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Messages - learly

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Option to blend 360 Panoramas at left/right edge
« on: September 23, 2021, 08:40:02 PM »
I would like to second this feature request. Agisoft does a very very good job at projecting the panorama, but there is a noticeable seam at the edges. Please consider adding blending for panoramas.

General / Re: Problems meshing details well represented in dense cloud
« on: April 23, 2021, 10:46:27 PM »
In case anyone is waiting with bated breath - the model is now on Sketchfab:

Thanks again for the help.

Leah Early

General / Re: Problems meshing details well represented in dense cloud
« on: April 13, 2021, 11:06:01 PM »
Great, thank you Alexey. Could this also be caused by some photos having that section out of focus or do you think misalignment is more likely? (I imagine out of focus areas could cause misalignment since the fuzzy bits are magnified?) I was hoping to avoid masking the photos so I am sure some are out of focus there and could easily address that if it is a source of error here. I guess this would also explain the failure on the cords if so.

I do want to add the little flag itself is "waving" in shape and it's at the sculpted fold that the mesh seemed to fail. I was worried the highlights on the metal combined with the folded shape were the problem.

General / Re: Problems meshing details well represented in dense cloud
« on: April 13, 2021, 04:13:26 PM »
Thank you, Alexey. I've attached a number of screenshots: the dense point cloud including closeup of the detail of the flag in the dense point cloud, the 3d model from dense cloud with interpolation disabled, the 3d model from dense cloud with interpolation enabled, and the 3d model from the depth maps.

General / Re: Problems meshing details well represented in dense cloud
« on: April 12, 2021, 11:08:13 PM »
The processing has finished and it did a much better job, but still missed some parts. Thank you Paul for directing me to generate the mesh from the depth maps. I am still confused about why it omitted areas well represented in the dense point cloud if anyone can explain. I figured it would create a mesh including all points in the dense cloud.

General / Re: Problems meshing details well represented in dense cloud
« on: April 12, 2021, 11:01:45 PM »
Oh of course. Thank you!

General / Re: Problems meshing details well represented in dense cloud
« on: April 12, 2021, 10:26:29 PM »
I am still waiting for processing to complete generating the mesh from the depth maps. But watching this raises another question for me - what does it mean by "treetop parts" and "leaves group"?

Not sure if I am off base here but I'm interested in how the major application for aerial survey/topographic reconstruction affects priorities in reconstructing objects such as shot on a turntable.

Thanks for any help in understanding this.


General / Re: Problems meshing details well represented in dense cloud
« on: April 12, 2021, 08:22:02 PM »
I see - of course. Thank you for your help. I'll report back after processing is complete. I am still unsure why the mesh generation based on dense point cloud failed to reproduce the details in the dense point cloud and would appreciate anyone's insights into that issue, or regarding merging the models from two chunks.


General / Re: Problems meshing details well represented in dense cloud
« on: April 12, 2021, 07:35:41 PM »
Thank you, Paul. I am trying that now. Do you have any recommendation for whether, when generating the mesh from the depth maps, I should disable or enable interpolation and whether or not I should disable depth filtering? For what it's worth I had originally disabled depth filtering when generating the dense cloud because I was trying everything to retain more detail on those particular areas.

I have also done a lot of work cleaning up the dense cloud (especially since I disabled depth filtering) - I imagine that when I make the mesh from depth maps the program still respects the dense cloud edits and uses them like it would normally - is that the case?

Thank you so much!

Leah Early

General / Problems meshing details well represented in dense cloud
« on: April 12, 2021, 06:28:34 PM »
Using Metashape Pro version, I have produced a model from 334 images of an object shot on a turntable. The item is a metal sculpture of a viking ship and several details - in particular narrow cords and a small flag on top - are missing from the mesh despite being well represented in the dense cloud. After many trials I used the "Interpolation: Disabled" setting and was able to retain these features in the model. However, then I was unable to build a texture for the model and the program froze completely on several operations, including "Close Holes" and while parametrizing the texture atlas. I gather this is because the disabled interpolation causes a messy mesh with many disconnected parts, but I don't know how to get around it since the other options miss crucial parts of the dense cloud.

I have tried resizing the region to make a mesh of only the omitted details thinking I would combine the two meshes. However, with interpolation enabled it still fails to model these areas. I tried to use "Merge Chunks" to combine the large interpolated model with the small model of the detail using disabled interpolation (checking "Merge models") but the resultant merged chunk does not contain any 3d models, only the cameras.

Apart from failing to recreate these portions of the object, the program does a very good job with interpolation enabled and generates the texture perfectly - so I hope there is some solution. I don't have the skills to recreate these portions in an outside modeling program and this would be far less desirable than simply modeling them in Metashape, but I am also open to suggestions in that direction.

Thank you very much for considering my problem. Following is the log info for the two chunks I tried to combine:

For the chunk with the small “detail” non-interpolated model (428,134 faces):

Cameras   334
Aligned cameras   334
Coordinate system   Local Coordinates (m)
Rotation angles   Yaw, Pitch, Roll
Point Cloud   
Points   424,271 of 528,804
RMS reprojection error   0.156836 (0.836528 pix)
Max reprojection error   0.502332 (28.1294 pix)
Mean key point size   3.99739 pix
Point colors   3 bands, uint16
Key points   No
Average tie point multiplicity   3.20533
Alignment parameters   
Accuracy   Highest
Generic preselection   No
Reference preselection   No
Key point limit   100,000
Tie point limit   12,000
Exclude stationary tie points   Yes
Guided image matching   Yes
Adaptive camera model fitting   Yes
Matching time   6 hours 18 minutes
Matching memory usage   2.92 GB
Alignment time   1 minutes 45 seconds
Alignment memory usage   518.67 MB
Software version
File size   38.64 MB
Depth Maps   
Count   334
Depth maps generation parameters   
Quality   Ultra High
Filtering mode   Disabled
Processing time   1 hours 44 minutes
Memory usage   20.51 GB
Software version
File size   4.84 GB
Dense Point Cloud   
Points   156,411,400
Point colors   3 bands, uint16
Depth maps generation parameters   
Quality   Ultra High
Filtering mode   Disabled
Processing time   1 hours 44 minutes
Memory usage   20.51 GB
Dense cloud generation parameters   
Processing time   3 hours 25 minutes
Memory usage   98.59 GB
Software version
File size   2.78 GB
Faces   428,134
Vertices   413,565
Vertex colors   3 bands, uint16
Depth maps generation parameters   
Quality   Ultra High
Filtering mode   Disabled
Processing time   1 hours 44 minutes
Memory usage   20.51 GB
Reconstruction parameters   
Surface type   Arbitrary
Source data   Dense cloud
Interpolation   Disabled
Strict volumetric masks   No
Processing time   2 minutes 30 seconds
Memory usage   6.71 GB
Software version
File size   12.84 MB

For the chunk with the large interpolated model (31,282,279 faces):

Cameras   334
Aligned cameras   334
Coordinate system   Local Coordinates (m)
Rotation angles   Yaw, Pitch, Roll
Point Cloud   
Points   424,271 of 528,804
RMS reprojection error   0.156836 (0.836528 pix)
Max reprojection error   0.502332 (28.1294 pix)
Mean key point size   3.99739 pix
Point colors   3 bands, uint16
Key points   No
Average tie point multiplicity   3.20533
Alignment parameters   
Accuracy   Highest
Generic preselection   No
Reference preselection   No
Key point limit   100,000
Tie point limit   12,000
Exclude stationary tie points   Yes
Guided image matching   Yes
Adaptive camera model fitting   Yes
Matching time   6 hours 18 minutes
Matching memory usage   2.92 GB
Alignment time   1 minutes 45 seconds
Alignment memory usage   518.67 MB
Software version
File size   38.64 MB
Depth Maps   
Count   334
Depth maps generation parameters   
Quality   Ultra High
Filtering mode   Disabled
Processing time   1 hours 44 minutes
Memory usage   20.51 GB
Software version
File size   4.84 GB
Dense Point Cloud   
Points   156,411,400
Point colors   3 bands, uint16
Depth maps generation parameters   
Quality   Ultra High
Filtering mode   Disabled
Processing time   1 hours 44 minutes
Memory usage   20.51 GB
Dense cloud generation parameters   
Processing time   3 hours 25 minutes
Memory usage   98.59 GB
Software version
File size   2.78 GB
Faces   31,282,279
Vertices   15,658,885
Vertex colors   3 bands, uint16
Depth maps generation parameters   
Quality   Ultra High
Filtering mode   Disabled
Processing time   1 hours 44 minutes
Memory usage   20.51 GB
Reconstruction parameters   
Surface type   Arbitrary
Source data   Dense cloud
Interpolation   Enabled
Strict volumetric masks   No
Processing time   54 minutes 26 seconds
Memory usage   72.75 GB
Software version
File size   716.27 MB

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