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Messages - rowild

Pages: [1] 2
General / Re: Tie Points dense, but Point cloud very disappointing
« on: October 17, 2024, 11:32:28 AM »
@Alexey Pasumansky - thank you very much for your guidance and detailed support! It helped, the point cloud turned out to be rather nice! :-)

General / Re: Tie Points dense, but Point cloud very disappointing
« on: October 09, 2024, 07:40:10 AM »
Olihar, you write: "That doesn't answer the question" – well, then you know what your answers feel like, when I read them.

"The reason I am asking is because of the screenshot of your software." – what has that to do with my problem? It doesn't explain anything. Aside from that, as for the version and build number everything should be mentioned in that very screenshot.

General / Re: Tie Points dense, but Point cloud very disappointing
« on: October 08, 2024, 11:08:32 PM »
The latest downloadable one.

General / Re: Tie Points dense, but Point cloud very disappointing
« on: October 08, 2024, 10:34:01 PM »
Thank you, Alexey Pasumansky, for your feedback and your advise! Making the camera visible in the point cloud was an important tip! It shows that on the second level of that spiral bridge something went wrong.

Here are 2 images of the object I filmes:

I am actually surprised that the internet does not offer better images of my motive, but anyway... in both pictures it is possible can see the "spiral" in the background, a bike lane that leads up to a bridge in order to cross the river.

The image of the tie points with the cameras visible is here:

Being new to MetaShape, I don't know what it means when someone says "its not calibrated correctly". I used a insta360 RS One camera, and I am currently of the opinion that there is not much to calibrate, if it is the camera that is meant. Here is a screenshot of my camera settings anyway:

Or what does "calibrating" actually mean, specifically in the context of this project?

(In my first post I linked over 10 images. Can they be opened?)

I will try some more renderings this night with the settings you recommend. Thanks again!

General / Re: Tie Points dense, but Point cloud very disappointing
« on: October 08, 2024, 07:37:40 PM »
Olihar - thank you for your answer(s), but you have a way of providing them that force me to keep asking. Why do you do that? It would be way more helpful and less time consuming, if you could share your complete thoughts and observations right away. Or not at all, which is ok.

What I need is help.
You are not providing it.

So I kindly ask you to please refrain from answers that do nothing else but force to post another question due to your answer.

IMO, it also wouldn't hurt anybody, if you could find a friendlier tone. Not only here.

Thank you!

General / Re: Tie Points dense, but Point cloud very disappointing
« on: October 08, 2024, 05:55:41 PM »
There are tons of tie points, so data is recognised I would assume. Don't understand why the point cloud is such a hotch-potch...

Sorry, but I don't know which one you mean. I am using the test version...

General / Tie Points dense, but Point cloud very disappointing
« on: October 07, 2024, 10:23:03 PM »
I recorded a spiraling ramp for bikers, leading up to a bridge, with a insta360 One RS. Usually 360 degree images and the Spherical setting in Metashape give supercool results. But this time I must have been doing something wrong. While the tie points are rather dense, the point cloud is very dissatisfying. I uploaded some image, which hopefully give some feedback and info (images were to large to be uploaded her to the forum):

Tie points:

Tie points with Depth map infos:

The resulting point cloud:

Excerpts from the console:

And here are also some of the images used:

I should mention that I tried with a set where every 30th, then every 24th, then 12th and eventually 7th image of a 30fps video was used. And I used "Spherical Camera". And i should probably also mention that the images, after the point cloud was calculated, are black+white when inspected, while the preview is in color. Here are 2 examples:

Any tips on how to improve the result?

Thank you, @olihar! In "Tools => Point Cloud" I see to filter functions, one deal with confidence, the other with selection. No method that deals with "point spacing". Unless either of the aforementioned 2  methods is the pendant to the Batch Process's "Point Spacing"?

General / Batch Process offers "Point Spacing" for "Build Point Cloud"...
« on: October 07, 2024, 05:47:40 PM »
...but the regular "Build Point Cloud" interface does not. I am sure I miss something: Maybe the feature is called differently? Or is there a reason why this option is not available in the "regular mode"?

General / Adjust red rectangle to view?
« on: October 05, 2024, 10:00:37 AM »

Beginner here. I created a pointcloud and would like to adjust it to the XYZ coordinates. The result of that can be seen in the attached screenshot. The red rectangle though does not seem to be adjustable to the view of the model.

I do not really know what the red rectangle means: does it define the "world coordinates", while the gray transparent rectangle establishes "local coordinates"?

Is there any way to align the red rectangle with the gray one? (So that world and local coordiantes are the same?)

Thank you!

Thank you very much for all your help and support, @tazzo!

According to the specifications, my drone camera has a focal length of 24 mm (Equivalent 35mm).

Which value do I have to use? 24mm or 35mm?

I let you know. I now need to check on your new statement "if pixels are squared"...

Thank you again! I will try with 0.00333 then  ;D

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