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Messages - pablorov

Pages: [1]
thank you!
it works great.

Hi, I try to estimate the image quality and disable those that have a quality lower than 0.6, I have tried with the following code:

Code: [Select]
    for camera in chunk.cameras:
        if float(["Image/Quality"]) < 0.6:
            camera.enabled = False

However, the console reports the following error:

Code: [Select]
float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'
What would be the correct code?

Also I would like to know if there is a parameter for the estimation to be carried out ignoring the masked areas, I reviewed the phyton agisoft guide but I did not find anything.

Thanks a lot

Python and Java API / Re: Update view and bounding box for each chunk
« on: March 04, 2017, 08:27:33 AM »
Hello m,

Here's the code that automatically orients the viewpoint to display the bounding box fully in the Model view frame and exports the model to PDF format.

Code: [Select]
import PhotoScan
from PySide import QtGui

chunk =
T = chunk.transform.matrix
viewpoint =

main =  QtGui.qApp
for wdg in list(main.allWidgets()):
    if wdg.inherits('QGLWidget'):
        cy = wdg.height()
        cx = wdg.width()

region = chunk.region
r_center =
r_rotate = region.rot
r_size = region.size
r_vert = list()

for i in range(8):   #bounding box corners
r_vert.append(PhotoScan.Vector([0.5 * r_size[0] * ((i & 2) - 1), r_size[1] * ((i & 1) - 0.5), 0.25 * r_size[2] * ((i & 4) - 2)]))
r_vert[i] = r_center + r_rotate * r_vert[i]

height =  T.mulv(r_vert[1] - r_vert[0]).norm()
width  = T.mulv(r_vert[2] - r_vert[0]).norm()

if width / cx > height /cy:
scale = cx / width
scale = cy / height = T.mulp( = scale = chunk.transform.rotation * r_rotate

crs = PhotoScan.CoordinateSystem("LOCAL")
chunk.exportModel(path, format="pdf", projection=crs)

As for the script that should use the coordinates of the bounding box corners, are you planning to specify all eight points or four laying in the plane?

What modifications should I make in this code to be compatible with version 1.3.0?

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