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Messages - wyowill

Pages: [1] 2
General / Re: psx won't open following crash (missing xml file)
« on: January 07, 2020, 04:08:54 AM »
Cheers Alexey.

Any idea why the file would simply disappear in a crash?  Perhaps more importantly, what's the best way to prevent in the future?


General / psx won't open following crash (missing xml file)
« on: January 02, 2020, 08:07:38 PM »

The psx file I was working on when MetaShape (v.1.5.3) crashed won't open.  The message I receive:

       ! Can't open archive: mypath/filename.files/0/0/

I can confirm that '' is present in the specified location, but has no content. By contrast, companion folders seeming to belong to other chunks (e.g. filename.files/1/0/ all contain doc.xml files which contain photo information.

MetaShape will open and I can run other psx files I used yesterday, just not the one that was open at time of crash.

At the time of the crash I was getting weird (Windows) memory errors I've never seen previously and had already restarted MetaShape once.  The timing of the errors was particularly strange because I was only georeferencing photos at the time.  My PC has 32GB of RAM and I regularly run alignments on "highest" and even dense clouds on "high" (albeit slowly) without incident.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


#####  UPDATE #####

the 'doc.xml' file in filename.files\0\  contains some common information with the missing xml file.  It's formatted differently, but I've at least been able to recover image names and enabled status (which saves me from revisiting 5-6 hours of manual image review & selection).

##### UPDATE 2 #####

I created a new psx file and read images from the extracted list to ~replicate the corrupt chunk. I created the same number of chunks (albeit empty) as the original psx file. Then copied the "1", "2", and "3" folders from the parent directory (filename.files) associated with the original psx file into filename.files associated with the new psx file.  I lost the alignment from the main chunk, but was able to recover everything else.

General / Re: move disabled cameras with Python? (not remove)
« on: December 20, 2019, 01:21:04 AM »
Excellent.  Cheers!

General / move disabled cameras with Python? (not remove)
« on: December 19, 2019, 02:39:53 AM »
Is there a way to (non-manually) either:

1) select disabled cameras, or
2) select disabled cameras and move to another chunk

#2 isn't a big deal as it's just a few mouse clicks to move cameras once selected.

This post comes close to what I'm looking for:

But I don't want to remove from the psx file entirely.  My searches of the Python Reference Manual (for v1.5.0) didn't find select or move functionality.


Feature Requests / Re: Filter photos by enabled/disabled status
« on: December 19, 2019, 02:18:36 AM »

(recognising this post is from 2013, but the feature is still not in Metashape 1.5.5)

General / Re: export list of complete camera paths to csv?
« on: December 17, 2019, 11:09:23 AM »
"p =["path"]"
p =

Spot-on.  Cheers!

General / export list of complete camera paths to csv?
« on: December 17, 2019, 08:30:52 AM »
I'm looking to generate a csv file of camera paths and enabled/disabled status.  I've sorted the following and have it running from the console...

Code: [Select]
import Metashape as ms
import csv

def get_camera_names(chunk):

    camera_lst = []
    enabled_lst = []
    for c in chunk.cameras[:10]:
        p =["path"]
        if c.enabled == True:
            en = "True"
            en = "False"
    return (camera_lst, enabled_lst)

doc =
chunk = doc.chunk


out_file = "J:\\MyDrive\\MyCode\\TestFile.txt"
with open(out_file, 'w', newline='') as myfile:
     wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

However, variable 'p' returns a bunch of unwanted characters in the string without the full path or extension.  For example:

    ...,<Camera 'DJI_0735_Mission4X_nadir'>,<Camera 'DJI_0736_Mission4X_nadir'>,...

Unless the above is needed for subsequent import into a different .psx file, I'd like:



[my ultimate aim is to add the identical suite of cameras and their enabled/disabled status into a completely different psx file]

General / updating GCP/marker coordinates?
« on: December 17, 2019, 04:22:09 AM »
What's the best way to update coordinate values for markers/referencing?

Initially, I processed a ground-controlled model all the way through to orthomosaic using what turned-out to be preliminary coordinate values.

Subsequently, I was able to recover GCP data I'd thought was lost to a device failure and able to generate more precise coordinate values.

Using the same source images, I'd like to generate a model with updated coordinates but am not keen to re-digitise marker projections (N > 40 markers each with > 10 projections) nor individually copy/paste XYZ values. 

I'd appreciate any recommendations for:

1) updating in bulk (e.g. importing new values to existing markers), and/or
2) need to reset camera alignments[/li][/list]


General / marker symbology in "model" pane
« on: December 09, 2019, 08:43:00 PM »
Is there a setting to have different symbologies for markers that "checked" vs "unchecked" in the rEference pane?

I'd like an at-a-glance view in the model pane of the distribution of my control vs check points.


Bug Reports / navigation & selection keyboard shortcuts not working
« on: June 27, 2019, 11:44:42 PM »
v, m, l are not toggling their various functions as they did in PhotoScan.

behaviour observed in:

running Windows 7 64-bit


Points were selected in 3D view oriented in profile to the project so that only below-ground points could be selected.

Good suggestion on checking against the camera's visible in 3D.

As far I can tell, only the cameras associated with a particular tie point are treated.  The number presented in the pop-up pane seems to increment by the number of cameras in each operation.  For example...
- operation 1: select tie point related to 5 cameras & reset alignment...pop-up says 5 cameras
- operation 2: select tie point related to 3 cameras & reset alignment...pop-up says 8 cameras

If I activate a different chunk, then return to my target chunk in between ops 1 & 2, then the value displayed for the op 2 pop-up is the correct number (i.e. "3" in the above example).  My initial concerns about things being unknowingly altered seem to be allayed. I suspect it's related to a counter that isn't getting reset.


As a bit of a follow-up...

When I click onto a different chunk, then click back to my target chunk before resetting, the number in the pop-up confirmation always seems to be correct.

Do you have any camera track in the project (available in Animation pane)

I don't know what this is, but I don't think so. I don't use this feature and when I just opened the view, the window pops open with none of my content.

or whether you are working with the multi-camera system layout?

No.  All images are taken from a single DJI Phantom 3 Pro.



When resetting camera alignment on a selection of photos, the pop-up window (that asks for confirmation) frequently indicates a greater number of photos to be reset.

For example, I select 6 photos (e.g. by shift-click) > right-click > reset camera alignment > the pop-up window asks: "Reset alignment for 18 cameras"

If I click "Yes", does it really reset the alignment of the 6 photos I want + 12 other unknown photos or is there a bug in the counter?

A bit of background on the problem:

I'm using Metashape 1.5.2 in Windows 10 64-bit

When cleaning sparse point cloud, I:
- select bad points in model view based on visual inspection
- right-click selected points > Filter Photos by Tie Points
- the number of Photos appear appearing in the "Photos" pane is refined to X
- I select the photos (e.g. via shift-click)
- right-click "Reset Camera Alignment"
- pop-up windows asks if I want to reset alignment for Y cameras
    - sometimes Y = X
    - sometimes Y is >> X
    - Y is never < X\
    - the value of Y seems to increase if I do a series of these select-reset operations


General / importing camera referencing (marker projections?)
« on: May 17, 2019, 10:19:38 PM »
Is there a way to import camera referencing / projection info with markers?

I have two psx files with the same images.

File1 (exporting markers) and File2 (receiving markers) have the same coordinate system (= geodetic referencing of both files is the same).

File1 and File2 contain exactly the same images with names unchanged.  Image dimensions are identical in both files (= marker placement on an image of a given name has identical coordinates in both files).

It seems this should be straightforward, but I haven't been able to sort it out via the GUI/menu structure.  Can it be done via scripting?


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