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Messages - holgar

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General / Re: taking Photos of a Building: Right Shooting Order
« on: February 10, 2015, 04:19:08 PM »
Thanks. I guess Reference pre-selection option is a Feature of the Proffesional Version?
I dont need Geo-referencing. I would only need it to speed up the Process. But I have only the standard Version at the moment.

General / Re: CPU and GPU benchmarks
« on: February 10, 2015, 03:42:28 PM »
I have just tested my new MacPro with the Building-Benchmark Scene:

New MacPro, 6-Core, 64GB Ram, Dual D700

Dense cloud Medium-setting 0/12 agressive:

Device 1 performance: 667.114 million samples/sec (ATI Radeon HD - FirePro D700 Compute Engine)
Device 2 performance: 693.546 million samples/sec (ATI Radeon HD - FirePro D700 Compute Engine)
Total performance: 1360.66 million samples/sec

Finished processing in 82.2601 sec (exit code 1)

Dense Cloud High-setting:

Device 1 performance: 819.165 million samples/sec (ATI Radeon HD - FirePro D700 Compute Engine)
Device 2 performance: 834.194 million samples/sec (ATI Radeon HD - FirePro D700 Compute Engine)
Total performance: 1653.36 million samples/sec

Finished processing in 434.088 sec (exit code 1)

Dense cloud Ultra-setting 0/12 mild:

Device 1 performance: 804.472 million samples/sec (ATI Radeon HD - FirePro D700 Compute Engine)
Device 2 performance: 832.658 million samples/sec (ATI Radeon HD - FirePro D700 Compute Engine)
Total performance: 1637.13 million samples/sec

Finished processing in 3347.54 sec (exit code 1)

General / Re: taking Photos of a Building: Right Shooting Order
« on: February 10, 2015, 03:39:02 PM »
Thanks for your Answer. I thought the Order is important for processing.
Another Question: In case of Archeological Sites is it recommended to use a GPS-logger? I am talking about areas of 100x100 Meter. Or is GPS data in such a field unnesessary?

General / taking Photos of a Building: Right Shooting Order
« on: February 10, 2015, 03:24:48 PM »
I am planning to do scanning of big buildings and Big Areas like Archological Sites.
Now I am wondering how I should plan to take the pictures as it is not as simple as the Examples in the Documentation.
I am not doing UAV. I shoot everything from tripod.
If I have a Complex Building. Is there a prefered order in which I should take the photos?

If I have to do a Complex Wall which is lets say L-Shaped. Would you circle the Wall completly Row by Row? Or better split the Wall into pieces and make single Segments of the Wall one by one?

As an simple example...a big wall. Should I take the Photos in lines from left to right?
Which of the following methods would you do:

Camera Calibration / Re: Lens Calibration - how far to go?
« on: September 17, 2014, 02:29:06 PM »
I can only say that I am also interested. I am Just making some tests and also wonder about the error differences. I am new to this topic..but I would like to know what are tolerable Vallues here.
Below are my results....are these Ok? I use a Canon 5D Mark II with a EF24-105mm f/4l IS USM Zoomlense.

General / Re: Optimizing Cameraalignment for better Results
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:56:53 AM »
I would like to show you an example...But I just trow away my testing-Files. For Testing I took an Apple. Maybe it was also to reflective. I am not sure. But the result was not satisfying. Rigth now I am testing with more uneven there it is hard to judge the Noise as the Surface is not smooth.

General / Optimizing Cameraalignment for better Results
« on: April 11, 2014, 10:19:14 AM »
I am using the Standardversion of PS to make scans of small objects. I want to get as much detail as possible. But using UltraHigh setting produces much noise. I take my Photos in a Studio with a lot of Light. I make 18 Megapixel Photos with a very good lens. So the Image quality I can not improve.
I have read that in the Pro  Version of PhotoScan there is a Option for Alignmentoptimization. Would that help me to get rid of the noisy surfaces. Or are there other Ways of optimizing in the Standard Version?

I usually get reproduction Error of 0.2-0.3
Effective Overlap is 2.68.
After analyzing the Imagequality I get Results ranging from 0.7-0.9
are that good Vallues?  should I take more Images?

Thank you for any Help. PS is such a great software and I am happy I found it.
Greetings, Holger

Bug Reports / Re: PS 1.02 Import Mesh not parsing OBJ correctly
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:54:40 PM »
Can I somehow get a previous Version of PS, where this works meanwhile? This Bug breaks my Workflow completely and I have to do some urgent Scans.
greetings, Holger

Bug Reports / Importing mesh is not working
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:02:18 PM »
 I just downloaded the latest Version 1.0.2. My Workflow is to export a rough mesh for editing in Zbrush and than reimport the Mesh in PS for Masking. This doesn't work anymore. If I import a Mesh it is there but not visible. It tells me the Vertices count correct but I don't see a Mesh. Masking the Images with the Model also is not working.

Anyone can help me?
Greetings, Holger

General / New Mac pro and PS
« on: October 29, 2013, 12:10:26 PM »
Hello All,
I am about to decide weather I buy the new Mac Pro. I wonder if PS can benefit from the Two FirePro GPU the MacPro provides. Or will PS only use one GPU? Does PS even use Open CL?
Another Question: Anyone tried PS on the new OSX Mavericks?
Thank you for any Hint.
Greetings, Holger

General / General Question about PointCount
« on: May 10, 2013, 12:55:55 PM »
Hello Again,
I am sorry for all my questions. But I am just starting with Pscan and there is so much Information missing in the Manual. I am glad I found this Forum. Here is so much good Information.

One thing I did not jet Understand. After Aligning the Photos I get a Certain number of Points. I Figured out that the Number depends on several Factors like Max Points per Photo, Number of Photos, and Align Quality.

After I aligned I usually delete inaccurate Points by using the Gradual Selection. Now In The Infos I get a lower Reprojection Error. I guess that is the Goal? Now In the Infos See my deleted Points are still say 29536 of 71234 for example. My Question is: Wich points will be used for the Meshgeneration? Does it even have an Effect on Meshgeneration if I delete Points? Or is this a Step that is only nesesarry if I want to export the Pointcloud?

Another Question:
Which Number of Points is in a god Range If I want to Aim for the best Results and want to have really tiny Details in my Mesh. Is it even Important to have a high number?
I have Scaned little things like Fruits and Small Wood peaces for testing. Is 30000 to 100000 Points a Good number or would a Million Points improve the Quality?

And one more: my Best result of Reprojection Error till now was: 0,209554.
Is it even Possible to get lower Error? Is there a Minimum Error that can not be lower?

Thank you for any Tips.
Cheers, Holger

General / High setting = bad result, Low setting= good result
« on: May 10, 2013, 12:41:33 PM »
Hello All,
I have encounter a strange thing that I dont understand. If I run the Alignment of Photos the first time with High Quality I get a messed up result. But When I run at low settings I get a better result.
This is my first strange founding.
But What I found even more strange is that if I Run now the Alignment for the Third time with High setting again I get a Good result.
So my conclusion is that best practise is to Run at low Quality for the First Run and than switch to Highquality and Align Again? Is that really improving the Quality? Or can I just run at High setting but with more Photos or better Quality Photos?

General / Re: Will 16-bit Image imporove the Resulting Mesh?
« on: May 07, 2013, 09:48:19 PM »
Thank you for the Answer. I guess I will stick to 8-Bit than...processing speed is more relevant. :)

General / Re: excellent texture blending
« on: May 07, 2013, 08:31:13 PM »
Yes that really surprised me and is the reason why I choose Photoscan.
cheers, Holger

General / Will 16-bit Image imporove the Resulting Mesh?
« on: May 07, 2013, 12:01:18 PM »
I wonder if 16-Bit Tiff Images will result in a better Mesh-Creation? Or is  8-Bit jpg just fine.
Thank you in advance. Holger

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