i created a model from to chuks with a core model being in a higher resolution and a extended area model ...
now i have prepared clasefied and cut the point clouds leaving a hole in the overview and a excactly fitting core area to fill it
in the model view it looks very nice and there is no real overlap and noise in the cut area it looks realy nice
however when i create a DEM or mesh the different resolution of the clouds semmes to mess up the processing and it looks wrong
the center area is displayed correctly and everything is fine
the surounding is displayed just very corse mch worse then the actual resolution in the point cloud maybe 5% of the points seems to be used
this is the case also when i create with the option use all points insted of just the ground points
any idea how i can force ps to use this points as well..
here is the point cloud view

and here the DEM