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Messages - willfig

Pages: [1] 2 3
Bug Reports / 3D mouse controller
« on: November 19, 2020, 01:01:47 AM »
I'm having a lot of trouble using my 3DConnecion Space Mouse since I upgraded to version 1.6.  Three are two issues:
1) When I try to rotate the model it seems to zoom at the same time.  This never used to happen. I see in v1.6.5 there is an option to select the specific mouse.  I've tried this and I think it does solve the problem but seems to revert. So I leave the dialog and manipulate the model and all seems ok.  but as soon as I reset the center of rotation by double clicking I have the problem again.  When I open the navigation dialog I see the mouse is no longer selected and its back to default.
2) Previously zoom control was by pulling the mouse towards or away from you.  This is how 3D connect traning software operates also.  After the update, zoom control is via pulling the mouse up or pushing down (which previously was for Y-translation). Although there are options to invert axes, to fix this issue there needs to be an option to swap Z translation with Z rotation (I think).

Any help here?  Note I posted about this a few times in the general section but never got a response.

General / Re: 3D Mouse control changed in v1.6
« on: August 14, 2020, 07:07:29 AM »
Just wondering if somebody at Agisoft could confirm this change or suggest what I might be doing wrong?  If it has changed and there is no way to fix it, is there a plan to reinstate the previous controls?

General / 3D Mouse control changed in v1.6
« on: July 30, 2020, 04:02:44 AM »
Since upgrading to version 1.6x of Metashape Pro I've noticed the behaviour of the 3D mouse is altered (using 3D connection space mouse).  To get the mouse to work as desired (and similar to its control in the 3D Connextion software) we had to invert all the axes for translation and rotation in the navigation preference.  This allowed movement of the model that matched hand movement of the mouse.  For translation this meant pulling up and pushing down moved the model up and down on the screen.  To zoom you would push and pull on the mouse.  Since upgrading, these two axes seem switched and I can't find any option to go back to this more natural setup.  Does anybody know how this can be done.  I don't think its possible to just invert any of the axes to fix this.

Python and Java API / Re: Exported cameras not scaled
« on: July 04, 2019, 03:35:55 PM »
Hi Alexey,

Just wondering if you’d had any thoughts on this?


Python and Java API / Re: Exported cameras not scaled
« on: June 21, 2019, 09:23:22 AM »
Hi Alexey,

The files produced by the script allow this external software to show the camera points and also have their orientation so that images can be projected back onto the dense cloud. What we've realised is that if we have a dense cloud that we've scaled in MS (using markers and/or scale bars...but no camera GPS data...we're underwater), and we export the dense cloud and run this script to get the two output files, the cameras are not in the correct position in this external software.  If we copy the chunk, turn off all scale features, update scaling and reset transformation and then do the same process, the cameras are in the correct position.  When I compare the script output files from the scaled and unscaled models they appear exactly the same...which is odd.  And importantly, I can see in the .json that even in the file exported from the scaled model, the camera centers at least are not correct.  I say that by comparing them with the estimated x,y,z values in the reference pane.  Any idea if we're doing something wrong in the script such that we're not getting the scaled values out of it?   I've attached the two .json files that come from the script from one of our projects.
 I exported it from both a scaled and unscaled version of the model. Thanks.


Bug Reports / Exported camera position data is not scaled
« on: June 19, 2019, 06:44:16 AM »
This was originally posted to the Python Scripting theme but is probably more appropriate here.

I'm working with some custom software that allows some photo overlay tools on dense clouds.  When I import the dense cloud and camera position data from an unscaled model, it works fine.  However, when I import the same from a scaled model, the camera positions are not correct.  We use the script below to export the .xml camera position file as well as a file that contains the transform and x,y.z position data for every camera.  I've looked these over and it looks like the position data exported from the scaled model is exactly the same as that pulled from an unscaled version of the same model.  I'm wondering if anybody knows why this is and how I can get position data for the cameras in the scaled coordinate system.

import PhotoScan
import math
import os
import json

doc =
chunk = doc.chunk # FIXME thyis is just the active chunk
cams = chunk.cameras

proj_path = doc.path
proj_dir, proj_name = os.path.split(proj_path)
proj_name = proj_name[:-4]

outputs = {}

cams_filename = proj_dir + '/' + proj_name + '.cams.xml'
meta_filename = proj_dir + '/' + proj_name + '.meta.json'

meta_file = open(meta_filename, 'w')


for cam in cams:
    key = cam.key
    path =
    center =
    if center is not None:
        geo = chunk.transform.matrix.mulp(center)
        if is not None:
            lla = list(
        center = list(center)
    agi_trans = cam.transform
    trans = None
    if agi_trans is not None:
        trans = [list(agi_trans.row(n)) for n in range(agi_trans.size[1])]
    outputs[key] = {'path' : path, 'center' : center, 'transform' : trans}
meta_file.write(json.dumps({'cameras' : outputs}, indent=4))


Python and Java API / Exported cameras not scaled
« on: June 17, 2019, 03:55:05 PM »
I'm working with some custom software that allows some photo overlay tools on dense clouds.  When I import the dense cloud and camera position data from an unscaled model, it works fine.  However, when I import the same from a scaled model, the camera positions are not correct.  We use the script below to export the .xml camera position file as well as a file that contains the transform and x,y.z position data for every camera.  I've looked these over and it looks like the position data exported from the scaled model is exactly the same as that pulled from an unscaled version of the same model.  I'm wondering if anybody knows why this is and how I can get position data for the cameras in the scaled coordinate system.

import PhotoScan
import math
import os
import json

doc =
chunk = doc.chunk # FIXME thyis is just the active chunk
cams = chunk.cameras

proj_path = doc.path
proj_dir, proj_name = os.path.split(proj_path)
proj_name = proj_name[:-4]

outputs = {}

cams_filename = proj_dir + '/' + proj_name + '.cams.xml'
meta_filename = proj_dir + '/' + proj_name + '.meta.json'

meta_file = open(meta_filename, 'w')


for cam in cams:
    key = cam.key
    path =
    center =
    if center is not None:
        geo = chunk.transform.matrix.mulp(center)
        if is not None:
            lla = list(
        center = list(center)
    agi_trans = cam.transform
    trans = None
    if agi_trans is not None:
        trans = [list(agi_trans.row(n)) for n in range(agi_trans.size[1])]
    outputs[key] = {'path' : path, 'center' : center, 'transform' : trans}
meta_file.write(json.dumps({'cameras' : outputs}, indent=4))


General / Re: Dealing with network jobs that won't cancel
« on: March 11, 2019, 01:51:02 AM »
We're having this problem again now.  The project was at 99% complete on the dense cloud and then started throwing this error:

2019-03-11 09:10:10 [] failed #38 BuildDenseCloud.cleanup (1/1): Can't open file: The system cannot find the file specified (2): R:/PRJ-HabitatStr/Processing/Palau/CORALASSIST/Coral_Colonies/PA-DR_A075/PA-DR_A075_2019.02.08.files/0/0/dense_cloud/

It racked up 460,181 of these before we paused (it was over the weekend) and then tried to abort it. Its been sitting paused for two days now.  We can't open the project file as the job is still with the network.

Any help appreciated.


General / Re: Dealing with network jobs that won't cancel
« on: March 06, 2019, 11:47:11 AM »
Hi Alexey

I see. So you just have to wait for that cleanup process to finish? The job was still there a few hours after we cancelled it. Finally restarted the server to kill it so we could open the project file again.


Bug Reports / Re: Metashape 1.5.1 won't load old Batch Process files
« on: March 06, 2019, 11:37:14 AM »
Hi Alexey,

Ok. I’ll try that. Is there a plan to fix this in a future release? I recall having this problem after some upgrade in the past as well.


Bug Reports / Metashape 1.5.1 won't load old Batch Process files
« on: March 06, 2019, 04:28:32 AM »

I've just upgraded our network system to Metashape 1.5.1 and note that we can't load any of our old batch process files (which worked with PSP 1.4x).  Is this a known issue?  Is there a solution?


Hi Alexey,

Just wondering if you'd had a chance to consider this issue?  Thanks.


General / Re: Dealing with network jobs that won't cancel
« on: March 06, 2019, 04:22:34 AM »
Hi Alexey,

That job was assigned to two nodes.  I paused those nodes and then later actually stopped them completely.  But the job remained in the que.  What's involved in removing the temporary data so the job will fully cancel?


General / Dealing with network jobs that won't cancel
« on: March 01, 2019, 07:13:47 AM »
From time to time we get a job on our network that seems to just hang.  There are no errors, and other jobs continue to process.  We can pause and try and abort these jobs from the Network Monitor but they won't cancel.  If you open the project file directly, you get the network processing dialog but also can't cancel from here.  I know one way to cancel the job is to restart the server. But that means losing all the jobs that are queued.  I'm just wondering if there is another way?  Thanks.


Hi Alexey,

Just following this post from Neil up.  Disabling interpolation causes all sorts of irregularities in the rest of mesh.  Is there no way to stop it from adding this extra mesh where there is no actual point cloud?  This is causing us trouble with the edges of corals that are quite flat, growing out into space.  Think of a fan.  The growth on these corals is at this edge but the software is adding an extra bit of mesh there that doesn't actually exist.  So we'll have to manually trim this off all edges.  This will take quite some time but also now introduces an additional source of error when estimating the growth that occurs along these edges (when we compare corals imaged at different time points).  Thanks.


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