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Messages - ppkong

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Python and Java API / Re: Setting mapping region
« on: October 20, 2014, 09:13:59 AM »
Thanks Alexey!
 I have solved this problem according to your method.But i have a question about buildDenseCloud,My script:
Code: [Select]
chunk.buildDenseCloud(quality=PhotoScan.MediumQuality,filter=PhotoScan.AgressiveFiltering,keep_depth=True,reuse_depth=TrueWhen I set reuse_depth as True,the Python Script can not run,she prompt me "selected 0 cameras from xxx in 0.00 sec" And can't Loading Photos...
I think “reuse_depth” function should be preserve the last available depth, and generated depth images without depth,But it seems not so,The reuse function is only use the last depth map.I think he will greatly save the processing time.

Python and Java API / Re: Setting mapping region
« on: October 17, 2014, 09:39:02 AM »
Hello ppkong,

There were some major changes in Python API for version 1.1.

Transformation matrix for chunk is now accessible via chunk.transform.matrix.
Thanks for your reply,there have many error when i run old script in 1.1 so can you tell me How to set map region in Python API 1.1?

Python and Java API / Re: Setting mapping region
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:57:10 AM »

Somewhere on forum I have already posted the code that rotates the bounding box in accordance of the chunk coordinate system, so you need to use it and for additional rotations multiply the matrix (m) by rotation 3x3 matrices:

Code: [Select]
T = chunk.transform
v = PhotoScan.Vector( [0,0,0,1] )
v_t = T * v
v_t.size = 3

m =
m = m * T
s = math.sqrt(m[0,0]**2 + m[0,1]**2 + m[0,2]**2) #scale factor
R = PhotoScan.Matrix( [[m[0,0],m[0,1],m[0,2]], [m[1,0],m[1,1],m[1,2]], [m[2,0],m[2,1],m[2,2]]])

R = R * (1. / s)
reg = chunk.region
reg.rot = R.t()
chunk.region = reg

If chunk.transform and are None, you should use identity matrix instead them.
When I run python script in PS1.0 everything is ok,but some code can't run in PS 1.1 pre. It always prompt me some code error, for example "v_t = T * v","chunk.transform.inv()" etc

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.1.0 pre-release
« on: September 26, 2014, 12:15:16 PM »
When I use the distributed processing tests, always prompt:can't load project

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.1.0 pre-release
« on: September 26, 2014, 11:50:49 AM »
Why can't export tiles feature use other formats? And cann‘t select the cubic export? And export time increase more than 20 times times

Did you try to use the "Optimize" option to optimize the results of align photo?

Python and Java API / Re: About dense point classify
« on: July 04, 2014, 08:47:29 AM »
I hope for the Python support for the following features:
1.point cloud classification;
2.export tiles?

General / Re: How to improve the accuracy of models
« on: July 03, 2014, 03:52:53 AM »
2- HIGH - Moderate ( ULTRA + Moderate on part of the project )
I tried to modify this parameter to high, but the increase in processing time by a factor of 4 times, really depressing, do you have a method of optimizing?

General / Re: How to improve the accuracy of models
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:00:46 AM »
I just used this option and I used the following settings:
1.Align Photo:
  Accuracy=high;Pair preselection=Ground Control; Point limit=40000;
2.Build Dense Cloud:
  Quality=medium;depth filtering=aggeressive;
3.Build Mesh:
  Surface type=Arbitrary;Source Data= Dense Cloud;Polygon Count=high;
4.Build Texture:
  Mapping mode=Generic;Blending Mode=Mosaic;Texture size=8192*2;

General / How to improve the accuracy of models
« on: July 02, 2014, 06:15:25 AM »
I use oblique aerial photography to generate three dimensional model of building, specify the parameters of the camera and imported the POS data, without ground control points. Generate a model of the building as follows:

But it always felt good models that aren't GoogleEarth effect, the edges of the building not obvious enough.
I think Google has used a similar method to generate a three dimensional model of the following figure is  GoogleEarth models.
So I want to know how can improve the precision of the dense point in the PhotoScan and generated mesh better?

Python and Java API / About dense point classify
« on: June 24, 2014, 09:22:01 AM »
I would like to ask whether Python can support density point cloud classification.
Another question is how to get an accurate point cloud?

Hi! Alexey Pasumansky.
The screenshot,thank you very much!
There are two issues:
1.Python can achieve automatic point cloud classification?
2.Python can export a model tiles?

Incidentally, Python implementation of density functions of point cloud classification?

Python and Java API / Question About Python Export Dense PointCloud
« on: June 09, 2014, 04:23:40 AM »
When I use the Python script export density point clouds, I found that some points there is no export, see below, I do not know why?
Python Script:
Code: [Select]
chunk.exportPoints(path=f1+'\\'+MapRegionVec[0]+'.las',dense=True,binary=True, precision=6, normals=True, colors=True,format='las')

Python and Java API / Re: About disable photos
« on: June 05, 2014, 08:19:01 AM »
Aha!Alexey Pasumansky,Thanks very much for your reply!
I have followed your method to solve this problem, thanks again!You are so great!

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