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Messages - Yoann Courtois

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Python and Java API / Re: Images rematching in an aligned project
« on: February 07, 2023, 08:09:56 PM »
Hi everyone !

I'm back, a couple of months later, in order to now if any new possibilities opened in order to unlock our problem.

Recent investigations has confirmed that, without clear explanation, it is not possible to manually rematch couples of images that are part of a set of images that have been already matched before.
But, as we have certified that those couples have been ignored not because they have no match, but because of preselection, we would need to rematch them.

As a workaround, we have though about two possibilities :
- Manually remove key points of only a list of images (is it possible ?) --> So that those images will be taken into account when in rematch paires.
- Manually create tie points (is it possible ?) --> So that we could at first export existing tie points, then remove images, import them again, rematch and finally re-import previous set of tie points.

The proposed solution of Alexey (only remove and re-import images that we want to rematch) is clearly not an efficient solution as it force us to reprocess all the couples that have been firstly matched.
It force us to recalculate hundreds of couple of images to get back tie points that have been lost when we have removed the images.

Is it possible to help us please ?


Python and Java API / Re: Images rematching in an aligned project
« on: April 20, 2022, 10:29:55 AM »
Hello Agisoft Team !

Would it be possible to tell me if something is already possible, or if some API modification are planned, or if we need to find any workaround by ourselves ?

It would be perfect if "matchPhotos" method could have an option to force processing of explicit image coupes list.
As I previously said, we notice that an image couple will be ignored by the method if both images have previously and separately been match, even if this couple itself has never been...


Bug Reports / Two sensors for one camera
« on: March 25, 2022, 12:25:55 PM »

Since 2022 version release (1.8.*), we have noticed that images taken from a single camera may create two different sensors after being imported in Metashape.
I wasn't able to identify which metadata has been used to seperate those two image groups. At least image format and focal length are the same !

May you have some tips ? Or is it a bug ?


Python and Java API / Re: Images rematching in an aligned project
« on: March 18, 2022, 05:40:47 PM »
Up !

Is there any workaround in order to add manuel couples of images in a second matchPhotos process ?

We have been able to certify kind of wrong preselected groups while looking at "Components" tree of our chunks.


Bug Reports / Re: DNS error on license server
« on: March 08, 2022, 04:40:29 PM »
Thanks for your help.

Everything has been well fixed this morning.


Bug Reports / Re: DNS error on license server
« on: March 07, 2022, 07:52:54 PM »
Hello Alexey,

Thanks for your reply.
Our license references will soon be sent to your support.

Hope you will be able to solve the problem.


Bug Reports / DNS error on license server
« on: March 07, 2022, 07:09:42 PM »
Dear Agisoft team,

We are currently encountering a problem to access to our license server. The DNS access looks down.
All our process are then currently stopped.


Python and Java API / Re: Images rematching in an aligned project
« on: January 29, 2022, 09:31:13 PM »
Hi Alexey,

Thanks for your reply.

But doing that, we would lose previously detected tie points (and so process time). We would like to keep them, and add more based on manually define pairs.
Technically it would not be a problem, but we don't understand why matchPhotos method ignore image couples which already have tie points. As we give explicit list of pairs, we would like them to be match, no matter where do they come from.


Python and Java API / Images rematching in an aligned project
« on: January 25, 2022, 10:30:17 PM »
Hello !

We encounter difficulties to rematch images that are part of a project that has been already aligned (with keep_keypoints=True).
Indeed, we would like to manually match precise image couples that have been first, during main process, ignored by pre-selections for example, in order to add tie points between images we know they could match.

We have been able to list all image couples that we would like to rematch, but :

- If both images of a couple already have saved key points (with keep_keypoints=True during main process), the matchPhotos(reset_matches=False) method ignore this couple, even if this couple has never been matched before.
- If both image key points are removed (with removeKeypoints method), the matchPhotos(reset_matches=False) method doesn't process the couple.

Then, we would like to be able to manually match a couple of images where both have saved key points.
Otherwise, we would like to be able to remove key points of selected images (not all of them as removeKeypoints do), so that we could have couples with an image with key points, and the other without.

Hope our problem is clearly enough described !


Hello Paul,

Indeed, you are right ! But ...

We have worked a whole day on the problem that in some cases, 3*3 rotation matrix is not equal to (Metashape.Matrix.Rotation(R)).rotation().
Finally we found that they are equivalent, because they describe the same yaw/pitch/roll angles, but looking at each value of both matrix, they are different...

We have then been able to apply angle corrections to our images as needed.

Thank you.

Hey !

Based on previous topic (, we found how we can get 3*3 rotation matrix and then yaw/pitch/roll values from 4*4 transformation matrix of an aligned images.
Using same function but with .translation() instead of .rotation(), we can easily get 3*1 translation matrix and so X,Y,Z coordinates.

But now for special test we would like to invert the process :
Based on 3*3 rotation and 3*1 translation matrix, we would like to get the 4*4 transformation matrix in metashape system.

Translation part is easy as X, Y and Z can be directly put in the 4*4 matrix like this :
Code: [Select]
[[*, *, *, X],
 [*, *, *, Y],
 [*, *, *, Z],
 [0, 0, 0, 1]]

But for the rotation part, it looks .rotation() apply a calculation from the "star part" on the above matrix ([[*,  *, ...]]) to the 3*3 rotation matrix.
So we would like to invert this function to create our own 4*4 matrix based on 3*3 rotation and 3*1 translation matrix.

Note : We get our 3*3 rotation matrix from yaw/pitch/roll values using ypr2mat() function

Hope it's clear enough  ::)


General / Re: Estimated Yaw, Pitch, Roll anomaly
« on: December 15, 2021, 04:07:10 PM »

No worry, I just wanted you to know that we are well mastering the software so this is kind of complexe problem we are facing now :)


I just sent this morning the archived project with the problematic image.

However, Some of our data (including this dataset) don't inlude GPS/INS informations so we cannot be helped with.
We also know that it could be problematic to process terrestrial images (taken horizontaly) with aerial orientations. But for now we didn't find the possibility to apply 90° offset somethere to get kind of "terrestrial orientation point of view".

Hope it's clear :)


General / Re: Estimated Yaw, Pitch, Roll anomaly
« on: December 14, 2021, 07:09:37 PM »

No problem for the screens.
Ahah it's not at all my first time. We are dealing with thousands of terrestrial and aerial images with full automated processes for years now.
We are actually trying to implement new process elements that are based of image orientation angles. That's why we need accurate yaw pitch roll values of all images in our project.

Dear Alexey,

Thanks for your answer. Indeed we understand that kind of situation could appear, but for now we have no solution to identify if given values are correct or not. Even if we reset and then realign this image, the orientation values are always the same. As we have no a priori values for orientation, is there any possibily to identify extrem situation and so wrong values ? Or another possibility to get those angles ?

Actual calculation :
Code: [Select]
matrix_t = chunk.transform.matrix
matrix_m =
matrix_r = (matrix_m * matrix_t * camera.transform * Metashape.Matrix().Diag([1, -1, -1, 1])).rotation()
camera_yaw, camera_pitch, camera_roll = Metashape.utils.mat2ypr(matrix_r)


General / Re: Estimated Yaw, Pitch, Roll anomaly
« on: December 14, 2021, 11:34:56 AM »
Hello !

For Kiesel :
Evertyhing is perfectly OK regarding alignment. Images are well aligned and georeferenced. The problem only appear on estimated values of some camera orientation.

Here are two screenshot. The first show an example of correct values (999% of images of the project have correct values), the second show the last image of the project, well aligned but yaw/pitch/roll values looks crazy.


General / Re: Estimated Yaw, Pitch, Roll anomaly
« on: December 14, 2021, 01:53:41 AM »
Dear Agisoft Team,

May you be able to help us on this problem ?


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