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Messages - Drakhain

Pages: 1 [2]
Feature Requests / Boolean operations between aligned chunks
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:23:24 AM »
In addition to/ instead of the merge chunk function, it would be helpfull to have boolean operations between aligned chunk.

It would allow to isolate or select points that determine added/removed details or objects that could be used to document a particular phenomenom or event.

Feature Requests / Origin alignment by point selection
« on: January 31, 2015, 04:50:21 AM »
It would be very helpfull and more precise if photoscan allowed us to orient the model by aligning the origin to a plane made by averaging a set of selected points positions.

Rotate/translate region/model workflow is quite tedious and hard depending on hardware and model complexity.

Feature Requests / 3DConnexion Space Navigator
« on: January 31, 2015, 04:25:16 AM »
It would be very usefull and precise to navigate inside the viewport with that 3D mouse. Ability to disable the handle visibility then would be too.

Sdk available here:

Bug Reports / Re: MacBook Pro Retina 2014 Densecloud crash
« on: January 31, 2015, 01:02:31 AM »
Ok thank you.
Too bad i can't use it.
By the way i've made some benchmarks regarding hyper threading during dense cloud reconstruction.
On my system (3615QM) i just have to follow your advice and disabling 1 core (2 threads) to maximize computations:

Scene   Cores   Quality   Depth Reconstruction s   Processing Time   Samples/s CPU   Samples/s GPU   Total Samples/s

Falaise 35Cams   8/8 HT Off   High   6m 32s 869ms   7m 48s 680ms   87,3654   100,574   187,939
Falaise 35Cams   8/8   High   6m 3s 425ms   7m 9s 916ms   96,8069   98,4781   195,285
Falaise 35Cams   7/8   High   5m 53s 588ms   7m 0s 97ms   97,7202   104,658   202,378
Falaise 35Cams   6/8 HT Off   High   6m 47s 426ms   8m 8s 593ms   81,1142   101   182,114
Falaise 35Cams   6/8   High   5m 45s 710ms   6m 53s 29ms   98,5333   107,091   205,624
Falaise 35Cams   5/8   High   5m 50s 337ms   6m 57s 935ms   94,1251   108,723   202,848
Falaise 35Cams   4/8   High   6m 3s 407ms   7m 10s 840ms   90,6089   111.233   201,842
Falaise 35Cams   3/8   High   6m 27s 752ms   7m 34s 300ms   72,7385   117,504   190,244
Falaise 35Cams   2/8   High   6m 49s 874ms   7m 56s 951ms   61,4183   118,134   179,552

Bug Reports / Osx yosemite macbook retina 1st gen, hd4000 opencl crash
« on: January 29, 2015, 02:11:36 PM »

I own a 1st gen retina mb pro with 16gb ram and an 3615qm HT Quad core I7
Each time i want to use my hd4000 in the opencl tab it crashes. I tried everything i though, like:
 - disabling all cpu cores and gt650m cores leaving the hd4000 alone
 -disabling automatic graphics switching in osx preferences
 -both gpu alone
 -HD4000 with different CPU core settings.

I would like to know if someone as the same problem and has found a solution or if it is normal and why.

I'll send the log when i'll get to my mac if you need it.

Thank you very much, have a nice day.

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