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Messages - IanManning

Pages: [1] 2
General / Export Region (specify four dimensions)
« on: September 01, 2016, 09:11:50 PM »
I'm looking to specific regions of products from PhotoScan. I'm building models of forested areas and am only interested in a subset of the model. Rather than build my products and edit extents in GIS software, I was wondering whether it is currently possible to functionally export an extent of the model as specified by four coordinate pairs rather than two?

Python and Java API / Re: Convert Button Python Equivalent
« on: March 24, 2016, 02:38:21 PM »
Thanks Alexey,

That worked like a treat! Thank you for your help.


Feature Requests / Re: Console Reflect GUI actions
« on: March 24, 2016, 02:37:20 PM »
Sure thing.

The recent example that comes to mind is the Convert button functionality, posted at Your code fixed it perfectly!

In this case, I tried a lot of different combinations of code, but couldn't get the process to work properly. In this case, it would have been awesome to click the button, copy the source code. Bam! Problem resolved. This has happened to me at other times, if you need more examples I should be able to dig something up.

I think the real value is for encouraging users to jump into the scripting environment. Maybe it's too niche of a demographic, but for users who are doing repetitive work in PhotoScan that haven't yet enlisted Python processing, having the code show up in the console might be just the push they need to make the jump into automated processing.

The target user could step through their regular workflow at desired settings. Upon completion, the code behind the PhotoScan process would show up in the Python Console. This could then be copy and pasted into the Python environment and appended with logic to allow for automated processing.

Hope that clears things up!


Python and Java API / Convert Button Python Equivalent
« on: March 24, 2016, 07:42:58 AM »
Hi there,

Looking at processing images from UAVs using a script in PhotoScan Pro 1.2.3. I've been able to get everything working, save a small detail.

Coordinates come off my UAV in WGS84 coordinate system. Using these coordinates as camera positions withReference Photo Alignment, I'm able to produce georeferenced point clouds in the WGS84 GCS. I eventually want to tie down the model to a projected coordinate system using markers.

In the Graphic interface this is a super simple process. Under the reference tab there is a little white and blue spreadsheet icon. When you hover over it, the word "Convert" appears. If you click the button, a dialog box opens that allows you choose a projected coordinate system from a dropdown.

My question is, how can I replicate this simple button click and drop down selection in a Python Script?

Thank you,

Feature Requests / Console Reflect GUI actions
« on: March 24, 2016, 07:35:07 AM »
Sorry if too general.

I find the API difficult to navigate. There's been several occasions where I've tried to replicate a step from the GUI in a Python script, and have had a lot of difficulty finding the correction code snippet to use.

It would be awesome, if the console updated with Python commands as tools are executed. This would help users looking to make the transition from manual, to scripted processing.


Thank you Alexey and Gall for responding.

@Gall, that worked perfectly, thank you for the suggestion! I knew there had to be a way to get at that functionality.

.value worked like a charm. Script looks much better, and allows for easily changing structure.

Thanks again,

Hi Folks,

Working on some scripting and have run into a road-block. I've got a script set-up to re-cursively test accuracy settings for the initial alignment.

I've got a list containing the Accuracy Settings (PhotoScan.HighAccuracy, PhotoScan.MediumAccuracy)

When I try to pass one of these values to the matchPhotos parameter I get the error

2016-02-24 14:30:08 TypeError: argument 1 must be PhotoScan.Accuracy, not str

I understand the error, the program doesn't want a string (which is what I'm serving it from the list) via my iterator. Is there a way to get around this, by somehow converting my string into something PhotoScan will accept?

I've made a separate version of the script where the accuracy settings are hard coded that works fine as a back-up. I just want to clean this up, so I can make quicker changes as required.

Thank you,

Python and Java API / Re: matchPhotos - Not enough cameras
« on: February 24, 2016, 04:19:02 PM »
Can you post the rest of your script?

General / Re: Different Results
« on: February 17, 2016, 04:20:47 PM »
Thank you Alexey,

I thought that might be the case. In this particular scenario, I am working with images with repetitive texture, which makes photo alignment more difficult.  I hadn't noticed it before because I've been re-creating simpler scenes, and all photos have aligned properly.

Where exactly is the stochastic value employed? Is it possible to overwrite this value with a fixed value so results are repeatable?

Thank you,

General / Different Results
« on: February 17, 2016, 03:13:57 PM »
Hi All,

I've noticed that when aligning photos, with the same Alignment settings, I am getting different numbers of cameras to align.

In my latest process, I aligned the same chunk of 135 photos five times. Each step was processed with:

Lowest Accuracy
Reference Pair Preselection
Keypoint Limit (0)
Tiepoint Limit (0)

However when I look at my results (keeping in mind these are the same 130 photos) the results are very different. (Photo attached)

In the best case, 105/130 cameras were aligned. In the worst, 95/130. What's the explanation? Is there a random element to the matching process or feature extraction? I'd like to be able to explain where these differences are coming from.

Thank you,

Python and Java API / Re: Help Request: Running Scripts in PhotoScan Pro
« on: October 23, 2015, 05:40:09 PM »
You can right click the Photoscan icon on the desktop or from the start menu and select 'open file location'.
For me it's installed under 'C:\Program Files\Agisoft\PhotoScan Pro' I guess if you are using the 32 bit version it will be under C:\Program Files (x86). Anyway this isn't hard to figure out, it also depends on what version of windows you are using :)

Thank you! I ended up getting it to work. I still couldn't find an install folder, however I realized my mistake. I had a hyphen in the script name rather than an underscore, I hadn't realized hyphens were a no-no in .py script names. Once I realized that, I put it in the App data folder and it was able to work. Thank you for taking the time to help me.

Python and Java API / Re: Help Request: Running Scripts in PhotoScan Pro
« on: October 23, 2015, 04:30:03 PM »

Thank you for your help. I've had a look, but can't seem to find an Install folder. In your case, is the Install folder under the same root as AppData? I've had a go through my ProgramFiles folder for PhotoScan, but can't see an install folder in there either.

 I should have mentioned I'm running Windows.

Thank you,

Python and Java API / Running Scripts in PhotoScan Pro [RESOLVED]
« on: October 22, 2015, 06:15:58 PM »
I had a hyphen in the script name rather than an underscore. Once script name was corrected, the custom menu item appeared to the left of the Help button in the PhotoScan bar as described by SC. Thanks for your help

Hi everyone, Ian here. I'm trying to run a script from the PhotoScan wiki to automate the process of chunking a project.

The script in question is here:

I copied and pasted the script from the wiki page, on to my local drive (as per instructions I searched out on this forum). Specifically C:/User:/Me/AppData/Local/Agisoft/PhotoScan Pro/scripts

From reading the scripts comments and posts on this forum, I'm led to believe that this script creates a custom menu item. I'm sure this is probably a super obvious question, but what exactly is a custom menu item and where can I find/access it?

I've scoured the forum and PhotoScan documentation, but can't seem to find a solution. If it's posted somewhere, could someone please link to the topic? If not, could someone with experience running the wiki scripts with AgiSoft Pro could outline a general workflow for running scripts.

Thanks a million,

General / Re: Working with Chunks
« on: October 14, 2015, 09:25:11 PM »
Sure thing Alexy

My PC has 16GB Ram.

In this particular case, I ran out of memory during the Dense Cloud generation processing stage.


General / Re: Working with Chunks
« on: October 14, 2015, 09:04:20 PM »
Thank you Alexy,

This is exactly what I was looking for. I'll be sure to report back with my results. Thanks!


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