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Messages - ferdywallinx

Pages: 1 [2]
General / Re: crashing and slowing down when building orthomosaic
« on: January 09, 2016, 06:29:17 PM »
The images are all taken vertically, it could be that there are a few where the plane was tilted a bit (max 10 degrees). But I used the same images when it crashed and when it worked without issues.

General / crashing and slowing down when building orthomosaic
« on: January 09, 2016, 11:50:51 AM »
I am building an orthomosaic of 550 36 MP images with medium settings. I have tried all different kinds of configurations but the system keeps crashing or becoming immensely slow. At the moment there are two scenarios:

I select the entire area and everything processes very smoothly (aligning photos, building dense cloud, building dem). Then I do build orthomosaic (based on DEM), my memory of 64GB fills up in a steady pace, it starts swapping memory and then at some point freezes completely in the georectifying images stage. Then I  have to kill the computer.

In the second method i select only a small region of the whole area (say 10%) after doing all the steps up till build dem. When i build the orthomosaic it then takes over an hour to update the region and update orthomosaic, which is ridiculous and unnecessary and photoscan is not using my cpu, memory usage is low and gpu usage is also low. What is going on here?

Correction: Though I only selected a small region before doing the second method it processed the entire image. that took an hour and nothing else was done then the numerous times that the system just froze. So a solution would still be great!

Python and Java API / class names or orders of dense cloud in Python
« on: January 05, 2016, 07:40:10 PM »
Hi All,

I'm trying to create a DEM based on a classified dense point cloud in Photoscan python. The manual only states that I should state the classes as a list of int but i have no idea what integer value corresponds to what class and how this should be called. The manual only states the following:

buildDem(source=DenseCloudData, interpolation=EnabledInterpolation[, projection ][, region ][,

So what should i put after classes= to only build the dem based on ground points? The step before builddem is classifygroundpoints.

General / combining infrared and rgb camera
« on: December 29, 2015, 06:48:58 PM »
Hi All,

Our company is flying with a 36MP RGB camera and a similar NIR converted camera (infracutfilter removed, RGB-filter added). We use these camera's for for aerial photography but the images are not well aligned, because of large distance and inperfect alignment of cameras on mount.

Because of this I have two datasets, one RGB and one NIR. The images have identical gps positions because they are triggered at the same time and receive GPS data at the same moment. Does any one of you have the same setup and what did you do to align the images? I want a well overlapping orthomosaic but normal alignment does not work since the correlation between infrared and RGB is too low.

Hi Ed,

well we basically take images from a plane of a few thousand hectares at a few centimeters resolution and then try to stitch them together. I could split this in parts but I am worried that i will then get alignment issues if i do this in separate projects.  I was actually planning to use the SSD's as swap indeed, do you reckon that photoscan does not use swap space and will just crash when overloading the memory?

I guess that if i make chunks it will only load all the data in the memory of one chunk at the time (hopefully). FYI I am not working in windows 10 but linux XFCE distro. Not sure if that would make any difference.


Hi Stihl,

I was aware of the Xeon thing so this is no problem.

General / Re: cannot export orthomosaic
« on: December 28, 2015, 06:01:20 PM »
Hi Alexey,

that would work. And what about new projects? What would be the minimum required steps to go from photos to orthomosaic?

General / Re: cannot export orthomosaic
« on: December 28, 2015, 05:07:29 PM »
Hi Alexey,

I think that we had this problem then since we worked with previous versions before. Do I need to run all the other processes still then? (point cloud, mesh, texture)

General / cannot export orthomosaic
« on: December 28, 2015, 03:33:01 PM »
Hi All,

I am trying to export my orthomosaic. I have done the alignment, build dense point cloud, build mesh, build texture, and previously this was no problem to then export as orthomosaic. For some reason I cannot get it to work now. The mosaic looks good in the interface itself, the options to export as any datatype just remain gray and when i do batch process export it just says failed.

great, will do! any thoughts about the hardware?

General / Huge GIS dataset (10000 images, 36MP) SSD and RAM requirements
« on: December 23, 2015, 01:22:21 PM »
Hi All,

I've bought a computer with 32GB RAM and 2TB SSD and am fully aware that this will not do for my datasets. I work with 5000-10000 16-BIT 36MP images, which amounts to 1.5-2.5TB per dataset. I am going to upgrade my RAM but at the same time need to increase my ROM.

I am doubting between 128GB or 256GB RAM and would like to know the added value (decrease of processing time).

Also, since swapping will be necessary with these kinds of datasets, should I buy 2-3 2TB SSD's (540MB/s read/write) and put them in RAID 0 or should i go with one 2TB SSD with 2700/1800MB/s read/write?

In any case, should I process in chunks anyway?

Thanks so much for your help!

General / Re: RAM vs SWAP - can the job be done of you have enough swap
« on: December 23, 2015, 01:09:51 PM »

what was in the end your solution? Did you try multiple things? I'm struggling with the same issue.

Python and Java API / Re: New Split in Chunks script
« on: December 23, 2015, 12:13:38 PM »
I have been trying this script but cannot get it to work: When I run the script on Linux only one extra chunk is created (regardless of the parameters) with all camera points, while on Windows the chunks get created but every chunk contains all cameras. The photos all have a georeference and i have tried the script before and after aligning photos. Any help anyone?

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