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Messages - nickponline

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Bug Reports / I'm getting a weird result exporting a point cloud?
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:51:37 PM »
Hi there,

I wanted to export a point cloud in EPSG:2956. To confirm the results I also exported the point cloud in EPSG:4326 and converted it to EPSG:2956 using Proj4 unfortunately the results are different. If there any reason for this - how do I know which is correct. Here is a sample script should the different for one point:

import pyproj

p1 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326")
p2 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:2956")

# a point from photoscan exported point cloud in in EPSG:4326
epsg4326_point = (-110.28868093, 64.46331476, 391.28830036)
# a point from photoscan exported point cloud in EPSG:4326
epsg2956_point = (534215.31186246, 7148835.02251115, 391.45030254)

print "Source point", epsg4326_point
print ""
print "Target point", epsg2956_point
print 'Manually converted result (different): ', pyproj.transform(p1, p2, *epsg4326_point)

General / GPU Acceleration
« on: September 25, 2014, 06:27:21 AM »
Does anyone have any hard numbers of how much fast processing is with a GPU, and which stages it accelerates. I'm considering buying one, but I'd like to know if the speed up would be significant? What are the bottlenecks going to be?

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.1.0 pre-release
« on: September 25, 2014, 05:57:36 AM »
I'm just getting a Pinwheel after it starts. Using MacOS X 10.9.4 and PhotoScanPro :(

The 'list index error' is in my code which runs after the script I posted above, but sometimes AgiSoft succeeds and sometimes is fails (that's when the exception is thrown) with these 9 images. If it succeeds the console output is:

OpenGL Vendor: Intel Inc.
OpenGL Renderer: Intel Iris OpenGL Engine
OpenGL Version: 2.1 INTEL-8.28.30
Maximum Texture Size: 16384
Quad Buffered Stereo: not enabled
ARB_vertex_buffer_object: supported
ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: supported
Loading camera = /images/gopr0159.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0160.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0161.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0162.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0163.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0164.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0165.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0166.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0167.jpg
Analyzing photos...
analyzing photos... ********* finished in 4.24652 sec
Finished processing in 4.24657 sec (exit code 1)
Detecting points...
photo 1: 18532 points
photo 2: 30078 points
photo 3: 33757 points
photo 4: 34292 points
photo 5: 32039 points
photo 6: 30710 points
photo 7: 38431 points
photo 8: 36842 points
photo 9: 31356 points
points detected in 13.4297 sec
Selecting pairs...
710 matches found in 0.956407 sec
7 of 36 pairs selected in 0.000291 sec
Matching points...
2359 matches found in 6.50647 sec
setting point indices... 1613 done in 0.000675 sec
removed 12 multiple projections
removed 2 points
generated 1611 tie points, 2.0807 average projections
finished matching in 20.8958 sec
Finished processing in 20.9067 sec (exit code 1)
Estimating scene structure...
group size: 9 photos
pair 3 and 5: 422 robust from 761
adding photos 3 and 5 (422 robust)
adding 429 points, 6 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 1.68472 -> 1.56788
adding 9 points, 3 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 1.60642 -> 1.45246
adding 26 points, 7 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 1.6589 -> 0.98878
adding 144 points, 8 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 1.79191 -> 0.953461
adding 38 points, 1 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 1.18655 -> 1.05931
adding 3 points, 1 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
optimized in 0.081333 seconds
adding photo 2 (3 of 9), 5 of 6 used
adding 53 points, 1 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 1.1312 -> 1.10123
adding 2 points, 2 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
optimized in 0.025386 seconds
3 sigma filtering...
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.09148 -> 0.866281
point variance: 0.865962
adding 10 points, 13 far (2.59789 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0.756286 -> 0.72208
point variance: 0.721813
adding 3 points, 12 far (2.16544 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0.653391 -> 0.645924
point variance: 0.645681
adding 1 points, 6 far (1.93704 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0.625472 -> 0.617914
point variance: 0.61768
adding 1 points, 4 far (1.85304 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0.606619 -> 0.604789
point variance: 0.604559
adding 1 points, 2 far (1.81368 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
optimized in 0.169152 seconds
fx 1797.22, fy 1797.22, cx 1659.8, cy 1146.13, k1 -0.326667, k2 0.152305, k3 -0.0325879
finished sfm in 0.313141 seconds
Finished processing in 0.313252 sec (exit code 1)
adding 566 points, 22 far (1 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
Finished processing in 0.002057 sec (exit code 1)
Optimizing point cloud...
weights: 10.8071 cameras, 21614.1 markers, 108071 scalebars, 40 projections
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0.477244 -> 0.422242
finished SBA in 0.070087 seconds
Finished processing in 0.070219 sec (exit code 1)
selected 2 cameras from 3 in 0.000432 sec
Loading photos...
Reconstructing depth...
[CPU] estimating 1334x917x160 disparity using 1334x917x8u tiles, offset 0
timings: rectify: 0.119451 disparity: 2.7479 borders: 0.02747 filter: 0.044983 fill: 0
[CPU] estimating 1159x925x160 disparity using 1159x925x8u tiles, offset 0
timings: rectify: 0.106111 disparity: 2.44525 borders: 0.027041 filter: 0.043752 fill: 0
finished depth reconstruction in 6.06512 seconds
Device 1 performance: 72.5805 million samples/sec (CPU)
Total performance: 72.5805 million samples/sec
Generating dense point cloud...
selected 2 cameras in 0.068885 sec
working volume: 3803x3464x360
tiles: 1x1x1
selected 2 cameras
preloading data... done in 0.155779 sec
filtering depth maps... done in 0.358866 sec
accumulating data... done in 0.846893 sec
accumulator: 65.4484 MB
octree constructed in 0.094997 sec
nodes: 548 (0.026304 MB)
points: 927400 (9.274 MB)
nodes: 548 (0.026304 MB)
points: 927400 (9.274 MB)
927400 points extracted
Finished processing in 8.12272 sec (exit code 1)
Generating mesh...
generating 3803x3464 grid (0.00111815 resolution)
grid rasterized in 0.019151 sec
filtering median... done in 0.105931 sec
filtering idw... done in 0.216452 sec
filtering median... done in 0.091136 sec
constructed triangulation from 17083 vertices, 34160 faces
grid interpolated in 20.8134 sec
filtered borders in 0.254407 sec
triangulating... 92740 points 185298 faces done in 3.32191 sec
Calculating vertex colors...
processing nodes...  done in 0.003611 sec
calculating colors...  done in 0.476173 sec
Finished processing in 24.9304 sec (exit code 1)
floating faces detected - fixed
Finished processing in 0.072786 sec (exit code 1)
total 2 faces removed
adding 561 points, 31 far (1 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 530 weak
Finished processing in 0.003153 sec (exit code 1)
Parameterizing texture atlas...
heap cleanup: 277196 -> 235662
heap cleanup: 277196 -> 211470
heap cleanup: 277197 -> 171452
Packing 105 charts...
Blending textures...
blending textures... *** done in 2.13589 sec
postprocessing atlas... done in 0.045833 sec
Finished processing in 51.6012 sec (exit code 1)
Generating report...
Finished processing in 1.85058 sec (exit code 1)
initializing renderer... tessellating mesh...done (167423 -> 167645 faces)
done in 0.038305 sec
Raster size: 149x77
Estimating mosaic occupancy...
1 blocks used from 1x1 (100%)
Rendering mosaic...
selected 3 cameras, 167645 faces
blending 3 images... *** done in 0.830343 sec
writing block... done in 0.010248 sec
Finished processing in 0.918637 sec (exit code 1)
initializing renderer... tessellating mesh...done (167423 -> 167645 faces)
done in 0.035799 sec
Raster size: 4335x2829
Estimating mosaic occupancy...
2 blocks used from 2x1 (100%)
Rendering mosaic...
selected 3 cameras, 167645 faces
blending 3 images... *** done in 2.90354 sec
writing block... done in 0.749336 sec
selected 2 cameras, 167645 faces
blending 2 images... ** done in 0.683758 sec
writing block... done in 0.348189 sec
Finished processing in 6.68803 sec (exit code 1)
initializing renderer... tessellating mesh...done (167423 -> 167645 faces)
done in 0.038133 sec
Raster size: 4335x2829
Estimating mosaic occupancy...
2 blocks used from 2x1 (100%)
Rendering mosaic...
selected 167645 faces
writing block... done in 0.897472 sec
selected 60577 faces
writing block... done in 0.49772 sec
Finished processing in 3.51706 sec (exit code 1)
Saving project...
saved project in 1.39467 sec
Finished processing in 1.3948 sec (exit code 1)
Decimating mesh...
Finished processing in 1.8e-05 sec (exit code 1)
Parameterizing texture atlas...
heap cleanup: 277196 -> 235662
heap cleanup: 277196 -> 211470
heap cleanup: 277197 -> 171452
Packing 105 charts...
Blending textures...
blending textures... *** done in 2.07277 sec
postprocessing atlas... done in 0.06666 sec
Finished processing in 56.081 sec (exit code 1)
Saving 3D model...
Finished processing in 1.05876 sec (exit code 1)

Where as if it fails I get

OpenGL Vendor: Intel Inc.
OpenGL Renderer: Intel Iris OpenGL Engine
OpenGL Version: 2.1 INTEL-8.28.30
Maximum Texture Size: 16384
Quad Buffered Stereo: not enabled
ARB_vertex_buffer_object: supported
ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: supported
Loading camera = /images/gopr0159.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0160.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0161.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0162.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0163.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0164.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0165.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0166.jpg
Loading camera = /images/gopr0167.jpg
Analyzing photos...
analyzing photos... ********* finished in 4.39484 sec
Finished processing in 4.39489 sec (exit code 1)
Detecting points...
photo 1: 18532 points
photo 2: 30078 points
photo 3: 33757 points
photo 4: 34292 points
photo 5: 32039 points
photo 6: 30710 points
photo 7: 38431 points
photo 8: 36842 points
photo 9: 31356 points
points detected in 14.9459 sec
Selecting pairs...
710 matches found in 1.06483 sec
8 of 36 pairs selected in 0.000308 sec
Matching points...
2542 matches found in 7.8303 sec
setting point indices... 1761 done in 0.000652 sec
removed 12 multiple projections
removed 1 points
generated 1760 tie points, 2.0733 average projections
finished matching in 23.8444 sec
Finished processing in 23.8563 sec (exit code 1)
Estimating scene structure...
group size: 9 photos
pair 3 and 5: 410 robust from 764
adding photos 3 and 5 (410 robust)
adding 427 points, 13 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 2.28581 -> 2.06123
adding 53 points, 6 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 2.39688 -> 2.26079
adding 20 points, 3 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 2.39403 -> 2.33578
adding 25 points, 3 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 2.46242 -> 2.20674
adding 17 points, 2 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 2.26642 -> 1.37812
adding 4 points, 1 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
optimized in 0.099437 seconds
adding photo 2 (3 of 9), 6 of 7 used
adding 64 points, 1 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 1 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 1.42198 -> 1.35765
adding 4 points, 3 far (5.25 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 1 invisible, 0 weak
optimized in 0.017067 seconds
3 sigma filtering...
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.32085 -> 0.958196
point variance: 0.957785
adding 2 points, 15 far (2.87336 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0.786518 -> 0.76037
point variance: 0.760036
adding 0 points, 9 far (2.28011 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxxx 0.702642 -> 0.700693
point variance: 0.70038
adding 0 points, 5 far (2.10114 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxx 0.675731 -> 0.675371
point variance: 0.675067
adding 2 points, 4 far (2.0252 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
bundle_adjust: xxxxxxxxxxxx 0.66646 -> 0.66598
point variance: 0.665679
adding 2 points, 2 far (1.99704 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
optimized in 0.223633 seconds
fx 1169.59, fy 1169.59, cx 1731.51, cy 1177.09, k1 -0.144618, k2 0.0267, k3 -0.00209453
finished sfm in 0.380667 seconds
Finished processing in 0.380795 sec (exit code 1)
adding 432 points, 29 far (1 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 403 weak
Finished processing in 0.001953 sec (exit code 1)
Optimizing point cloud...
weights: 8.86352 cameras, 17727 markers, 88635.2 scalebars, 40 projections
not enough data for optimization
finished SBA in 5e-06 seconds
Finished processing in 8.6e-05 sec (exit code 1)
selected 0 cameras from 0 in 0.00012 sec
Loading photos...
Reconstructing depth...
finished depth reconstruction in 6.4e-05 seconds
Device 1 performance: 0 million samples/sec (CPU)
Generating dense point cloud...
selected 0 cameras in 3.8e-05 sec
Finished processing in 0.000535 sec (exit code 0)
Generating mesh...
Finished processing in 4.8e-05 sec (exit code 0)
adding 0 points, 0 far (1 threshold), 0 inaccurate, 0 invisible, 0 weak
Finished processing in 0.000755 sec (exit code 1)
Finished processing in 8e-06 sec (exit code 0)
Generating report...
Finished processing in 3e-05 sec (exit code 0)
initializing renderer... done in 1.8e-05 sec
Error: can't estimate export region
Finished processing in 8.4e-05 sec (exit code 0)
initializing renderer... done in 2.3e-05 sec
Error: can't estimate export region
Finished processing in 7.1e-05 sec (exit code 0)
Saving project...
saved project in 0.012477 sec
Finished processing in 0.012591 sec (exit code 1)
Decimating mesh...
Finished processing in 1.9e-05 sec (exit code 0)
Finished processing in 2e-06 sec (exit code 0)
Finished processing in 6e-06 sec (exit code 0)

How do I know what is causing it to sometimes pass and sometimes fail. Is there a step that is not deterministic, like RANSAC? If so is there any way to change the parameters, I'm less concerned if it's slow but really want to to succeed whenever possible.

Here's some of the code, it's the same code I am running on other jobs which work. Which makes me think it's something to do with the images, although I'm not sure what is wrong with them. They have EXIF data.

chunk.matchPhotos(accuracy='high', preselection='ground control')
chunk.matchPhotos(accuracy='high', preselection='disabled')  # vertical reconstruction
chunk.buildModel(surface='height field', source='dense', faces='high')
chunk.exportOrthophoto(preview_path, dx=0.000005, dy=0.000005, color_correction=False, blending='mosaic', write_kml=True, write_world=True, projection=chunk.projection)
chunk.exportOrthophoto(orthophoto_path, blockw=blockw, blockh=blockh, color_correction=False, blending='mosaic', write_kml=True, write_world=True, projection=chunk.projection)

Trying to stitch these 9 images using a python scripts and chunk.exportOrthophoto is throwing 'list index out of range'

Python and Java API / Is the console written to a log file anywhere?
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:00:46 AM »
I am running a Python script that closes Photoscan at the end. I would like to retrieve the console log once Photoscan is closed. Where is it written to?

General / Re: Problem aligning photos?
« on: August 06, 2014, 07:53:58 PM »
Thanks Alexey. What do the different colours mean on the dot?

General / Re: Problem aligning photos?
« on: August 06, 2014, 02:54:46 AM »
These are the image qualities according to PhotoScan:

rpi0001.jpg 0
rpi0002.jpg 0.911887
rpi0003.jpg 0.74682
rpi0004.jpg 0.786821
rpi0005.jpg 0.893367
rpi0006.jpg 0.711567
rpi0007.jpg 1.26219
rpi0008.jpg 0
rpi0009.jpg 0.726517
rpi0010.jpg 0.835907
rpi0011.jpg 0.951114
rpi0012.jpg 0.992928
rpi0013.jpg 0.771272
rpi0014.jpg 1.00283
rpi0015.jpg 0.853598
rpi0016.jpg 0.894993
rpi0017.jpg 0.807365
rpi0018.jpg 0.991021
rpi0019.jpg 0.997315
rpi0020.jpg 0.669515
rpi0021.jpg 0.854584
rpi0022.jpg 0.947225
rpi0023.jpg 0.89036
rpi0024.jpg 0.887334
rpi0025.jpg 0.807867
rpi0026.jpg 0.837336
rpi0027.jpg 0.836694
rpi0028.jpg 0.814978
rpi0029.jpg 0.93452
rpi0030.jpg 0.869816
rpi0031.jpg 0.897877
rpi0032.jpg 0.824533
rpi0033.jpg 0.929577
rpi0034.jpg 0.929662
rpi0035.jpg 0.979984
rpi0036.jpg 0.985013
rpi0037.jpg 0.862388
rpi0038.jpg 0.621544
rpi0039.jpg 0.841521
rpi0040.jpg 0.995154
rpi0041.jpg 0.81112
rpi0042.jpg 0.946723
rpi0043.jpg 0.844934
rpi0044.jpg 0.970041
rpi0045.jpg 0.934365
rpi0046.jpg 0.859089
rpi0047.jpg 0.789305
rpi0048.jpg 0.857722
rpi0049.jpg 0.947246
rpi0050.jpg 0.813075
rpi0051.jpg 0.819568
rpi0052.jpg 0.758709
rpi0053.jpg 0.740394
rpi0054.jpg 0.705164
rpi0055.jpg 0.835145
rpi0056.jpg 0.928792
rpi0057.jpg 0.954175
rpi0058.jpg 0.936088
rpi0059.jpg 0.733066
rpi0060.jpg 0
rpi0061.jpg 0.802033
rpi0062.jpg 0.918692
rpi0063.jpg 1.09453
rpi0064.jpg 0.916136
rpi0065.jpg 0.698692
rpi0066.jpg 0.721569
rpi0067.jpg 0.959135
rpi0068.jpg 0.875582
rpi0069.jpg 0.881965
rpi0070.jpg 1.00844
rpi0071.jpg 0.836942
rpi0072.jpg 0.70965
rpi0073.jpg 1.11513
rpi0074.jpg 0.898013
rpi0075.jpg 0.792266
rpi0076.jpg 0.890798
rpi0077.jpg 0.959716
rpi0078.jpg 0.899574
rpi0079.jpg 0.956687
rpi0080.jpg 0.759342
rpi0081.jpg 0.783782
rpi0082.jpg 0.980437
rpi0083.jpg 0.933452
rpi0084.jpg 0.882159
rpi0085.jpg 0.732759
rpi0086.jpg 0.731029
rpi0087.jpg 0.72894
rpi0088.jpg 0.663599
rpi0089.jpg 0.638906
rpi0090.jpg 1.02311
rpi0091.jpg 0.939682
rpi0092.jpg 1.01669
rpi0093.jpg 0.883676
rpi0094.jpg 0.923594
rpi0095.jpg 0.938226
rpi0096.jpg 1.19513
rpi0097.jpg 0.926556
rpi0098.jpg 0.871413
rpi0099.jpg 0.831023
rpi0100.jpg 0.958113
rpi0101.jpg 1.02942
rpi0102.jpg 1.0736
rpi0103.jpg 0.848492
rpi0104.jpg 0.848924
rpi0105.jpg 1.03904
rpi0106.jpg 1.0133
rpi0107.jpg 1.02153
rpi0108.jpg 0.841543
rpi0109.jpg 0.893153
rpi0110.jpg 0.928594
rpi0111.jpg 0.910678
rpi0112.jpg 0.880687
rpi0113.jpg 1.01256
rpi0114.jpg 2.33587
rpi0115.jpg 0.71706
rpi0116.jpg 0.726464
rpi0117.jpg 0.790184
rpi0118.jpg 0.720704
rpi0119.jpg 0.606898
rpi0120.jpg 0.617198
rpi0121.jpg 0.836792
rpi0122.jpg 0.786123
rpi0123.jpg 0.740207
rpi0124.jpg 0
rpi0125.jpg 23.9508
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rpi0129.jpg 0.873876
rpi0130.jpg 1.05221
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General / Problem aligning photos?
« on: August 06, 2014, 02:51:56 AM »
I have some images with about 70% front and side overlap and GPS exif data. After aligning the photos it puts all the cameras in the same place points weird directions:

I'm trying to find out what is wrong by looking at the individual images and the features, but I'm not sure what the coloured dots mean. Most are white:

Here are the images with Exif data:

Here is the report:

and even the images if that helps:

Thanks are camera.width and camera.height the sensor width and height of the camera?

Hey Alexey!

For each camera, I am looking to compute the coordinates of quad of what that camera can see on the ground. Is this information (in latitude and longitude) and if not how do I compute it?

I'll like to export a polygonal region of an orthomosiac because the edges seem blurred and I'll like to trim them out. Is this possible?

How do you export to Sketchfab through the Python API? It doesn't seem to be documented, but I'm sure it can be done :)

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