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Messages - HMArnold

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General / Re: How to tell if the GPU is being used
« on: October 14, 2023, 04:43:06 PM »
Thanks for the response.

The GPU is checked, but the GPU utilization stays low during the all the steps of the alignment process. Same for the generation of an ortho from a mesh.

This is the same for small or very large groups of images.

Is there any process other than Align/Mesh/Ortho that absolutely uses the GPU that I can run to see if that ever changes?

I'm also not seeing anything about monitoring CUDA in W11 64 Pro Task Manager.

Is it still in current Windows 11?

General / How to tell if the GPU is being used
« on: October 13, 2023, 06:22:30 PM »
I have a RTX 3080TI and am running from SSD drives, latest Nidia and CUDA drivers. The GPU shows up correctly in the Agisoft "Preferences"

My alignment jobs always finish normally, but the GPU never gets above 5% and is usually at 2%.

Image attached

Is there anything else I'm supposed to do to utilize the GPU? Any way other than the Windows 11 "Performance" I should be looking to make sure it's being used?

Any suggestions appreciated

General / Re: Thermals on 10900k
« on: March 20, 2021, 01:24:23 AM »
If it helps, I'm running a i9-9900KS @ 4.00GHz

This machine was purchase specifically to do compute intensive tasks like water flow modeling and Photogrammetry

This machine ramps up hot as well, and has every time we've ever done a large job.

Some jobs take weeks of continuous processing to complete

No problems yet, going on 9 months.

Of course, it could croak right as I push the "POST" button, but so far so good.

Not my day job, but I had a similar problem a while back.

Turns out Agisoft "Align Photos" is the most compute intensive task I ever do. All cores, full speed, GPU, the works.

I could finish small jobs, but there was a certain level of complexity I just couldn't make it through.

I was able to recreate the same problem by rendering videos.

For me the fix was a tweak of the processor voltage.

You might consider taking a look at one of the apps that shows temperatures of the various cores.

General / Re: White Horizontal Lines On Orthophotos
« on: March 20, 2021, 01:12:44 AM »
Yes, All fixed

No more white lines

Thanks for the great support

General / Re: White Horizontal Lines On Orthophotos
« on: March 18, 2021, 01:56:03 PM »
I ran a second, much larger project, capturing the settings screen for each step as I went (some attached, all available)

The same lines came out in any exported images in full resolution, but not when the resolution was decreased.

The same lines are visible when exporting full res TIFFs, but apparently not nearly as many lines.

I was wrong about the lines being broken on taller objects, as it also happened on the surface of the water (attached)

The entire image set for the smaller project is 1.2 gb uncompressed, and I can upload it some where if it would help

General / White Horizontal Lines On Orthophotos
« on: March 17, 2021, 02:21:04 PM »
Switching over to new computer, installed Metashape 1.7.2, testing with an old set of UAV images.

I get a set of very thin horizontal white lines across the resulting orthophotos, that seem to cut though vegetation in some places.  No lines in any of the source photos.

See attached image

I'm sure its something that's turned on be default that hasn't been before, but I can't seem to find how to disable them.

Any suggestions appreciated

General / Re: Constantly increasing Dense Cloud build estimate
« on: June 10, 2016, 09:35:59 AM »
Apparently normal

I get the same thing on complex projects.

It like it's building it's time estimate as it goes along.

Once the estimate finishes going up, it appears to be pretty accurate coming back down

General / Re: Export points cloud
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:49:05 PM »
Afraid I can't help you there

I only use the Lat/Lon/Elevation values

General / Re: Export points cloud
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:17:43 PM »
That's a difficult question because it depends upon several things, including the coordinate system you choose and whether or not you use GCPs with exact altitude values.

As near as I can tell the altitude values in the EXIF info for each image from a Phantom Pro 3 comes from the GPS altitude recorded during the flight and comes in as Feet Above Sea Level. Those values appear to be accurate relative to each other but can be off by hundreds of feet on any single mission. P3P units not sold in the US might be set to export the altitude values in meters, which would be much more useful.

My experience has shown that using the AGL value for each image makes much more sense, and you can get those values from the P3P flight log info. I use the Ultimate Flight App which gives me not only a repeatable and accurate altitude value but also the heading (yaw) and gimbal angle if you need it.

Converting those values all into meters and creating an import file means that everything goes into the alignment process in meters.

Since I don't use GCPs, the alignment process and all subsequent calculations and exports are done using AGL.

If GCPs were used, and you chose the export coordinate system as WGS 84, I assume the elevation values would come out as meters above sea level.

For volume calculations in my applications, as long as the elevation values are accurate and repeatable relative to each other, I'm not sure the difference between AGL and ASL matters.

A gravel pile with a given set of dimensions and geometry would have the same volume whether it was on the sea shore or in the mountains.

General / Re: Export points cloud
« on: June 08, 2016, 05:45:33 PM »
I regularly use the steps you mention to get the point cloud in text format using the "ASCII PTS" option.

Be aware that unless you increase the number of digits of accuracy on the export, the points get rounded off significantly so that you get all the points on a grid with large square gaps in between. I use 9 digits of accuracy.

The files tend to be quite large and can be difficult to work with.

Photoscan has the ability to calculate elevation contour lines and do enclosed volume calculations directly.

General / Re: Measuring Volumes
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:43:15 PM »

That worked perfectly and gave me three volumes, two very close together.

Do any of the three calculate the volume above a flat plane created by the polygon?



General / Re: Measuring Volumes
« on: June 01, 2016, 07:51:32 PM »
Tornado2011 and/or Alexey,

I'm very interested in being able to measure volumes of large, well defined piles of gravel.

I have good photo coverage, complete alignment, dense cloud, mesh, and DEM steps completed.

I can draw a "Free Form Selection" around the pile, but on the TOOLS/MEASURE function I get a surface area but not a volume.

Tornado2011, how do you close the mesh on a vertical structure like a pile of gravel?

Alexey, is the "Ortho View" you describe the one in the attached image? when I right click on it I don't get a MEASURE option.

Is this covered in any tutorial I can study?

Thanks in advance.


General / Re: DEM help
« on: May 10, 2016, 05:01:52 AM »
I use the GPS info from a DJI P3P drone with WGS-84 without any problems other than the altitude is very innacurate and comes through as feet not meters. I use the same settings as they show in the tutorial.

Was your imaging mission all the same altitude with the gimbal straight down? Did all your cameras align except perhaps the ones over water?

You might try picking some identifiable points, get the lat/lon/elevation from Google Earth and putting them in as GCPS

Post a screenshot of your camera alignment and a representative image or two so we can get an idea of what might be wrong

General / Re: Floating KMZ
« on: May 05, 2016, 06:40:08 AM »
A way to do it is to load all the images into Photoscan, then export the camera locations, which gives you the image name, as well as the lat and the lon  values, in a text file.

If your UAV mission was flown with all waypoints at the same altitude it's pretty easy because you take out the images taken while the drone was rising, and the ones where it was descending at the end, then load the camera export file into a spreadsheet, replace all the remaining GPS altitudes with the Barometer plus Home point altitudes, then save that spreadsheet as a CSV file with the image name, lat, lon, and new altitude values.

In Photoscan on the REFERENCE tab there is an IMPORT function.

Set your columns up to match the Photoscan fields, then import the file

When you finish, the values from the  CSV should replace the values from the EXIF fields, and your results should be back at ground level.

If your mission was flown at varying altitudes it's more complicated because you have to match the altitude value at the instant each picture was taken, than add the Google Earth home point to that value.

You might be able to get around all this by choosing some visible points on the ground, getting their elevations, then putting them in as synthetic GCPS,  but some of the times I tried that I got weird hills and valleys on large missions.

After that effort it was easier for me to use the corrected altitudes for large projects rather than adding GCPS and recalculating.

I did it so many times I eventually wrote a program to correct all altitudes from the flight log automatically.

Also, I have not had good luck loading large KMZ files in Google Earth. There is some size limit that once exceeded, the file tries to display in panels but comes out as rectangular "X"s. When that happens I export again at lower resolution and eventually it works.

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