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Topics - Patribus

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General / How can I list my images by number of matched POIs?
« on: September 16, 2014, 05:27:14 PM »
Maybe with a script?


Bug Reports / Just cancelled Project Saving and it was gone
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:25:40 PM »
I just was saving a project when I decided to hit CANCEL in order not to SAVE but SAVE AS it.

By doing this, the whole project file was lost, as it sees. Only photo positions and markers remain, all the rest ist gone!!!!!

How can this be?


PS: as it seems, he just did not save (or restore, or what so ever) the .ply files.. they are all gone.

Question: When saving a project, doesn't PS create first a provisory file and just at the end rewrite the original one? Does PS immediatly delete the original one and start to write a new one? What is the sense of the Cancel botton than, where does PS get the data of the original project?

Feature Requests / Restore saves during processing
« on: September 11, 2014, 12:52:00 PM »
Probably this subject has been touched before, but I do not find any respective post.

I'm working on projects with around 1500 x 16 MPix Images.

As one expects, the processing times are quite long, e.g. more than day for depth map generation, up to two days for dense cloud generation, using an i7 processor and 32 GB RAm (that's not so important right now).

The thing is, that - more than once - I had PhotoScan freezing after 70% to 90% of the whole process. The only solution I had was to kill PS through the taskmanager, loosing the whole work.

If this is a problem of PS, Windows or the PC is another question,

BUT it is really annoying to loose the whole results from the calculations and have to start over again, hoping the process ends the next time without freezing.

The question:
would it not be possible to introduce some type of restore point in the process, so that if PS crashes, or the PC goes down because windows decided to restart against all preferences, or because I just want to do a pause in the process, one is able to restart the process on later point in time?
I would be happy to have just a few restore points, so that if PS crashes, I do not have to recalculate 30 hours, but only few hours. I could live with that. But just to think that I have to wait again 3 days hopping for the best, really makes me crazy.  And probably also my client  :-\

that was that,
I'm going to kill my freezed PS process and restart it and wait another 3 days :-(



I'm trying to align photos taken from the same object in two different surroundings. The first set of images (around 25) are aligned taking the surroundings into account, the second set of photos (also around 25) will have the surroundings of the objects masked. The surfaces of the object appear in images of the first set as well as of the second set, so I would expect PS to be able to match all photos independently from the set they belong to.

But somehow the whole thing does not work. Am I missing something?

Light conditions are similar in both sets.

I have attached one example of two images which would correspond. I do not know if this is the best example, but just to give you an idea.

Feature Requests / NAvigating through photos
« on: September 01, 2014, 03:55:53 PM »

I would very much like to see the possibility to navigate through Next Nearest Neighbor (NNN) photos. I.e. when viewing at a photo (for instance to identify GCPs or special features in the image, which you want to track) I would like to be able to navigate to the NNN photo above, below, left, right, in front or behind just with the use of cursors or some interactive UI.

This would be a very important feature when trying to track a feature in your images which looks very different in two or more distant photos due to perspective changes. 

The more I spend time working with PS,
the more I see which tools and features I would presently need for my work,
 so please apologize me for posting suggestions almost at a daily basis  :P

Feature Requests / Create/Select/Filter (Dense) Point Cloud by Slices
« on: August 31, 2014, 05:35:49 PM »

I'm modeling objects which have a very high level of complexity. In contrast to aerial mapping (which I also do) or other '1-surface' objects, I have complex objects with several superposed planes leading to a quite complex cloud filling out the complete space and not describing one single surface. ( to be more concrete, I'm modeling trees).

So, when editing my point cloud I have a hard time selecting points. In the two simple cases mentioned above I just have to select what I see, and that's it, but if my point cloud is in fact distributed in the complete space, any selection I'll do at some place, will also select points in the background as well as 'invisible' points in  foreground (outside in front of the display, so to say). This makes the edition of the point cloud impossible.

It would be fantastic to have a view, where you can define a slice (a plane) of a certain thickness, which will filter out all points not included in it. In this way one would be able to work only on the visible point without touching all the rest of the point cloud. A selection would only happen within this slice of point. With the cursor one should be able to move the plane forward and backwards, for example.

Such a function would also allow to make real cuts of the model (point cloud, dense point cloud or mesh) useful for analysis and subsequent export.

Well, that is my proposal for another function in PS.

It would be nice to see something like this in a near future.

Best regards

General / Modeling trees > Pseudo Points of Interest
« on: August 29, 2014, 01:22:20 PM »

I'm presently studying the possibility of 3D modeling real trees. The task is complex and difficult, but that is not why I'm writing.

The thing is: as I understand PS determines points of interest (POI) by analyzing the surroundings of the respective points.

When modeling trees a typical image you have are branches against a bright sky background. The scene is such that PS manages to identify POI in the white spaces between the branches (see image below).

Ironically this points seem to deliver correct results, since the image patch / structure where the points were identified move in a correct perspective from photo to photo.

My problem now is that these points appear in the end point cloud, as expected. But they to not mean anything in the context of the object.

So, what can I do against this? Creating a mask on the white regions is impossible. There are hundreds of this small regions per photo and over hundred photos. So I suppose that the workaround has to happen in the point cloud. These white (sky) point do also appear when generating the dense point cloud, although to some lower extend.

Some idea how to handle this?

Best  regards

Feature Requests / Roadmap & Upgrades 2014
« on: August 18, 2014, 10:53:58 AM »
Dear PhotoScan team,

first of all, let me say that I'm really fond of your program.  Not only I like the simplicity of using it, but also the results I get for my very concrete user case have been better than with other software on the market, e.g. Pix4D (at least it was like this one year ago).

At the same time I'm following the development of other software and I see, that new features, functions and tools appear, which I would very much need in my present work (I don't think I need to mention them here, since the 'request'-forum is full of them).

Since there hasn't been an upgrade for some time now, I suppose you're working on  a major upgrade of PS. Is this correct?

Could you give some hint about when the next changes in PS are coming and eventually which new features you're working on (I know it's not usual, or better unwanted to reveal such infos in advance, due to competition issues...), but the thing is, I will see myself forced to try out other software in a near future (e.g. Pix4D) in order to solve some problems I'm having in creating my 3D models with PS (not related to the process itself, but with the nature of the data, so that it would be advantageous to have more analysis tools to understand the results).

Maybe you are able to give some hint regarding this subject...

Best regards

Feature Requests / Export Image quality table
« on: August 06, 2014, 07:28:04 PM »

although I know that the image quality value is just an indication of the quality of the image for the reconstruction and that it should not be taken toooo seriously, the values are a good hint about the quality of the images.

Furthermore, it would be interesting to see the distribution of these values. However, it would be necessary to export the values, to represent them graphically. But there is neither an export, nor marking the column for copy&paste are possible.

Would it be possible to make one of both variants possible in future releases?

Thanks & best regards

Bug Reports / Wrong Chunk Info
« on: August 03, 2014, 03:39:17 PM »

Hello, I just want to report something that seems a bug to me.

So, if I go through my workflow in the following way:

a. Align photos
b. Build Dense Cloud, lets say with parameters Medium & Agressive
c. Build mesh from dense cloud.

If I go to 'Show Info' about the chunk, I see the respective Infos:

Code: [Select]
Depth Maps
Reconstruction Parameters
Quality: Medium
Filtering Mode: Aggressive

Dense Point Cloud
Reconstruction Parameters
Quality: Medium
Filtering Mode: Aggressive

Reconstruction Parameters
Quality: Medium
Filtering Mode: Aggressive
Nothing spectacular about this.

Now, lets assume I need to change my Dense Point Cloud with other parameters and rebuild my mesh, like this:

b. Build Dense Cloud, with parameters Medium & Mild (before I had Aggressive)
c. Build mesh from dense cloud.

After this, if I look at Chunk 'show info' I read the following:

Code: [Select]
Depth Maps
Reconstruction Parameters
Quality: Medium
Filtering Mode: Mild

Dense Point Cloud
Reconstruction Parameters
Quality: Medium
Filtering Mode: Mild

Reconstruction Parameters
Quality: Medium
Filtering Mode: Aggressive

SO, the problem now is, that although I rebuild my mesh from a point cloud generated with Filtering Mode = Mild, the Infto about the respective mesh shows Aggressive. As it seems the info is not renewed!

This is a real problem, if I want to check the parameters of my models later on how my mesh was generated and get the wrong information.

The problem does not appear, when before generating the new mesh I delete the old one, what seem logical to me. BUT even if I do not delete it and rewrite it instead, the info should be updated correctly.

Please have a look at this.

Or did I miss something... ?

PS: Unfortunately I probably have several days of work which I will have to repeat, because it is not clear to me anymore, from which point cloud types my meshed were generated. [/s]

General / Where do the Depth Maps go during Dense Cloud Generation?
« on: July 29, 2014, 05:00:27 PM »

there is one thing I do not understand in PS.

When generating the DC there are times the Depth Maps are generated, other times apparently not!? Why? What happens? When are Depth Maps generated and when not? Or what am I doing wrong?


General / Classifying points by color
« on: June 12, 2014, 08:58:23 PM »

this question arises from my feature request here >

Since PS is not able to classify points by color o color range, I would like to export my point cloud and try to do such a classification in some other software, in order to import the filtered/classified cloud into PS on a later stage.

Can somebody tell me with which software I can classify points by color?


Feature Requests / Point Cloud classification by color
« on: May 23, 2014, 04:22:28 PM »

would it be possible to classify the point cloud by colors? This would be an excellent function for PhotoScan, since in many cases, one can differentiate/separate  objects just by color.

I would imagine a color palette, where you can create 'color-zones', each one would correspond to a classification of the respective points.

I would be happy to get a feedback in respect to this possible feature.

Best regards

Hello, since I did not find a similar subject here in the forum, I decided to create this topic.

I'm working on a quite large project, at least for my PC setup (see details in third attachment). Some numbers about my project values (also as attached screen-shot):
  • cams (1.637)
  • dense cloud (552.486.618)
  • mesh (110.039.989)

My first problem:

1. when exporting an ortho photo for several hours I get the error 'CANNOT EXPORT ORTHO' (or something similar).  After several tries and some variations, I concluded - OK, the project is to big for my PC memory or something like that.

2. But when I saved the project (without any error indication!!!) and reopened it, the complete dense cloud and mesh was gone. (I was getting crazy, since it took me two weeks to calculate them chunk by chunk).

When I looked at my project folder I discovered a similarity to all of these files: the where all not bigger than 4 GB (see 2nd attachment).


So, while the project was in the memory of the pc (32GB + what windows uses on disc, which should be other 32GB), everything was running correctly. BUT, when saving the project to disc, apparently the limit of 4GB cannot be trespassed. ?!?!?!?

Is this a problem of my PC setup, or is this some bug of Photoscan?

Please help me on this one... I'm really frustrated just now!!! How can I avoid this type of catastrophic results?!


PS: I'm surely using the 64bit Photoscan version.

Bug Reports / Crash Photoscan when opening OpenCL PReferences
« on: April 15, 2014, 11:40:45 PM »
Hello, after some searching without results, here this - probably- bug report:

When I go to Tools > Preferences and click on the OpenCL Tab, Photoscan crashes.

My System:
Windows 7, i7-2770 @ 3.40Ghz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660,
which infos are also important?


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