General / Re: Agisoft and opencv calibration.
« on: June 04, 2020, 05:54:12 PM »
I am trying to import an opencv calibration but its failing with cant load calibration.
I put the mtx values in the xml form Alexey shared here and the dist parameters but no success
what am i missing?
EDIT: please delete I simply forgot to select OPENCV Format
EDIT2: i think it should be rows:1 cols:5 and not the other way or not?
I am trying to import an opencv calibration but its failing with cant load calibration.
I put the mtx values in the xml form Alexey shared here and the dist parameters but no success

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<calibration_Time>"Wed Nov 14 18:34:34 2018"</calibration_Time>
<Camera_Matrix type_id="opencv-matrix">
7.1027199047244882e+04 0. 2.1432310560847563e+03 0. 6.6698200834795687e+04 1.8130108111131310e+03 0. 0. 4.</data></Camera_Matrix>
<Distortion_Coefficients type_id="opencv-matrix">
-1.5335114309410122e+02 4.4860617192493759e+04 3.0359106998357475e+00 1.6586668282629993e+00 8.7565776122760113e+01</data></Distortion_Coefficients>
what am i missing?
EDIT: please delete I simply forgot to select OPENCV Format
EDIT2: i think it should be rows:1 cols:5 and not the other way or not?