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Messages - March Castle

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Unfortunately we are using images from Sony cameras which don't have any GPS information to assist with alignment.

We rely purely on the software to align the images and then location data is provided by identifying the GCPs.

The position of the GCPs are logged by a Trimble Geo 7x GNSS unit which provides centimetre accurate positioning.

This error happens in several of our datasets - most of the images align well, but a section of the images will be aligned at an extreme angle.

These sections contain aligned images, but are all projected at the same incorrect angle.

Reprocessing produces different results, but they are always nearly upside down.

I have attempted to process these sections by moving the affected images to a new chunk and resetting the alignment, the aligning and merging the chunks, but this produces the same results.

I think the content of the images presents an issue for Metashape - in that we fly over plots of vegetation which are numerous and quite similar. Although the pattern we fly is waypoint-based and so each image will always be spatially linked to the images taken before and after it., which I assume would make it more straightforward?

I have tried different settings in the alignment stage: 'Source' and 'Sequential' but this seems to make little difference.

Even when the two misaligned chunks share GCPs which have been identified, the alignment still fails.

Thank you for your help with this issue - I would appreciate any suggestions!

I am having issues with certain datasets when a portion of the images won't align.

I split the un-aligned images into a separate chunk and align them with the aim of aligning and merging the chunks together.

Unfortunately, after alignment the images appear tilted to the side in relation to the other chunk, and after aligning and merging the chunks, the tilted data remains (see attached)

Can this be solved, or is this caused by having a single line of GCPs along the edge of the dataset which has a strong bias along one axis?

I have tried reprocessing this, but the same issue persists whether I identify the GCPs before or after processing.

Thanks for your help.

Hi there,

I just thought I'd post that we are processing our M3M data in Metashape just fine.

Key steps:
- Add Photos, and select only the .tif files
- Load as a multicamera system. This will appear that only the _G files have loaded (green band), but I promise they are all in there
- Run alignment
- We treat the point cloud densification as optional - we don't care about the DSM, and skipping densification saves heaps of time
- Create DSM
- Calibrate Reflectance (use spectral panels if you have them, otherwise just tick the box for the sun sensor)
- Mosaic with "average" blending - we get stripes in the mosaic if we use the other options. I've never found an official reason for it, but my guess is that its due to the pitch of the drone as it points towards and away from the sun with North-South transects
- Don't forget to convert to reflectance afterwards (we do this in QGIS as part of our QAQC process)

Hopefully that helps someone!

Thanks for this guidance.

Has anyone characterised the sensors of the Mavic 3M? I am trying to convert the D.Ns into reflectance and will need to perform some cross-calibration with another instrument unless other users have found an alternative method.

General / Partial dataset with missing GCPs causing tilted model
« on: November 21, 2023, 01:31:26 PM »

I am having problems processing an incomplete dataset. This only features 4 GCPs in a straight line along the same axis, which I think is causing the model to be tilted - see screenshot.

The images were collected with a low resolution thermal camera (382x288 px) with an 8mm lens.

I have tried calibrating the camera and entering the lens and sensor values, but this did not solve the issue.

There is no GPS data in the image metadata, but they have aligned very well - the only issue is the projection.

The GCP locations were logged with a centimetre accurate GPS receiver, and I have verified that data is reliable.

Is there any way to correct this, or is the lack of GCPs on the other axis impossible to overcome?

Thanks for your help, March.

Bug Reports / Error: Unsupported data type: float16
« on: January 29, 2021, 02:46:22 PM »
I am having problems solving the following error when attempting to export an Orthomosaic:

2021-01-29 11:01:55 Agisoft Metashape Professional Version: 1.6.6 build 11715 (64 bit)
2021-01-29 11:01:55 Platform: Windows
2021-01-29 11:01:55 CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v4 @ 2.40GHz (server)
2021-01-29 11:01:55 CPU family: 6 model: 79 signature: 406F1h
2021-01-29 11:01:55 RAM: 63.9 GB
2021-01-29 11:01:56 OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
2021-01-29 11:01:56 OpenGL Renderer: Quadro K6000/PCIe/SSE2
2021-01-29 11:01:56 OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 452.57
2021-01-29 11:01:56 Maximum Texture Size: 16384
2021-01-29 11:01:56 Quad Buffered Stereo: not enabled
2021-01-29 11:01:56 ARB_vertex_buffer_object: supported
2021-01-29 11:01:56 ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: supported
2021-01-29 11:16:54 LoadProject: path = Y:/2019_Images/2019_JIC/NIR_AllCorrect/JIC_2019_020719_NIR.psx
2021-01-29 11:16:54 Loading project...
2021-01-29 11:17:28 loaded project in 33.684 sec
2021-01-29 11:17:28 Finished processing in 33.685 sec (exit code 1)
2021-01-29 11:19:59 ExportOrthomosaic: block_height = 1024, block_width = 1024, clip_to_boundary = off, image_format = TIFF, path = Y:/2019_Images/2019_JIC/NIR_AllCorrect/JIC_2019_020719_NIR_Ortho.tif, projection = WGS 84 / UTM zone 30N, resolution_x = 0.010498199999999999, resolution_y = 0.010498199999999999, save_alpha = off
2021-01-29 11:19:59 Exporting orthomosaic...
2021-01-29 11:19:59 generating 11749 x 13427 raster in 1 x 1 tiles
2021-01-29 11:20:07 Finished processing in 8.402 sec (exit code 0)
2021-01-29 11:20:07 Error: Unsupported data type: float16

I am experiencing this error in versions from 1.6.6 build 11715 to 1.7.1 build 11797.

I have discovered by chance that this error was not produced when using version 1.6.1 build 10009 - as this was installed on another machine that had not been updated for a while.
This version is able to export Orthomosaics using the same files containing the same image data that the newer versions of Metashape are not able to, so I know it is not the .psx file, or the images that are causing the problems.

Strangely, the export DEM command works fine when using the newer versions - so I know this error is limited to the 'Export Orthomosaic' command in the newer versions.

The images I am using are from 1 of 2 cameras - either from an RGB camera outputting 48 Bit Uncompressed TIFFs or a NIR Adapted Camera outputting 16 Bit Uncompressed TIFFs, but image sets from both cameras produce this error.

Do you know what may have changed between versions 1.6.1 and 1.6.6 that is causing this error? (If I had access to the versions between them I could narrow it down to the precise version which contains the update which causes this error)

Thanks for your help.

I have tried using an older version - 1.6.1 (Build 10009) 64 Bit - and I am able to export Orthomosaics without errors using the same image set, so this seems to be an issue with newer versions only.
Can you suggest any changes since this version that may cause this error?

Thanks to everyone for their assistance with this.

Bug Reports / Re: Orthomosaic Export Error: Unsupported Data Type: Float 16
« on: December 24, 2020, 04:04:38 PM »
I have tried changing the background colour - unfortunately it produced the same error.

The images display as you would expect an unprocessed JPEG to appear - i.e the colours and tones are close to natural.

I have attached a screenshot of the workspace so that you can see the details.

Thanks for your help once again.

Bug Reports / Re: Orthomosaic Export Error: Unsupported Data Type: Float 16
« on: December 23, 2020, 02:43:40 PM »
I have attached an image of the Export dialogue.

They are 16-bit 3 channel RGB images.

I am able to successfully export a DEM using these images and I have used these images to successfully create an Orthophoto in the past.

I am trying to reduce the resolution so that it cuts down on processing when using other programs - could changing the pixel size be the source of the problem?

Thanks for your help.

Bug Reports / Orthomosaic Export Error: Unsupported Data Type: Float 16
« on: December 22, 2020, 01:50:54 PM »
When attempting to export an Orthomosaic as a TIFF, I receive the following error:

'Unsupported Data Type: Float 16'

Does this refer to the source images, or the TIFF i'm exporting?

I've always used 16 bit TIFFs as the source images used to generate the Orthophoto and they have not created errors before - but I have recently updated to a later version of Metashape (1.6.5 / 11249) so perhaps there has been a change in the software?

Thanks for your help.

NVIDIA Tesla M60 with Driver ver. (released 07/11/2019)

Found the article on your site about how to run in ANGLE mode. Now I get this error:

renderer_qgl.cpp line 615: glDrawArrays(encodePrimitiveType(type), (GLsizei) offset, (GLsizei) countElements(type, count)) failed: Out of memory

Yes a GPU is installed.
How do I run Metashape in ANGLE compatibility mode using the code included in your previous reply?

Hello Alexey,

Here is the console output upon starting the program:

2020-03-24 10:36:43 Agisoft Metashape Professional Version: 1.6.1 build 10009 (64 bit)
2020-03-24 10:36:43 Platform: Windows
2020-03-24 10:36:43 CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6134 CPU @ 3.20GHz (server)
2020-03-24 10:36:43 CPU family: 6 model: 85 signature: 50654h
2020-03-24 10:36:43 RAM: 72.0 GB
2020-03-24 10:36:43 OpenGL Vendor: VMware, Inc.
2020-03-24 10:36:43 OpenGL Renderer: SVGA3D; build: RELEASE;  LLVM;
2020-03-24 10:36:43 OpenGL Version: 3.0 Mesa 18.0.0 (git-6949e96035)
2020-03-24 10:36:43 Maximum Texture Size: 8192
2020-03-24 10:36:43 Quad Buffered Stereo: not enabled
2020-03-24 10:36:43 ARB_vertex_buffer_object: supported
2020-03-24 10:36:43 ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: supported
2020-03-24 10:36:43 Using simple console. Rich console can be enabled in Preferences dialog.

Yes - I am operating Metashapes remotely in a virtual environment.

Thanks for your help.

Bug Reports / 'context mismatch in svga_sampler_view_destroy' Error.
« on: March 20, 2020, 04:55:12 PM »

One of my copies of Metashapes frequently freezes between workflow processing steps and I am forced to close the program.
When I do, the console prints the following: 'context mismatch in svga_sampler_view_destroy' - see attachment for screenshot.

I think this is related to the graphics card, but i'm not sure which steps to take to avoid this happening.
Has anyone else had this come up?

Thanks for your help, March.

General / Problem with changing image paths to avoid reprocessing.
« on: February 07, 2020, 03:50:19 PM »
I am having trouble using a workaround I thought could save me having to repeat the align, dense point cloud and mesh workflow stages.

I have an existing project which I have already fully processed all the way from alignment to generating Orthophotos. This was done using corrected images for data extraction.

Now I want to produce a second Orthophoto from the same set of images, but this time I want to use non-corrected images - i.e straight out of the camera.

I want to avoid repeating the align, dense point cloud and mesh workflow stages, and as the images are essentially identical I thought this could be easily achieved by substituting the uncorrected images for the corrected ones in the existing file and simply repeating the 'build Orthophoto' and 'generate Orthophoto' stages.

I have tried using the 'change path' command to update the filepath from the corrected images to the non-corrected versions.

This seems to work, except for the fact that some of the images are a different orientation within the set - i.e a mix of portrait and landscape. So despite being the same resolution, the portrait images are being flagged as missing (reason: resized) when I attempt to initiate 'build orthomosaic'

I have tried rotating the portrait images in Photoscan, but the problem persists.

Strangely, the image shows as being portrait in the 'Photos' pane, but is landscape in the main window. If you rotate the image 90 degress, then it appears to be landscape in the 'photos' pane, but portait in the main window.

Is there a workaround for this problem?

Thanks for your help.

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