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Topics - Ingsayyad

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
General / fine details in orthophoto
« on: June 04, 2015, 01:06:31 PM »
I'm trying to get very fine details of the object in orthophoto but can not get it.
I can see top of church see image (A) in nearly 100 photos. I have generated point cloud with ultrahigh  with 'Aggressive  and Mild'. but getting no information of fine details of the top of church. Is there any way to draw this info with scale.

General / How orthophotos are generated in photoscan
« on: May 28, 2015, 12:13:29 PM »
Can some one explain me the way othophoto are  generated in Photoscan.
1- Are the generated on basic of dense cloud or mesh.
2- I have cleaned my dense cloud and mesh there is no tree in it. But after texturing mesh, projection of trees is there. my orthophoto also contains projection( texture) of trees. It means for generation of ortho images, the software is still using rgb of images and not from dense cloud.
 Should i click in single images and mask the area containing the trees or there is some trick?

General / Exporting DEM as image
« on: May 28, 2015, 10:56:08 AM »
I want to export DEM from Photoscan.
All what I want to export it as image just it appeared in the report (see attached figure).
 Additionally, I wan to set the scale for min and max height. All the points above the max are red, all the points below min are blue and in addition the grades of scale bar,e.g. 10..15 etc.
I exported the DEM with the setting (see attached image) and got this results (see attached image).

General / Unwraping curved surface and making orthophoto
« on: May 20, 2015, 04:34:38 PM »
I want to make orthophoto of unwrapped surface. Any idea?

General / Difference between Orthophoto and true orthophoto
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:23:56 PM »
I want to see fine details on my orthophoto/trueorthophoto. I'm little bit confused about  the description of  Orthophoto and true orthophoto.

What we are getting from photoscan is dense pointcloud  projected on to user defined plane (orthophoto) but how can I get true orthophoto.

see :
Below is decription of the orthophoto:

This photo is properly projected on elevation model, yet on a single building scale, a small tilt is noticeable due. This is an Orthophoto, but not a True Orthophoto (not all vertical features are reprojected).

see :
Below is decription of the truephoto:
This photo is assembled from several overlapping photos from UAV, completely removing any residual tilt of the buildings. This is a True Orthophoto.

General / limit of Activation code
« on: May 13, 2015, 11:04:09 AM »
I have to switch Photoscan from one PC to another  many times in a week. I want to know if there is some limit of activating code. Is it limited e.g., only 10 times per year .

General / Merging two projects
« on: May 13, 2015, 10:59:28 AM »
I have project A (Cluster1) and a separate project B (Cluster2). I know I can merge two clusters in a project. But how can I merge two cluster from two different project ( Some Images and markers are common between these clusters).
Any trick...

General / Merging chunks without duplicating images
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:13:35 PM »
I have merged 4 chunks.  All chunks have some common images. All is good except that now images are also duplicated. I have to remove all duplicated images. It cost me a lot of time.
Is there an easy way or trick or tip to do it.

General / Splitting dense cloud into parts for mesh
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:23:35 PM »
I have generated point cloud >200 million points. I can't do mesh. How can I split it into parts (with some overlap) and do mesh and then join it again. Any trick please.

General / Computer Requirements for current PhotoScan Pro
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:18:05 PM »
What are computer Requirements for actual PhotoScan Pro. Minimum  and  best please.

I know this link

General / Mesh generation is a problem
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:00:52 PM »
I'm trying to generate mesh from >200 million points. After 5% there is no progress. The clocks are running.
I tried high, middle, low settings. Every time I started my computer to  empty the temps etc.
 Attached please find image.

General / Importing markers in project
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:38:52 PM »
I have a project with markers (old) added in it. Now I want to import addition markers (new) from other project. Importing new markers as xml deletes the existing one (old) and added only new. How can I have project with old and new markers.

General / Rotating/translating the complete project
« on: February 27, 2015, 11:30:06 AM »
I have project completed till mesh. Now I wanted to translate/rotate the project. I have 40 markers. If I manually type new coordinates of all markers, it would take too much time. How can I do it efficiently. Any suggestion?

General / Orthophoto from a cylinderical shape
« on: February 03, 2015, 12:02:31 PM »
I need to detect and draw small details (1-2 mm) from my images. I can see these small details on my images.

Generally I would make very high resolution orthophotos and draw/digitize on orthophotos-

 But for cylinderical objects what should I do.

If I generate my point cloud and unrape it into CloudCompare, I would definitely not able to digitise in mm. This is due to project size (very large---length of cylinder 40m, radius 2 m).

Any suggestion about workflow.

Note: I'm aware of this post.
unwrapping a cylindrical 3d model 

General / Targets on circular surface
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:43:08 PM »
 Can I paste my target on circular/curved surface( see attached figure). Target size is A4

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