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Messages - tincansassoc

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Bug Reports / Minor Bug when changing masking tools
« on: June 12, 2013, 04:29:33 AM »
When using the intelligent scissors tool, but not completing the polygon, the selection will remain active if you switch to a different a different tool such as the rectangle selection tool. After doing this, the rectangle tool will still work fine, but there is a ghost image of the intelligent scissor tool while it is still trying to close its polygon. If you switch back to the intelligent scissor tool it will allow you to complete the polygon you started.

Photoscan Standard
Windows 8, 64 bit

General / Re: Upside Down
« on: April 15, 2013, 05:16:41 PM »
I tend to get significantly more upside down scenes then right side up and it is usually close to 180 deg.

General / Re: Can't open file HELP!
« on: March 26, 2013, 11:42:24 PM »
You should be more specific about your problem. Such as, what version or photoscan are you using? what operating system are you using? maybe list computer specs, etc. Whoever can help you will want a little more info first.

General / Re: Photoscan on a laptop
« on: March 20, 2013, 05:13:20 PM »
Just for thought, if your laptop had a decent wireless card from a good service provider you may be able to remotely access your desktop from anywhere. The laptop may only be needed to check the alignment  before you transfer everything remotely. This would take a long time with a lot of photos but it could save a lot of money. I think it would depend on your situation. (mostly depending on your access to wireless internet)

General / Re: Model Surface Area
« on: March 10, 2013, 08:01:12 PM »
The noise in your models is likely increasing your surface area. I'm curious if still have this problem once you reduce your other noise problem. You could test this be deleting the polygons on both the PhotoScan and surface scanner models in the noise areas and then compare the surface areas.

General / Re: Panther Cave
« on: March 09, 2013, 02:31:53 AM »
Sounds great, I look forward to seeing more of your work.

General / Re: Capturing motion with one camera?
« on: March 07, 2013, 11:56:05 PM »
Another issue with the idea of mirrors is cost... Standard glass mirrors are poor for photography because they can create double reflections. The general solution to this is using a highly polished metal mirror (stainless or chrome for example). This would guarantee only one reflection but the cost could be be equivalent to the cost of another camera depending on the size. And the additional loss in resolution from each mirror makes this impractical.

I find myself using the orthographic view for over 90% of my workflow, however photoscan is always defaulting to perspective view. I find this annoying because it is much more difficult to create an accurate bounding box while using the perspective view and that is one of the first steps.

This seems like a simple fix by adding setting for default of perspective / orthographic in the photoscan preferences

Feature Requests / Re: User friendly view rotation & zoom
« on: March 05, 2013, 08:31:56 PM »
two more suggestions to improve view rotation

1. Allow Each chunk to "remember" where you had the view angle set, this will eliminate unnecessary view rotating while analyzing & comparing your different chunks.

2. Add a feature to set your default view orientation to a desired location. This could be determined by the bounding box (one side of the box could be outlined a different color and considered the "front view") or just a button that sets the view relative to an orgin. The would allow the possibility of jumping the view to Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, Bottom views.

General / Re: Panther Cave
« on: March 05, 2013, 07:34:01 PM »
Great tips, so you have found that only one LED array works best in a zero ambient light situations? or did you only use one because the paintings were on fairly smooth walls? I would have guessed 2 or 3 light sources would be better.

General / Re: Panther Cave
« on: March 04, 2013, 07:35:20 PM »
Nice work mwillis, could you explain your lighting setup a little more? you mentioned you used LED lamp arrays, were these attached to the camera or setup on tripods? and how many did you need? Also about how many photos did you use for the scene construction? this would be very helpful, thanks.

General / Re: How to capture the top and bottom side of a boat?
« on: February 26, 2013, 06:32:54 PM »
thanks, I will look more into VTK and ITK. Hopefully it is not too user hostile.

I would prefer a standalone software instead of a Solidworks plugin since my work owns the license. Therefore buying a plugin for software I don't own does not make sense. I am not opposed to buying software if it seems good enough.

General / Re: How to capture the top and bottom side of a boat?
« on: February 26, 2013, 12:09:42 AM »
I don't have any plugins, so I have been searching for some way to use free tools... However I have not found something that works to convert surface models into solid models.

General / Re: How to capture the top and bottom side of a boat?
« on: February 25, 2013, 09:45:32 PM »
I use Solidworks, its great for solid modeling, however it is user hostile to import an .obj file. Use a .wrl file instead if you want to directly import into solidworks, but you may first have to edit the file in another software unless you own expensive plugins for doing this. In my experience (without the plugins) once the surface is imported it appears to be view only 3d "image" and is fairly useless. I was hoping an open source cad software called FreeCAD would help but no luck yet. I am also finding a good way to do this, if you find something at works let me know.

General / Maximum points per photo
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:07:13 AM »
What do I need to consider for optimizing this setting in the preferences? Is this mostly dependent on how many MP my camera is? and if so, what would the ideal value be for a 12mp or a 18mp camera?

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