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Messages - aswang

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Time for new laptop, need advice.
« on: September 09, 2017, 05:31:43 AM »
So what laptop did you end up getting and how is it working out? I I need to get a laptop for Photoscan purposes since most of my projects are done on the field. I'm thinking of getting the f5 tornado with a 7700K and gtx 1070.  And maybe a thunderbolt egfx with a 1080 ti down the line for larger projects. Thoughts?

General / Re: Thunderbolt 3 and external gpu processing?
« on: July 06, 2017, 07:04:37 PM »
Thanks. Good to know it works. I'm still waiting for the project budget to be released so I'm still doing research on the best mobile/desktop system for my photoscan needs. I've read that one can use multiple gpus (even mismatched) for photoscan processing. If I have a laptop with a gtx or quadro gpu and then connect an external gpu (via thunderbolt 3), would it be possible to use both laptop and external gpu in the processing? Has anybody tested this out? Any advice would be great.

General / Thunderbolt 3 and external gpu processing?
« on: June 28, 2017, 12:32:25 PM »
I was wondering if anybody has any experience on using external gpu/s connected via thunderbolt 3 for photoscan processing. Would this be a plausible setup? I'm asking because I'm trying to decide a mobile system for photoscan wherein I can process the data on the field at low to medium resolution for checking and preliminary visualizations and then finalizing the work back in the lab using external gpu or maybe both laptop and external gpu. 

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