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Messages - gautier.laurent

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Confidence math
« on: December 13, 2022, 05:37:46 PM »
I have been looking for this information for quite a while and I'm needing it to clarify results for research.
So many thanks for asking the question here and for the clear answer.

I'd suggest to clearly integrate this information in the manual,
especially considering how simple the answer is in the end.

I was suspecting the math would be complicated and that was why it is not explained.

General / Re: guided marker placement - blue markers used in optimisation?
« on: December 10, 2020, 02:44:15 PM »
Is there a way to prevent the positioning of blue flags? (I prefer to never you them)
Hello, I think Allowen's question is interesting and hasn't been answered.
Is there a way to prevent markers to be automatically placed?

In a project I have they tend to be wrongly placed and this is perturbing the alignement of other pictures.
The proposed script saves a lot of time but it would be even better to prevent the appearence of blue flags in this context.

Best regards

Pages: [1]