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General / Re: <300€ Good cameras for photogrammetry and footage
« on: January 29, 2018, 12:42:28 PM »
The RX100 will be able to do the job, but you will have to use a tripod, a remote shutter and photograph in manuel mode, too.

General / Re: The best camera
« on: May 02, 2017, 11:03:13 PM »
Canon EOS 5Ds R
Canon EF 100mm 2.8 L Makro IS USM

This setup shouldn't be that bad in theory. But please inform yourself if you think this hardware is worth your money. I do some photogrammetry for private purposes and I am very happy with a 300€ camera and a 400€ lens.

General / Re: single, dual gtx 1060 or single 1070, 980
« on: April 06, 2017, 09:44:40 AM »
More weak GPUs are better according to this test from 2015:

General / Re: Graphics card is not using full clockspeed
« on: October 07, 2016, 01:56:32 PM »
I fixed the problem using NVIDIA Inspector
With this software I was able to increas the clockspeed of the memory from 3004 MHz to 3704 MHz. I changed these values at: "Overclocking" --> "Performence Level [2] - (P2)" --> "Unlock Max" --> "Memory Clock" -> 3704 MHz

I used the "monument" data sample from Agisoft to test the improvement in performence for the dense point cloud construction. Here are the results:
Before: 873,70 Mill samples/sec
After: 999,28 Mill samples/sec
+14% faster!

That's weird. I made a total different experience. For one project I have aligned more than 500 pictures (12MP) and I had no problem at all to do the dense point cloud with only 8GB of RAM. It feels like, the one and only time when you need lots of RAM, is when you do the Mesh.

General / Re: Camera alignment - not all camera groups aligning
« on: October 04, 2016, 01:12:12 AM »
No, it's not. It must be another problem. Maybe your photos are too dark/unsharp?

To build a high quality dense cloud, it is taking 15+ hours to process 868 images of a gas plant. (12 MP). Id like to decrease this time

You will need more GTX 980.

Feature Requests / Working on two Chunks at the same time
« on: October 01, 2016, 11:12:09 AM »
I would appreciate it if I could work on more than one Chunk at the same time e.g. removing some points of the Dense Point Cloud of Chunk1, while Photoscan is generating a Mesh in Chunk 2.

General / Graphics card is not using full clockspeed
« on: October 01, 2016, 10:31:45 AM »
I noticed that the memory of my graphics card (ASUS GTX 970 Mini) is clocking at 3004 Mhz instead of 3506 Mhz while building the dense point cloud. I think I lose some performence here, how can I fix that problem?

General / Re: System Requirements, Parameters, Accuracy and Errors
« on: September 21, 2016, 12:57:11 AM »
Well, there are some settings that you can change when you open the menu for the alignment and go to the advanced options:
- you can reduce the key point limit and the tie point limit which I wouldn't recommend.
- you can set "pair selection" to disabled which will have very little effect
- you reduce the amount of photos which has enourmous impact
- you need a CPU with more cores and/or faster clockspeed.

If I was in your position I would shoot the photos from a bigger distance and therefore reduce its count to 100-200

General / Re: Hardware for Agisoft
« on: July 28, 2016, 10:51:18 AM »
On the other hand, you need to disable one CPU core for each GPU, so you lose one more. What do you think?

The GPU is by far faster than the CPU. In my PC, my GTX 970 is ten times faster than a single core of my core i5-3570k @3,8Ghz. I did some tests to find out how I can achieve the best performence:

Dense Cloud medium Quality:
4/4 CPU cores disabled + GTX 970: 650 mil.pixels/sec
3/4 CPU cores disabled + GTX 970: 676 mil.pixels/sec
3/4 CPU cores disabled + GTX 970: 72 mil.pixels/sec
2/4 CPU cores disabled + GTX 970: 709 mil.pixels/sec
1/4 CPU cores disabled + GTX 970: 687 mil.pixels/sec
0/4 CPU cores disabled + GTX 970: 619 mil.pixels/sec

- sometimes you have the best performence when you disable two cores instead of one.
- The GPU is a hell lot faster than the CPU

General / Re: large project with endless time process
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:59:16 PM »
Wow, that PC will run forever. Wouldn't it be better to have a smaller set of photos with a lower quality in return? You could take them by a multicopter sothat it would speed up the process of aligning enormously. The question if how detailed has the scan to be.

General / Re: Hardware for Agisoft
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:54:13 PM »
If you don't use your pictures on your SSHD regulearly, then your SSHD handles the workload as fast as a normal HDD. If that matters? I don't know.

A second GPU would make the progress of creating a dense cloud much faster:

On the other hand, if you run out of memory, you will have a hard time, too.

If I would be you, I would go for several cheap GPUs, but without knowing how many photos/megapixel per photo you have it is hard to give you the optimal awnser.

General / Re: Interior scan question
« on: July 19, 2016, 09:18:24 AM »
My results have become a lot better after I purcased another lens that helped me to do much sharper pictures. Apart from that, even with a cheap lens your results should be much better. Which camera settings do you use?

Instead of standing and protographing downwards, straight forward and upwards I recommend photographing straight forward only. Therefore you will have to go down on your knees ;)

Which settings did you use in Photoscan?

General / Use lens correction from Adobe Lightroom
« on: July 06, 2016, 04:50:41 PM »
I want to photograph rooms with an 18mm lens. How do I get better results: Is it better to use the lens correction feature from Adobe Lightroom before I import the pictures to photoscan or does photoscan work totally fine with wide angled pictures?

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