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Messages - wangyanru

Pages: [1]
Thank you for your reply! It is really useful !!! ;D

here is the version change log,but I can not figure out what is the detailed format change, I wonder this may be the bug source?

• Changed type of format argument in Chunk.importCameras() and Chunk.exportCameras() methods to CamerasFormat

This is the xml exported from v1.2 , and when I use the same pictures in v1.4, and wanna import the cameras xml to build dense point cloud, it failed,reconstructed nothing

In photoscan v1.4.4,    when I use the xml format camera parameters exported from  from photoscan v1.2   ,the  dense cloud point can not be reconstructed correctly.

Is there any difference between  photoscan v1.4.4 and  photoscan v1.2 ?and how can i correct the camera xml file from v.1.2 to v1.4.4?

Python and Java API / Re: export Render photos
« on: January 23, 2019, 05:27:32 PM »
Thanks for your fast reply!
yes, we want to get images of reconstructed model from artificial locations which are on a regular arc (while it is a line in default UI render photos option )

I have computed out the locations,and rendered photos using examples mentioned above ,here is the result,it is much more blurred than the export render photo in UI(the second image),

the manually exported render photos seem like just rectified from source images,is there any api to change the default artificial location?I haven't found yet.

Python and Java API / export Render photos
« on: January 22, 2019, 06:02:18 PM »
In new version photoscan v1.4,we can export the rendered photos in the UI ,export->render photos,and there also need some manual operations to chose suitable projection plane,and the render results seems like rectified images based on source images .   so is there any method to get  render photos from specific views by python scripts? I have tried the examples like this:

Code: [Select]
import PhotoScan
import os

# Checking compatibility
compatible_major_version = "1.4"
found_major_version = ".".join('.')[:2])
if found_major_version != compatible_major_version:
    raise Exception("Incompatible PhotoScan version: {} != {}".format(found_major_version, compatible_major_version))

def get_cameras(chunk):
    selected_cameras = [camera for camera in chunk.cameras[0:32] if camera.transform and camera.selected]

    if len(selected_cameras) > 0:
        return selected_cameras
        return [camera for camera in chunk.cameras if camera.transform]

def render_cameras():
    print("Script started...")

    chunk =[0]
    #chunk2 =[1]
    if not chunk.model:
        raise Exception("No model!")

    for camera in get_cameras(chunk):
        render = chunk.model.renderImage(camera.transform, camera.sensor.calibration)

        photo_dir = os.path.dirname(
        photo_filename = os.path.basename(
        render_filename = os.path.splitext(photo_filename)[0] + "_render.jpg", render_filename))

    print("Script finished!")

label = "Custom menu/Render photos for cameras", render_cameras)
print("To execute this script press {}".format(label))

but the results is not as expected as exported results from UI (render photos)   ,   can anyone explain and give some tips?

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