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Messages - edringel

Pages: [1]
General / Image acquisition problem with thin, sharp edges
« on: December 13, 2020, 09:10:35 PM »
Hello and thank you in advance.
I am working with a librarian to make an online 3D catalog of  popup books. These are books that when opened, portions of the page rise from the paper. I have attached a picture of an old popup birthday card that was given to my daughter many years ago so that readers can see what this looks like. Apparently, these are an artform unto themselves and some books can be quite costly. I thought that if I could model the card, it would be worth starting to work on the real thing.
I have been unable to create satisfactory 3D models. I am able to model the center of the card, but not the edges. It seems as though Metashape does not like thin, sharp edges. My imaging technique permits me to take hundreds of photographs, and even with very high photo densities I am unable to get the edges to model. The center gets better and better, but not the edges.
Is anyone aware of a technique that could be used for this purpose?

General / Trouble getting started
« on: October 14, 2018, 10:52:10 PM »
Hi All,
I'm having some difficulty that is likely very basic but need some help. I am trying to model small figures so that I can create an .stl file and duplicate the item on my 3D printer. I am trying to model a small frog (just a few cm.) and I cannot seem to get the camera alignment to work. I am taking pictures in a circumference around the object and all of the cameras align to one side. I have tried putting the object on a pure white surface, a very busy surface ( a piece of newspaper), using a very tight mask, no mask. I have tried dusting the object with powder so that the two sides of the object are less symmetric. Any ideas?

Thank you.

General / Inaccurate camera perspective
« on: September 24, 2017, 09:46:45 PM »
My first post. Thank you all in advance.
I am using Photoscan to scan a small ~8cm figurine. I've place the item on a pedestal. I have a camera on a tripod and am turning the item to change the camera. I am trying to record the underside of the item, so I am rotating the figure three times. First, I am shooting from below, up, so I can record the underside. Second, I am shooting straight on so that I am looking at the figure from eye level. Finally, I am recording from above.

I am successfully creating a dense point cloud and mesh. However, the program keeps aligning the pictures I am taking from below as if they are being shot from above.  I'm really not sure how to tell PhotoScan that I'm shooting from below. FWIW, I am taking about 30 pictures with each revolution, and if I don't include the images taken from below, the side and top of the figure are just about perfect.


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