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Messages - End-User

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Chunks again
« on: April 23, 2011, 06:15:41 PM »
Hello Dmitry,

Thanks for your  reply.

What I meant was not for the merged mesh.

It will be great to enable or disable certain chunks in the aligned view. That applies also to visualise the  boundaries of the chunks in the same view.

Best Regards,


General / Chunks again
« on: April 20, 2011, 01:20:28 PM »

Is it possible to add a function to switch on and off  certain chunks or groups of chunks? It will be also of great help if the boundaries of chunks are visible as lines or different colors while texturing.

Best Regards,


Bug Reports / V cannot export model
« on: March 22, 2011, 01:31:44 PM »


I downloaded the recent upgrade and went on working on my project. But for some reason it cannot export models. I tried .3ds, .obj and .ply but none of the seem to work. Although the error message is " can't export model", it saves the model without textures.

Could you please help to sort out this problem?


General / Re: Scaling and coordinates
« on: January 27, 2011, 11:26:21 PM »
Is it the professional edition or standard? I did not see any scaaling feature in my standard edition? It would be great to have that, even the  simple two-point  scaling.

General / Alignment
« on: January 04, 2011, 11:20:51 AM »

I bought and have been  using Photoscan very recently. I must say that this is the best photogrammetry package I have ever used. I immediately went on working on  a project which grew to have 12 chunks with 118  1920x1280 pixel photos.

With the  first six chunks alignment was running perfectly. But now it seems to fail after at least 2 hrs  of processing which turn out to be frustrating.

Is there a limit for the number of chunks and photographs for alignment? Or is there any workaround for this issue using some other software? What is the logic behind that procedure?

Is it also possible to add a view that shows all the chunks after running the alignment procedure?

Could the results  of the merge procedure have the  quality of exact method?

Many Thanks in Advance.

Pages: [1]