« on: July 03, 2013, 09:13:09 PM »
First time post...how exciting! I just want to start with a huge appreciation to all of you who answer questions so readily in this forum, it is an amazing resource for a great piece of software. So far I've made it through about half of the messages in the forum, lots of helpful info!
I've just starting getting familiar with SfM and Photoscan and have been experimenting with a variety of shooting styles and subjects, mainly with an emphasis for archeological presentation.
I photographed this sarcophagus at a local museum recently, but I am getting some holes and other artifacts in the texture (see right side in screenshot), no matter what method I use for generation (Average, Mosaic / Generic, Adaptive Orthophoto, etc). The geometry is generally coming out okay, but if I choose a higher quality mesh, I start to lose some feature detail, and I'm getting better results with low quality. I shot raw and have boosted the shadows quite a bit, so there isn't much that is dropping into darkness at this point. The photos are a bit noisy, so that could be creating some issues with the solve.
The camera alignment also seems to be okay for all of the photos, as you can see in the screenshot.
My guess is that I need take more photographs from a 3/4 angle along the main length of the sarcophagus in order to get more visual data for the 'nooks and crannies'...and probably try to work at a lower ISO to get the noise down a bit more.
Does that seem like an accurate assessment? Any other thoughts from the brain trust out there?
Cheers, -Chad