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Messages - holoped

Pages: [1]
General / Poor results using new Depth Maps, vs Dense point cloud
« on: January 08, 2019, 11:13:24 PM »
Hey all,
I've been testing the new Depth Maps feature and I'm getting poor results.

See picture for a scan I shoot a while ago. Using depth maps you can see the whole back of the car is missing. The same set of images were used for both scans (about 180).

Processing tool about 3 hours on a GTX 1070. Settings were all set to medium.

Any ideas how to improve this?

Perhaps i'm missing something, but I don't see any option to create depth maps.
It's not in the workflow?

Bug Reports / Metashape - Out of memory error when building dense cloud
« on: January 08, 2019, 04:07:02 AM »
Hey guys,

I've long since moved to RealityCapture but with this new version decided to give Agisoft another try, since the UX is so much better.

I have a scan with 312 images. I did alignment, which took oven an hour (not happy about that, RC aligned these images in less than 10 minutes)
I then run build dense cloud on Medium settings and after a few minutes got out of memory error. I have a GTX 1070 and 32gb of ram.

Any ideas?

General / Help with automated turn table setup
« on: March 13, 2017, 10:36:44 PM »
Hey all,

I built an automated turn-table that does 52 exposures per rotation and will automatically trigger the camera. I'm shooting against a greenscreen, and I'm using Agisoft's "Import mask from background" function to create a perfect mask of the objects.

Some objects work well, and some fail completely, like the example attached here.

Any tips? I assume this failed due to lack of features, is there anything that can be done about it?

Any tricks would be appreciated.


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