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Topics - Toshi_OK

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Request: Automatic re-positioning 3d model (standard)
« on: October 13, 2017, 06:40:45 AM »
Hi Agisoft Developer Team,

I have a request for future function for Standard version.
Could you consider to add "Re-positioning 3D Model based on current model view" option?

Please see the attached photo for your reference.

If optimizing a model position according to current view, it makes very very helpful for exporting to other 3d software and for 3d printing. Please consider below my request for future update.

According to current model view,
1: set the base of region under the model and fit the region size.
2: set the model position at the center of local coordinate
3: set the model angle based on current view

Thanks a lot for looking at this post.

Hi Agisoft Team,

Please consider to add an option to include contour lines on the DEM/Ortho images in the export option.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Best Wishes,


Hi Agisoft Team,

Here are two requests for the future updates from our customer.
Please consider to add exporting 3d plane mesh from cross-section and editing shape, such as duplication of the shape and slightly move the position by hand or offset?

Duplicating "Shape" and moving it would be helpful for measurement, if possible, the customer would like to move by offset to have cross-section of every 10m, for example.

Thanks a lot for your consideration!
Best wishes,


General / The accuracy in the import CSV
« on: June 07, 2017, 05:25:37 AM »

Could someone let me know the detail about the accuracy in the import CSV dialog?

For example, if the accuracy is 8, and the imported parameter is 100, is it calculated in the range from 92 to 108?
If so, the number of the accuracy should be taken by GPS or logger accuracy?

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you!

General / Working on multiple period at the same location
« on: April 18, 2017, 12:28:13 PM »
Hi all,

Could someone give advice about the accuracy?

I am trying to compare two periods at the same location, but the first data was created with PhotoScan Ver 1.2.2, and I would like to start processing the second data on the latest Ver 1.3.1, Are there any differences in accuracy?

I understand it should be the same version for sure, but if I don't have to work on the first data, I can save my time.

Thank you!


Hi there,

For the future update, please think for showing "selected points" on the model view when the dense cloud models are selected on the workspace pane. when I use "select points by color",  number of selected points does not show.
So I tried "Invert Selection" and "Delete selection" to check the point, but the points seems something wrong.

So I usually delete the selection by select points by color, then I figure out the difference with the original points.

Anyways, please think to add to show "selected points" on the model view for Dense Point Cloud.

Thanks a lot for your reading

General / How to find out the pixel size in Camera Calibration?
« on: February 02, 2017, 08:20:12 AM »
Hi everyone,

Could somebody let me know how to find out the pixel size in Camera Calibration to accurate more?

The basic calculation what I know is below
"Square root of the area of the image pickup element divided by the number of pixels"

Then the parameter and the calculation will be...
---sample parameter---
Senser Size (mm) = 5.9 x 4.4  = 25.96 mm area
Resolusion  size = 4608 x 3456 = 15925248 area

SQRT( 26 / 15925248 ) = approx "0.00127676"

However the parameter based on EXIF shows slightly different such as "0.00133853" as in attached photo.

So the questions are...
* Which EXIF parameter the Photoscan actually use for?
* Actual formula

I saw the thread below, and I would like to know more specific if i could.

General / Numbers on the Survey Data
« on: November 29, 2016, 08:03:26 AM »
Hi Everyone,

Could someone let me know the exact meaning of the numbers on the Survey Data?

According to the PhotoScan manual, it tells the data includes overlap statistics, as in below
• Survey data including coverage area, flying altitude, GSR, general camera(s) info, as well as overlap
So I think the numbers would be the overlap statistics. However its unit?
For example, if the area is the blue ( > 9), is the area made by more than 9 pictures? or overlapped more than 90%? or something else?

I appreciate for any suggestion and confirmation.

Thank you!


Hi everyone,

Could anyone let me know what PhotoScan exactly do "filtering depth mapping" on the step of "build dense cloud"?

I'm curious that, even "Depth filtering" option is disabled in the advanced option for Build dense cloud, "filtering depth maps... done in xxx.xx sec" message is logged on the Console.

And I don't really understand the processing time.
Between depth filtering option by "aggressive" and "disabled", aggressive is faster.

Doesn't it do nothing when the depth filtering is set to "disabled"?
Why "aggressive" has done it faster than "disabled"?

Aggressive  >> filtering depth maps... done in 158.518 sec
Disabled      >> filtering depth maps... done in 104.74 sec

Tested conditions as below:
-PhotoScan Professional Ver 1.2.4 (Build 2399)
-Unchecked "keep depth maps" on advance tab in Preferences.
-disabled/ aggressive type on advance option in Build Dense Cloud.
-OpenCL is enabled.

Thanks for any advices!

General / PDF Export error
« on: April 26, 2016, 07:45:49 AM »
Hi there,

Could someone help me how to fix export pdf file error as attached picture?

For some reason, suddenly my PhotoScan Pro shows error message when I export model/points as PDF file.
I tried to open old project file which I could export PDF file before, then it shows same message.
However I still can save or export PDF file on other programs such as Word, Excel, or Print as PDF file from Printer setting.
Additionally other export format such as obj, stl, ply and etc. works as usual.

I have already tried uninstalling PhotoScan and installing it again and again, and also re-installed Adobe Acrobat in case if it was the reason, but these never fix the problem.

Opening existing PDF and saving it on other program works as well. Only exporting PDF file on PhotoScan does not work.

Could anyone please let me know what I need to do for this?

My Machine:
Windows 7 Pro SP1
PhotoScan Pro Ver1.2.4


General / Measure Shape >> above best fit plane
« on: January 14, 2016, 01:55:54 PM »

I have small question about "Measure Shape" part.

What does it means "Above Best Fit Plane"?

On the help file, it says " Best fit and mean level planes are calculated based on the drawn polygon vertices. ".
does it means PhotoScan finds flat plane from the model and set it as the base altitude?

Could someone let me know how I can make good use it for?

Thanks in advance!


Bug Reports / Checking "Include Comment" on the Export Point >> PDF file
« on: November 12, 2015, 07:04:48 AM »

I just found one thing it look like a bug on the Export Point to PDF file.

After I exported a PDF file without comment, the check box of "Include comment" is of course unchecked next time.
When I check it, the comment area doesn't become active, however when I change some list box as in attachment, it will be active.

I checked it on both Photoscan Pro version 1.1.6 Build 2038 (64 bit) and 1.2.0 build 2158 (64 bit).

Just for reporting issue.
Hope it helps improvement of user interface.


General / PhotoScan Pro: need special setting on Linux? Using amazon ec2
« on: October 23, 2015, 12:14:05 PM »
Does anyone know the solution of below issue?
System : Ubuntu 14.04 on Amazon EC2. / Intel Xeon E5-2670 (Sandy Bridge)
PhotoScan recognizes 32 cores,
Targets, thousand images of 648 x 483 size photos.

At the steps of Alignment, the process before "Estimating Camera Location" finishes within 5 minutes, but it shows about 12 hours to be done for "Estimating Camera Location" itself.
*On the console pane, I don't see error on it. just showing in progress...
*However, when the system is windows, it finishes less than 15 minutes on the same Amazon EC2.

I believe the difference is only operating system, however I don't understand why Amazon EC2 with linux is so slow.
By the way, when I tested on my local machine with ubuntu 14.04,  it doesn't take that much.

Thank you

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