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Messages - mli

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Camera Calibration / Re: Marker at base of image
« on: October 21, 2019, 03:45:19 PM »
Hello kvandersys,

The markers' projections which are defined on the images with the gray flag are not utilized for the processing. Such flags are only suggesting the location of the projection to the user according to the other projections (blue and green flags). So in this case (like shown on the screenshot) you do not have to "block marker", just leave it as is.
Hello Alexey,
I have some markers that are marked with blue flags in the photos。The scene is a Mais field, some markers could be The fact is, they are slight occluded. which means I know the GCPs locate within several pixels however I could not be precise about the exact position。 What should I do with these flags---- to guess a positon or block marker or clear marker?
Does ‘clear marker’ means there is no marker?Can you explain more about difference and later algorithm impact between ‘clear marker’ and ‘block marker’


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