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Messages - FrostBite

Pages: [1] 2
General / M30T & M3E Questions
« on: October 31, 2023, 07:51:19 AM »
 I'm interested in purchasing the DJI M30T or DJI M3E for mapping with RGB and Thermal.

I'm curious to know everyone's input! I've been using an older drone, and am looking to upgrade.

1) Does the DJI Pilot 2 app allow for mapping large areas with large variations in terrain? I ask only because the Drone Deploy app only allows the use of terrain awareness with areas under 200 acres.
2) How much actual flight time do you get, on average, with one battery, with either drone?
3) Is the M30T a good drone for creating orthomosaics and 3D models of large areas?? I've been reading that it isn't suited for those kind of missions
4) I'm reliant on using terrain awareness for mapping areas with large variances in terrain (mountainous). How hard is it to import the DSM from 3rd party websites into the DJI PIlot 2 app?
5) Does the speed of the mapping mission get reduced or increased based on shutter speed/low light?
6) Would the RTK system on the DJI M3E work when I'm outside of cell service? Do I need a base station for it? Or does it give better location information on its own?

Thanks for any and all input!

General / Drone for Mapping?
« on: March 27, 2022, 09:18:31 PM »
 I am looking at upgrading my drone for mapping, but I'm not sure what I should be looking at.

Does the Mavic 3 Pro do well with mapping? I was interested in the portability of the drone.
Is the Phantom 4 Pro still good for mapping missions?

I was looking at the P4Pro RTK system. But I think that's out of my price range...


General / Drone + GPS unit? (GCPs)
« on: March 27, 2022, 09:16:16 PM »
 I wanted to get some kind of GPS unit for getting better data through Ground Control Points.

I was wondering what you all would recommend for a cost - effective setup.

Is there some kind of antennae I can sync to my phone with an app? Like SW Maps?
Or would I have to buy a whole antennae + GPS unit setup?

What do you all recommend?


General / UAV - How can I show slope
« on: October 07, 2018, 03:39:36 AM »
I flew a fairly steep area that will eventually be logged by a local mill. I created a good orthomosaic and DEM from the photos. The photos penetrated the canopy enough to extrapolate the ground information for DEM.

So now the client now wants slope % information so they can prescribe specific machinery to log in this area.

I have Global Mapper, and have come up with a really basic photo to show the slope. I just don't think it's enough data to present to the client.

Could anyone please give me some advice on how I can best do this? It could be a gamechanger for me to do this properly.


General / UAV Data - Bounding Box/Orientation Issues
« on: September 29, 2018, 08:14:20 AM »
  For some reason, after I align the images, orientation of my model is incorrect. It's as if the X and the Z axis switched over.

Since I'm using geotagged images, shouldn't it automatically have the correct orientation?

I did change some settings when I tried out a new workflow that could have possibly changed PhotoScan to do this. I've been slowly trying to fix it but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas to speed up the process?

Thanks ahead of time!

General / Fly-through feature
« on: December 22, 2017, 09:59:00 AM »
 Hello all, was just wondering if anyone has learned how to properly use the flythrough feature?

Is there a tutorial anywhere??

General / Re: New Video Card = Photoscan Crashing?
« on: June 04, 2017, 08:25:21 AM »
Hey Alexy,

I'm not sure what you mean by external tablet. I do have external harddrive connected by USB. That's pretty much it.

I did reinstall my old video card (Geforce 560) and I had no problems with the same project I was working on. Everything worked completely fine, so I know for sure now its the new video card (Geforce 1080ti) or the drivers (?) that are causing the crashes.

Does anyone have some kind of solution for this? I'm running Windows 10, and I WAS using the 1080ti with updated drivers. Also was using the updated Photoscan.

It's a pity I can't use my new video card... it was expensive!

 Hey Alexy,

I was hoping that you're right. But I changed back to my old Geforce 560 and tried the same project again with the same settings and it worked without a problem.

The problem is related to the newer video cards and/or the drivers that are related to them.

Not sure what to do now... it really sucks, since I purchased the new Geforce 1080ti but can't use it for work.

If anyone has any ideas or solutions to this problem please let me know!!

Just throwing in my two cents...

I was using a GeForce 560 and never had problems with Photoscan
I then installed a GeForce 1080ti and after that had problems with building the dense cloud. Right when it was filtering the depth maps the program would crash or Windows would get an error and the computer would reboot. I'm going to try reinstalling my old video card to see if that's the problem... Sucks if the 1080ti has compatibility issues with PhotoScan.

General / Re: New Video Card = Photoscan Crashing?
« on: May 25, 2017, 12:02:08 PM »
 Yes I have submitted report I believe. Seems like it crashes right when PhotoScan starts filtering depth maps. Here's the last few lines of the log...

2017-05-25 01:51:55 [GPU] estimating 878x850x128 disparity using 878x850x8u tiles
2017-05-25 01:51:56 timings: rectify: 0.016 disparity: 0.058 borders: 0.009 filter: 0.023 fill: 0
2017-05-25 01:51:56 [GPU] estimating 837x848x128 disparity using 837x848x8u tiles
2017-05-25 01:51:56 timings: rectify: 0.031 disparity: 0.057 borders: 0.007 filter: 0.019 fill: 0
2017-05-25 01:51:56 [GPU] estimating 573x876x128 disparity using 573x876x8u tiles
2017-05-25 01:51:56 timings: rectify: 0.016 disparity: 0.045 borders: 0.005 filter: 0.015 fill: 0
2017-05-25 01:51:56 [GPU] estimating 676x891x96 disparity using 676x891x8u tiles
2017-05-25 01:51:56 timings: rectify: 0.012 disparity: 0.04 borders: 0.007 filter: 0.015 fill: 0
2017-05-25 01:51:56 [GPU] estimating 674x890x96 disparity using 674x890x8u tiles
2017-05-25 01:51:56 timings: rectify: 0.014 disparity: 0.039 borders: 0.006 filter: 0.016 fill: 0
2017-05-25 01:51:56
2017-05-25 01:51:56 Depth reconstruction devices performance:
2017-05-25 01:51:56  - 100%    done by GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
2017-05-25 01:51:56 Total time: 245.182 seconds
2017-05-25 01:51:56
2017-05-25 01:51:57 Generating dense point cloud...
2017-05-25 01:52:00 selected 241 cameras in 2.991 sec
2017-05-25 01:52:00 working volume: 3169x2938x860
2017-05-25 01:52:00 tiles: 1x1x1
2017-05-25 01:52:00 selected 241 cameras in 0.001 sec
2017-05-25 01:52:00 preloading data... done in 3.294 sec
2017-05-25 01:52:03 filtering depth maps...

General / Re: New Video Card = Photoscan Crashing?
« on: May 25, 2017, 11:02:57 AM »
 I have still been getting crashes. Mostly from building the dense cloud and sometimes even from aligning photos. I did a clean Windows install and tried again. Dense cloud is still crashing.

Does anyone know what I could do? I have updated Photoscan, drivers and now Windows.

General / Re: New Video Card = Photoscan Crashing?
« on: May 14, 2017, 02:25:32 AM »
 That's how I understood it too. I wasn't sure though. If I uncheck the video card then would Photoscan utilize it still??

I just tried it anyways while it was processing the dense cloud. I watched the console and it didn't use the GPU at all. Just CPU the whole time...

Not sure how thats supposed to be a viable solution.

General / Re: New Video Card = Photoscan Crashing?
« on: May 13, 2017, 07:26:55 AM »
There's some problem in CUDA i guess, so at the moment you can sidable the GPU Cuda from the preferences menu.

Ok thanks I'll check this out. What do you mean with "you can sidable"?

General / New Video Card = Photoscan Crashing?
« on: May 12, 2017, 02:43:45 AM »
 I recently bought a GIGABYTE AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Xtreme Edtion 11GB Video Card - 1721/1607 MHz.
Before I had a Geforce 570, so I was hoping it would help with larger amounts of pictures in Photoscan.

The problem is that Photoscan will unexpectedly crash in the middle of different processes. I started a new project and it crashed while generating the dense cloud. And then I opened an existing project that already had the dense cloud created, but Photoscan crashed when I was classifying the ground points.

In other software, such as Adobe Premiere, it seems to be working fine. So far I'm having too much trouble for the money I put into this video card.

Does anyone have any suggestions?? I did check in 'Preferences' and my video card is selected there.

General / Re: Merging Chunks
« on: April 30, 2017, 01:08:17 PM »
 Each photo has fairly accurate co-ordinates in the meta-data. And the elevation difference is about 40-60 meters.

I have had this problem before with merging chunks. And I did figure it out. It was a simple solution but I haven't been able to replicate it.

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