
« on: September 01, 2014, 05:11:35 PM »
Hi gtarplyer,

basically to obtain good results and a minimal noise in your PS results, you have three sliders to control what you do. You want to have a small pixelsize, good quality crisp pictures, and good camera coverage so that  each point of your model is present on as many pictures as possible.

When you want to improve the quality and lower the noise, it is a good rule of thumb to improve these parameters at the same time.

For instance, it would not be really useful to get a better set of cameras if you don't improve your lighting (if it was not perfect yet) at the same time; or if you don't improve camera coverage and/or or zoom level.

Then again, it is always a questin of how much you can invest in your rig   :-\

Hi Frank,

from our experience if some of your cams move between the moment when you save your alignment setings and the moment when you use these settings in the next photo sets, you will probably have quite a lot of noise in your dense clouds.

But you could quite successfuly use the optimise camera position after importing the settings, and consider these as a basis for alignment. Let me know if it works for you !

Gabriel, are you talking of one camera with the lense, or a multi-camera rig ? 28 mm can probably work but ou will definitely have better results with something like what Foodman suggests.

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Turntable based Full body capture rig
« on: August 26, 2014, 07:18:17 PM »
Mark, that's really impressive ! Considering you use only 8 cams, that really is great work.

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Building a 39 camera full body rig
« on: August 15, 2014, 08:23:08 PM »

1) Is there a "perfect" focal lenght? Should we take pictures as big as possible or rather zoom the cameras in and try to make 3 pictures (every angle) of different parts + one big "general" picture?

Regarding focal lenght, from my experience there is a balance to find. Basically, when you zoom in a lot, you get more useful data from your model in the picture frame, but you also weaken the robustness of the camera positionning in the first step of your photoscan process, and if your model is not standing in the middle of your rig and your zoom level is important, you risk shooting halfway out...

Face and Body Scanning / Re: [Presentation] Alexis from Digitage
« on: August 15, 2014, 08:06:54 PM »
Hi guys,

thank you for the welcome :)
Attached is a first sneak pic of what we are building in our studio in Paris

Face and Body Scanning / [Presentation] Alexis from Digitage
« on: August 13, 2014, 01:22:06 PM »
Hi there,

I am Alexis from Digitage, we are a french Paris-based company specialised in 3D scanning. We operate a Breuckmann structured withe light scanner for objects, and a FARO Focus laser scanner for environnements and buildings.

We started to use Photoscan last year to improve the texture on our models, and have had quite good results. The software is actually so awesome that we decided to move on with it and expand our range of possibilities...

We are therefore very proud to announce that we have built a bodyscan rig in Paris, and we might well be the first and only in France; we actually coud not find any people doing it so we decided to go for ourselves.

Anyway, we are very happy to come here and share with you guys, we probably still have a lot to experiment and learn :)

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