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Messages - aaronfhd

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
General / Re: Insta360 video with GPS GPX
« on: July 31, 2024, 01:03:52 AM »
So now insta360 studio exports a GPX file with the video.

Is there anyway to import this with the video? or convert it to a SRT?

Feature Requests / Baking Normal Map from depth Maps
« on: March 05, 2024, 08:22:45 PM »
As Title says would be good to have a Normal map created from the depth maps in the images. You will get way more detail then from a model.

Feature Requests / QuadRemesher for Meshes
« on: February 01, 2024, 02:47:07 PM »
Some kind of quadremesher to clean meshes. Have higher Geo where it needs to be.


Feature Requests / Re: Support for Insta360 insv files with GPS
« on: September 18, 2023, 10:36:16 PM »
No support yet was hoping for this, and video support as well.

Feature Requests / Instant NERF?
« on: April 16, 2023, 02:48:13 PM »
Wondering if Agisoft will have instant nerf in the future.

No Problem I do this daily for my Job as I work in the field.

Also available for contract if you need assistance

To find out which images are doing this. select the point right click in 3d viewport and filter photos by points.

This will show only the photos that are creating these points.

Reset camera alignment on those cameras and try to realign them.

General / Fill holes in pointcloud?
« on: January 18, 2023, 05:57:00 PM »
I have a point cloud that has holes and would like to interpolate fill them.

Is there a script or anything that can do this?


General / Colored Lidar to Tiled Model Null Texture page
« on: December 21, 2022, 07:40:54 PM »
I have a lidar Point cloud and a ortho I colored the lidar from Agisoft and want to create a tiled model from it because the area is really big. I am getting a error when I try to do it Null Texture page.

Any Help would be great for this as some of our older data we don't have photogrammetry just Lidar.

Feature Requests / Re: Support for Insta360 insv files with GPS
« on: August 23, 2022, 05:56:47 PM »
ok will upload to google drive and send the link to that email.

General / Insta360 video with GPS
« on: August 21, 2022, 10:16:11 PM »
Anyone have any experience with this.

I have a video with GPS but have no way of matching it to the video in agisoft

Feature Requests / Support for Insta360 insv files with GPS
« on: August 20, 2022, 02:19:47 AM »
Would be great to support Insta360 video files and images.

If you need samples let me know.

The video is in a insv format which is just a container.

Right now we have to extract everything manually.

Bug Reports / Re: Python Region Bug
« on: July 08, 2022, 01:59:15 PM »
Ok  so very reproduceable using the script

and then after it seem the file is in a weird state unless you manually do the region.

Once you do that it fine.

Bug Reports / Re: Python Region Bug
« on: July 07, 2022, 10:37:46 PM »
ok this seems to introduce a a bit of weird issues.

If you use the script above

Meshing takes forever and the mesh appears weird by the edge of the region.

Moving it manually does not.

Bug Reports / Re: Python Region Bug
« on: July 06, 2022, 02:05:17 PM »
def placeRegion(center,size,angle):
   crs =
   T = chunk.transform.matrix
   center = Metashape.Vector((center[0],center[1],center[2]))
   center = T.inv().mulp(crs.unproject(center))
   m = crs.localframe(T.mulp(center)) * T
   R = m.rotation() * (1. / m.scale())
   size = Metashape.Vector((size[0],size[1],size[2])) / m.scale()  # scaling the size is required
   angle = numpy.radians(angle)
   rot = Metashape.Matrix([[numpy.cos(angle), -numpy.sin(angle), 0], [numpy.sin(angle), numpy.cos(angle), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
   rotation = R.t() * rot
   chunk.region.rot = rotation = center
   chunk.region.size = size


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