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Messages - vfxman222

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General / Re: Parameterizing texture atlas... hangs at 70%
« on: April 30, 2014, 12:36:51 AM »
Apologies, I didn't see that a new release was available. My update notifier was unchecked foolishly.  :-[ I will try this and re-mesh before trying texture as per your note. The geometry was created on a PC version then came to me on OS X. Same build number I believe, but not sure off hand. Thanks.

General / Parameterizing texture atlas... hangs at 70%
« on: April 30, 2014, 12:01:32 AM »
I found this thread, but no resolution seemed to be present there.

I have a full body solved and meshed. I have three versions right now that I'm testing, a 7.5 million poly, 2 million poly, and a 500 thousand poly version. No matter what I try I either get an out of memory error or it just hangs for hours. This has happened with a 8000x1, 4000x1, and now currently on a 2000x1. I was able to get a 2000x8 to export on the 7.5 mesh at one point, but the result was horrible. There were random black patches everywhere and the seams showed. I've been able to output up to 16k textures in the earlier PS versions, even the 0.9 beta. My machine is not a beast, but it has handled much larger pieces than this previously, including a scan of the the front of our office building.

OS X 10.8.2
24 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 RAM
2x2.93 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
2 ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB graphics cards

PS version:
1.0.2 build 1824 (64 bit)

It would be extremely handy to know which points are related to which camera. I run into numerous times where I have a camera or few solve very off axis from the rest and I like to remove the trouble camera sometimes, but It's a guessing game as to which camera holds the troublesome solved points. I usually have to guess an remove cameras, or transfer them to another chunk to see if they are the problem camera. Removing is annoying because it's not undoable, but the chunk method is annoying too. Simply having an auto select points feature would be appreciated.

Feature Requests / Re: Photoscan Professional "Artist" Edition
« on: April 20, 2014, 08:20:29 PM »
+10 Yes, this would be a great option. I would say that model orientation should be included at all levels though. Python definitely is an optional feature and would make sense in a $750 version. Pretty much all softwares I deal with (I'm in visual effects) includes a scripting language of some kind.

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Syncing flashes turntable setup
« on: March 18, 2014, 04:03:30 AM »
Correct. The older cameras (350D) have a very delayed shutter when firing remotely against the newer and just plain faster 5D Mark iii. It's roughly 12 milliseconds difference in my setup, so what I need to do is slow down the firing of the lights and cameras down to the weakest (slowest) link in the chain to get them to all go at once. 12 milliseconds doesn't sound like much and is barely noticeable when taking shots normally, but shows up blatantly in a system like this when those slow cameras capture solid black images because they missed the light completely. :)

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Syncing flashes turntable setup
« on: March 17, 2014, 04:35:00 AM »
I have three cameras and four strobes. I also need get one more MultiMax (MM) so I can simply remote fire everything, but it is currently setup like this:
- Each camera has an MM attached.
- One strobe has an MM attached. The AlienBees have a flash sync trigger built into them and are in slave mode by default, so when I trigger one strobe with the MM, the other three get fired simultaneously.
- Each light is using a 48" diffusion umbrella.

With only two AlienBees 400's I was able to get shutter of 180-200. 200 started showing a very slight creep in of the shutter curtain in the shots, but still useable.

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Syncing flashes turntable setup
« on: March 14, 2014, 07:12:28 AM »
As gamegoof mentioned, it gets over powered by the flash. Modeling lamps usually have a built in feature to shut off during a flash fire as well too on some models. Alienbees have this feature.

I hear you on the the equipment spending. I've been grabbing things over the last two months. Ya, the PocketWizards are not cheap, but you can find a bunch on eBay in the $120-150 range. I got four from eBay this way. I only recommended them because I had the sync issues with cheaper triggers. They would fire just so subtlety off from each other to cause headaches during my testing setups. Granted I am merging a Canon mark iii with two canon 350D cameras. The 350D's have about a 12 millisecond slower trigger timing.

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Syncing flashes turntable setup
« on: March 12, 2014, 06:56:35 PM »
Firing flash strobes in a dark room is a sure fire way to damage your talent's eyes. The extreme light flooding an iris that is adjusted to the darkness, even if it is very low ambient, can be painful and damaging. Be careful about this. Always use the modeling lamp on your strobe to help ease the light transmission to your talent, or they should have their eyes closed if using a dark room.

As far as syncing, Pocket Wizard makes the MultiMax transceiver that allows for syncing multiple cameras and flash strobes. You can set millisecond delays to pull everything into sync with your slowest camera or flash.

The black band is shutter sync related. Usually you can push it to 1/200 or 1/250 depending on your lights and camera equipment. The millisecond difference of firing a slave camera from your main camera can cause the delay. We're talking about the speed of light here, so all cameras must have their shutters open at that very same moment the flash is hitting your subject.

General / Re: Masking and texture overspill
« on: January 20, 2014, 10:48:57 PM »
I've actually noticed something similar on a face capture I'm toying with. It reminds me of the "Smooth" option from 0.9, but choked tightly to the primary mesh. Here's some screen caps:

Thank you Leo. Yes, moving talent is a huge variable in a setup like this. The offset is also knowing photography fairly well and being able to have your camera setting locked in so you can move quickly around the subject to minimize the time they have to stand there. For the second experiment I did, I was able to snap the 43 shots in just under two minutes. It was also my second attempt as a co-worker messed with him and made him smile during my first pass. Regardless, this will not be a bullet proof solution. Too many variables involved to begin with. Outdoor lighting fluctuates, fluctuating light effects camera settings required to hit clean sharp images (no motion blur, deep DOF), wind/breezes mess with hair and loose clothing, etc...

I am currently getting 4k worth of lighting on Monday to help start building an indoor setup that would be more controllable and consistent. I also just got some cheap wireless triggers, so I can now incorporate a three camera setup. I am pulling in two of my older DSLR cameras (Canon 350D/8mp) as simple filler cameras. The goal this week is to attempt a full body capture with the three cameras. With this being still the R&D phase for me I am not expecting much from the 350D's, but they may be helpful, given that I was able to get passible results with a single 350D on architectural captures. Better than nothing at all I say. :)

Face and Body Scanning / Single camera human captures (feedback welcome)
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:48:22 PM »
Hey all, just wanted to show a result I got recently. I started experimenting with Photogrammetry last november, but have been a long time reader of the craft. Gotta say that Lee has been a big inspiration with his high quality work with full body and 4D capture work.

I work as a Visual Effects TD, compositor, 2d/3d matchmover, and ExtendScript & Python script coder. The need for more on set data over the years is what sparked the push to dive full on in with this stuff. I originally started with interior location capture using iPhone 5S, Canon Rebel XT 350D, but have progressed to Canon 5D Mark iii. These are my first ever human attempts.

Gear used:
     Canon 5D Mark iii (22mp)
     Canon 50mm f/1.4 lens

Currently working on indoor lighting setup, but these were tests and I captured them outdoors. First one during sunset, the second one during overcast day.

First attempt: 17 shots

Second attempt: 43 shots

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