« on: January 09, 2016, 11:50:51 AM »
I am building an orthomosaic of 550 36 MP images with medium settings. I have tried all different kinds of configurations but the system keeps crashing or becoming immensely slow. At the moment there are two scenarios:
I select the entire area and everything processes very smoothly (aligning photos, building dense cloud, building dem). Then I do build orthomosaic (based on DEM), my memory of 64GB fills up in a steady pace, it starts swapping memory and then at some point freezes completely in the georectifying images stage. Then I have to kill the computer.
In the second method i select only a small region of the whole area (say 10%) after doing all the steps up till build dem. When i build the orthomosaic it then takes over an hour to update the region and update orthomosaic, which is ridiculous and unnecessary and photoscan is not using my cpu, memory usage is low and gpu usage is also low. What is going on here?
Correction: Though I only selected a small region before doing the second method it processed the entire image. that took an hour and nothing else was done then the numerous times that the system just froze. So a solution would still be great!