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Messages - Oli63

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]
General / Re: Using camera external orientation
« on: April 07, 2012, 05:58:08 PM »
Does it bring any advantage in the aligning process (speed or quality) if I add more data in the ground control than x, y and height and if so, how is it done? I assume, I need to define the variables in the first line of the text file, separated with tabs.
In our case, the UAV would give at least turning rates and attitude of the UAV in all three dimensions.

Feature Requests / Re: Lasso tool
« on: March 31, 2012, 05:46:37 PM »

General / Re: Recommended Hardware?
« on: March 31, 2012, 05:09:07 PM »
I've got a new system and can offer some information:

With my iMac (2009), 2,8 GHz i7, 16 GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 4850 (which is not supported by Open CL and therefore PhotoScan), it took me 10-20 hours to process 130 photos in one chunk. The same data takes now less than 1 hour with a Windows PC, i7-3930, 64 GB RAM, 2x nVidia 580 GTX with VBO-support enabled and 2 cores spent for the GPU's. The hardware price is slightly over 3000 EUR.
In addition I can increase the onscreen resolution of the 3D models by a factor of 3 and the maximum texture size (indicated in the console at system startup) is 16000.

That ist really fun.

Quite amazing. How did you do it? With my iMac and 16 GB RAM I get a maximum of 8192.

Resolution of texture seems to me a very important feature for customers.

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.8.5 pre-release
« on: March 11, 2012, 08:45:23 PM »
After testing with a heavy 3d terrain model, I can confirm that disabling the "Enable VBO support" option in the preferences will stop the crashes under MacOSX.

Sorry to disappoint you but I have to confirm the opposite. Disabling VBO support does NOT stop the crashes.

What I also had once was a successful termination of the "Building geometry" process without the creation of a 3D-model. It just ended the process.

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 0.8.5 pre-release
« on: March 10, 2012, 03:53:08 PM »
Same on my iMac.

General / Re: Decimating stage - Blocked photoscan
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:48:16 PM »
There might be another solution: taking care of releasing unused memory in the program!
I have the same problem using a 16 GB iMac and according to the activity monitor nearly half of the RAM is constantly inactive. Seems you could improve the performance by freeing unused memory during runtime.

Thank you for the (rather disappointing) answer.

Would the software make use of multiple parallel Sandy Bridge CPUs instead?

Can we expect GPUs to be used for more stages than only the building of depth maps in the near future?
I experimented with 900 aerial pictures from a microdrone with different amounts of chunks and precision. For high precision, high resolution models the calculations take several days and nights, which doesn't make sense for us.
Could you please give some informations about the possibilities to speed up the process? Is it better to invest in several parallel CPUs or multiple GPUs? What is the performance jump when adding a GTX 590, to give an example.

Bug Reports / Re: Various GPU problems
« on: December 28, 2011, 04:55:38 PM »

I am working on a iMac Core i7, with the ATI Radeon HD4850 graphics card on OS X Lion. It should use Open CL/GL as shown below. Although I checked the card in "Preferences / Open CL" it isn't used by Photoscan (see last line!).
The documentation says that support for Radeon cards begins with the series 5xxx, which is pretty disappointing, as the graphics card cannot be changed in iMacs. What is the reason, that Radeon series 4xxx are not supported though Open CL/GL works well on them and can we hope for a change? Could a new driver solve the problem?


OpenGL Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL Renderer: ATI Radeon HD 4850 OpenGL Engine
OpenGL Version: 2.1 ATI-7.12.9
Maximum Texture Size: 8192
ARB_vertex_buffer_object: supported
ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: supported
loaded project in 2.82574 sec
selected 33 cameras from 33 in 0.167065 sec
Loading photos...
Reconstructing depth...
Using device: Radeon HD 4850, 10 compute units, 512 MB global memory
  max work group size 1024
  max work item sizes [1024, 1024, 1024]
  max mem alloc size 128 MB
  max workgroup size c1: 64 c3: 64 zero: 256 hamming: 64 filter: 256 box: 256
  max workgroup size zero: 256 costs: 256 b1: 64 bn: 64 wta: 256 transpose: 64
estimating 848x686x32 disparity using 283x229x32 tiles, offset 0
estimating 848x686x32 disparity using 283x229x32 tiles, offset 0
GPU processing failed, switching to CPU mode

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