« on: June 22, 2012, 11:12:14 AM »
Hi there,
I mainly use Photoscan to model interiors/exteriors etc. Recently, I have been trying to use it to model smaller things. Generally my tests have been very successful until I started trying to model bushes, ferns, flowers etc. My results have been ok, but not great...I'm wondering if this is a limitation of the software or if I need to approach taking the photos and altering my settings for this different task? Any help much appreciated.
I wondered if my problems had something to do with slight movement in the organic plant or the small/flat depth of the leaves. Therefore I did a test using random shapes cut from a sheet of plastic. I took a good amount of photos of this arrangement of plastic pieces...however, I was faced with the same problem when processing; the software had difficulty in modelling the depth of the plastic pieces. Anyone got any thoughts/insight?