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Messages - FrostBite

Pages: 1 [2]
General / Merging Chunks
« on: April 30, 2017, 03:49:26 AM »
 I am having problems with merging chunks.

I have a total of approx. 2000 photos. I broke them down into 4 chunks (so 500 photos each). Everything worked properly, the only problem is that when I tried merging two of the chunks together, one was higher (elevation-wise) than the other.

How do I remedy this? Should I simply merge all chunks together at once? Or one at a time?

General / Problems with Merging Chunks
« on: October 31, 2016, 10:59:23 AM »
 I have four chunks that I've been trying to properly align and merge together. Each chunk is basically a square that consists of approximately 700 images. The first three chunks of images were done about 2 months ahead of time in comparison to the 4th chunk. When I look at the point cloud of all the chunks together I noticed the 4th chunk (the one taken 2 months later) is 'lower' in elevation in comparison to the other three. The result is the orthophoto turning out bad. Some of the areas have doubles (houses, buildings).

Does anyone have an idea of how to merge the point clouds so the elevation is the same?? Is there something wrong with the meta data from the images??

Any help would be appreciated!

General / Ortho Cropping and Post Agisoft?
« on: May 25, 2016, 06:45:34 AM »
 Quick questions...

I was trying to find a way to crop the orthomosaic in Photoscan. I trimmed the sparse and dense cloud but I still get the excess part of the ortho I wanted to clean up. Or do I use different software for that part?

Also, to showcase dense point clouds to be viewed by clients, what software/website is best? Some LAS files I have are about 10GB.


General / Re: Spherical pano WorkFlow problems!
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:48:17 PM »
  When I try to build a dense cloud (just to see what it does). I get an error saying that there is 'No Resolution'

General / Spherical pano WorkFlow problems!
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:16:36 PM »
 I made a half sphere panorama with my UAV. I am trying to stitch the photos together as instructed in the tutorial:

I think the problem is when I try and put them into a group and afterwards try to align them. After the process they don't show up at all. The cameras OR the sparse cloud. If I do not group the photos and just run a regular alignment then it works (I see the cameras and the sphere they produced) but I can't 'Export Panorama'.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?? The instructions are really simple and I followed them repeatedly.

Thanks ahead of time!

General / Building Orthomosaic for Forestry
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:50:59 AM »
  I've been working on a few sets of images I've collected at different overlaps and altitudes. I have that part mostly figured out, but when it comes to post processing I wasn't too sure how important building the dense cloud is. Does anyone have some advice on the workflow?? I have imagery from 70% overlap up to 90%. I think 70% is just fine though. I've been building the dense cloud with the highest settings but I'm not sure if it's necessary. I've been told that building texture isn't recommended either and it seems to work without.

Does anyone have some tips?

General / Re: Post Processing Software?
« on: March 28, 2016, 12:18:34 AM »
 Awesome man thanks a lot!! I've heard about QGIS but I haven't played with it yet. You just gave me a lot of good information man I really appreciated it!

After you have your Orthophoto done in Photoscan what do you do with it after?

General / Post Processing Software?
« on: March 24, 2016, 09:57:30 AM »
 If I do an orthomap or create a 3D terrain model what software is good to use to make a video flythrough and volume measurements etc.?

General / Re: Photo Alignment (Ortho)
« on: February 22, 2016, 10:22:48 AM »
  I could try the downloadable test set. You would have to instruct me on how to set it up.

I am trying to do forests with an Inspire1. It has the Lats and Longs in each picture. As for the Yaw, grid width (overlap?) and platform speed. I'm not really sure how to set that and input it into Photoscan.

Have you done forest yet as an ortho? What is the MINIMUM Height above takeoff level that I should fly? Minimum overlap??? I've been trying a few different things. But also maybe Im not going through the workflow properly. Any help is appreciated!!

General / Photo Alignment (Ortho)
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:06:35 AM »
     Could anyone PLEASE give me some work arounds for cameras that aren't aligning?? I have been doing a few Ortho Maps and theres always about 3 that aren't aligned.

I tried resetting camera positioning on the Workplace pane and I tried re-aligning from the Workflow menu with a lower accuracy setting but it doesnt do anything.

Does anyone have some tips??
Any help would be appreciate!!!

General / OrthoMap - Quick Question
« on: February 10, 2016, 07:41:22 AM »
 I understand how to build an orthomosaic using aerial photographs. My question is, what can I do, or what program can I use, to edit the pictures to make the orthophoto better? 

General / Re: Realignment of selected (unaligned) cameras
« on: February 01, 2016, 06:40:20 AM »
   I have the same problem. There are only two cameras that are out of alignment. I tried doing the steps described in the responses. Resetting and Realigning in the Workspace menu. I did both in Photos and then In Workspace and it still did not work. It's only two cameras! How do I get those little guys back in row?

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