General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.7.0 pre-release
« on: December 08, 2020, 04:34:58 PM »version 1.7.0 build 11539.
got some inaccurate results in depthmaps generation. not sure if results from to less image overlap or something else.
Input: 57x 16bit tif files from 61mp raws. 24mm g-master lens.
Hello Exorbitart,
Is it possible to share the complete image set and related project with alignment results to support@agisoft.com?
Also have you checked if 1.6.5 results are better? Probably the surface itself has some reflections which affect the reconstruction results.
Hello Alexey,
I send you some example phtos, the report and the resulting maps that represent the output model. The full project is to big to send (66GB).
Hope you can see anything that help to clarify the issues.