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Messages - davidw

Pages: [1]
Face and Body Scanning / Best Camera Choices for a rig - budget cameras?
« on: October 05, 2018, 02:44:28 PM »

I'm currently considering a rig similar to ones i've seen for up to 8 cameras. I realise that DSLR or mirror framed cameras are the best choice but i'm on a budget for the whole rig and wanted some options.

The DSLR's i've looked at so far is the Nikon D1100 and the new NIkon D3400.

Does anyone have some suggestions?


General / Cameras Options - Rig of 8.
« on: October 04, 2018, 11:12:55 AM »

I'm currently considering a rig similar to ones i've seen for up to 8 cameras. I realise that DSLR or mirror framed cameras are the best choice but i'm on a budget for the whole rig and wanted some options.

The DSLR's i've looked at so far is the Nikon D1100 and the new NIkon D3400.

Does anyone have some suggestions?


General / Introducing Agisoft to a Studio Pipeline
« on: September 24, 2018, 05:33:46 PM »

After a few successful attempts at Photogrammetry with a variety of softwares, we are considering introducing Photogrammetry into our studio pipeline for some product and prop 3D models. However, I need to further my research before I can validate its worth adopting and the investment it would require.

As such, I have a few questions and if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great ( I will be researching outside of this thread also), but also updating this thread myself for others who may actually stumble across and need the same information. Some of these questions I've already got my own experiences to add towards but its always helpful to gather more from experienced people. :)

Q1 - In a rig of several cameras, how does agisoft deal with different cameras - would this be an issue, what about if these cameras had a different resolution?

Q2 - I understand that ideally the cameras need to revolve around an asset rather then vice versa, meaning that a lazy susan is an alternative but does anyone have any suggestions for a rig that could do this as all we seem to find is human-capable rigs. We are hoping to find a rig that is adaptable to different sized assets.

Q3 - From tests i've produced of a variety of different assets; the amount of photos ive used have been roughly 60-120 images. Is there any guideline here or is it a guesswork with just maximum possible coverage.

Q4 - Is there anything anyone can recommend to try and automate this process; i.e. capturing the photos on each rotation automatically from all cameras etc. I've seen a few Pi rigs which captures an image per rotation.

Q5 - How many cameras and from what angles would you recommend?

Q6 - What specs would a dedicated PC require to churn through these assets on a daily basis, with as minimal processing time?

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