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Messages - bec1010

Pages: [1]

I've tried the script from a previous posting (quoted below) to obtain the four corner coordinates of the image footprint, but the script is exporting 10 vertices instead of 4. My camera width/height = 3456 x 2304. Also the footprint coordinates do not seem correct when displayed on the ground. Is this a projection issue? Any ideas? Thank you!!

For example:

Code: [Select]

FileName    Pixel x    Pixel y    Vertex Lon    Vertex Lat    Vertex Alt
IMG_2667.JPG 1 1 219570.17726818 611774.69670128 855.638
IMG_2667.JPG 1001 1 219563.20451736 611767.92325199 855.856
IMG_2667.JPG 2001 1 219555.44606790 611762.07288836 856.364
IMG_2667.JPG 3456 1 219542.80837430 611763.63372321 858.517
IMG_2667.JPG 3456 1001 219539.55699424 611775.10267100 856.824
IMG_2667.JPG 3456 2304 219538.20162071 611780.67793972 856.743
IMG_2667.JPG 2456 2304 219539.68925572 611781.62191410 856.337
IMG_2667.JPG 1456 2304 219541.26649972 611782.79998516 856.049
IMG_2667.JPG 1 2304 219543.54260737 611784.81929548 855.836
IMG_2667.JPG 1 1304 219547.23769201 611783.38569132 855.838
IMG_2668.JPG 1 1 219559.12016914 611759.48322563 856.301
IMG_2668.JPG 1001 1 219550.10793864 611756.67986985 856.490
IMG_2668.JPG 2001 1 219539.66037803 611767.18872259 858.610
IMG_2668.JPG 3456 1 219531.09831331 611766.29381422 859.306
IMG_2668.JPG 3456 1001 219535.20783330 611778.50147168 858.160
IMG_2668.JPG 3456 2304 219536.29827064 611782.09493826 857.551
IMG_2668.JPG 2456 2304 219537.66672029 611781.72625022 856.782
IMG_2668.JPG 1456 2304 219539.51068606 611781.74005899 856.361
IMG_2668.JPG 1 2304 219542.53686453 611782.04697940 855.919
IMG_2668.JPG 1 1304 219544.99532538 611778.70517363 855.878

Hello everybody !

I would like to compute the area covered for each of my cameras. I have already tried to use the code given as an example. I added the loop to go through each camera of my chunk. I also tried to select only the four corners. As a result i got ... nothing. It seems like it doesn't find any intersections with the faces of my mesh. Therefore I tried to add some pixels.  I got some results but it is not satisfying as I don't get the vertices positions corresponding to my corners.  I attached the txt file that I have at the end so taht you can see for yourself.

During the process I printed the position of the pixel I am using. It seems like I go through all of my corners [(0,0), (6015,0), (6015,399),(0,3999)] as my sensor.width=6016 and my sensor.height=4000. Nevertheless I don't get any vertices coordinates.

It is always for the same pixels that I manage to have intersections but never the four corners. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I barely changed the code from Alexey. I have tried many things but I don't have any ideas left. This is why I would like to know if there is anybody who met the same problem.

Here is the code:

Code: [Select]
import time
import PhotoScan

def cross(a, b):
result = PhotoScan.Vector([a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y, a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z, a.x*b.y - a.y *b.x])
return result

print("Script started")

#cam_index ="Input camera index (starting from zero): ") Manual selection of the camera
save_path ="Specify output file:")

t0 = time.time()
file = open(save_path, "wt")
file.write('FileName    Pixel x    Pixel y    Vertex Lon    Vertex Lat    Vertex Alt\n') # Header
doc =
chunk = doc.chunk
model = chunk.model
faces = model.faces
vertices = model.vertices

for camera in chunk.cameras:
    sensor = camera.sensor
    print(camera) #camera label

    step = 1000 #bigger value - faster processing.
    steps = list(zip(list(range(0, sensor.width - 1, step)), [0]*((sensor.width - 1)// step)))
    steps.extend( list(zip([sensor.width - 1]*((sensor.height - 1) // step), list(range(0, sensor.height - 1, step)))) )
    steps.extend( list(zip(list(range((sensor.width - 1), 0, -step)), [sensor.height - 1]*((sensor.width - 1)// step))))
    steps.extend( list(zip([0]*((sensor.height - 1) // step), list(range(sensor.height - 1, 0, -step)))) )
# Selection of the four corners:   
    #ltop_corner=PhotoScan.Vector([0, 0]) # left top corner
    #rtop_corner=PhotoScan.Vector([sensor.width - 1, 0]) # right top corner
    #rbottom_corner=PhotoScan.Vector([sensor.width - 1, sensor.height - 1]) # right bottom corner
    #lbottom_corner=PhotoScan.Vector([0, sensor.height - 1]) # left bottom corner
    # List of the four corners
    for x,y in steps:
        point = PhotoScan.Vector([x, y])
        point = sensor.calibration.unproject(point)
        point = camera.transform.mulv(point)
        vect = point
        p = PhotoScan.Vector(
        for face in faces:
            v = face.vertices
            E1 = PhotoScan.Vector(vertices[v[1]].coord - vertices[v[0]].coord)
            E2 = PhotoScan.Vector(vertices[v[2]].coord - vertices[v[0]].coord)
            D = PhotoScan.Vector(vect)
            T = PhotoScan.Vector(p - vertices[v[0]].coord)
            P = cross(D, E2)
            Q = cross(T, E1)
            result = PhotoScan.Vector([Q * E2, P * T, Q * D]) / (P * E1)
            if (0 < result[1]) and (0 < result[2]) and (result[1] + result[2] <= 1):
                t = (1 - result[1] - result[2]) * vertices[v[0]].coord
                u = result[1] * vertices[v[1]].coord
                v_ = result[2] * vertices[v[2]].coord
                res = chunk.transform.matrix.mulp(u + v_ + t)
                res =
                #file.write( "{:>04d}".format(x + 1) + "\t" + "{:04d}".format(y + 1) + "\t" + "{:.8f}".format(res[0]) + "\t" + "{:.8f}".format(res[1]) + "\t" + "{:.4f}".format(res[2]) + "\n")
                file.write("%s""\t""%d""\t""%d""\t""%.08f""\t""%.08f""\t""%.3f \n" % (camera.label, x+1,y+1,res[0],res[1],res[2]))
                break #finish when the first intersection is found

t1 = time.time()
t1 -= t0
t1 = float(t1)
print("Script finished in " + "{:.2f}".format(t1) + " seconds.")

I am not sure I have understood everything about the code, especially this step:

Code: [Select]
result = PhotoScan.Vector([Q * E2, P * T, Q * D]) / (P * E1)
 if (0 < result[1]) and (0 < result[2]) and (result[1] + result[2] <= 1):
                t = (1 - result[1] - result[2]) * vertices[v[0]].coord
                u = result[1] * vertices[v[1]].coord
                v_ = result[2] * vertices[v[2]].coord

If someone feels like explaining it to me, I would be very grateful. I am quite new to Photoscan so I don't really know if I should post my question in this topic or somewhere else.

Best wishes,



I greatly appreciate your quick response.

The desired format is a .txt/ascii file similar to a previous posting by zjwang:

imagenames, estimated camera pitch angles, sparse point id1, X1, Y1, Z1
imagenames, estimated camera pitch angles, sparse point id2, X2, Y2, Z2
imagenames, estimated camera pitch angles, sparse point id3, X3, Y3, Z3

Thank you.



I've found several postings related to this post, but have not found an answer yet.

I'm trying to relate an estimated camera pitch angle with each sparse point, and need to somehow export the cameras associated with each sparse point.

Is there a way to export a text file with the x, y, z coordinates of each tie point in the sparse cloud with the corresponding image/camera name and the estimated image/camera pitch angle with python scripting?

Thanks in advance.


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