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Messages - jiji

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Hello jiji,

The project is saved during network processing after every task. But for PSX project, if there were no changes, nothing will be changed, since PSX saving operation is looking for the changes applied to the project compared to the existing project structure.

Thanks for the reply,

So I need to make sure for my scenario :

I run export dense cloud and build dem in 2 batchs  on the same time for the same project. If build dem finish first, it will save the changes into the project files, and the export dense cloud finish.

So when export dense cloud finish it will still save the the project, will it overrite the project saved by the build dem batch and loose my dem already built in the project  ?



I am trying the run exportDenseCloud through the cluster.

When a node finished this task, does the node save the project even if this task does not modify the current state of the project ?

More specifically, I am trying to parallize the export dense cloud task with the next build ortho task, so I need to be sure that the export dense cloud will not save the project, but only the build ortho task will do

Thanks in advance

Python and Java API / Re: [Cluster] RunScript task error message
« on: April 18, 2017, 12:29:47 PM »
Hello jiji,

Currently error messages from the script are not translated to the Network Monitor.

If you run version 1.3.1 you'll be able, however, to view the processing log for the node via Network Monitor and get more detailed information.

Thanks for the reply,

even I use python API from the client side to get the task/batch status ?

Python and Java API / [Cluster] RunScript task error message
« on: April 18, 2017, 11:37:43 AM »
Hello admin,

I am currently trying to use the RunScript task to run some customized script in the cluster. When I get an error, I try to make an exception in the python script, but when I check the task status, the task's last error is always "Can't run script".

So I would like to know how can I get the exact error message when I check the batch/task status if there's an error ?

for info : I am using version 1.2.6

Thanks in advance

General / Re: All the available tasks in Network mode ?
« on: April 13, 2017, 07:32:32 PM »
Hello jiji,

It should be something like the following:

Task name /   Network supported
AddPhotos   yes
AlignCameras   yes
AlignChunks   yes
AnalyzePhotos   yes
BuildContours   yes
BuildDem   yes
BuildDenseCloud   yes
BuildModel   yes
BuildOrthomosaic   yes
BuildTexture   yes
BuildTiledModel   yes
BuildUV   yes
ClassifyGroundPoints   yes
CloseHoles   yes
CompactDenseCloud   yes
DecimateModel   yes
DetectMarkers   yes
DuplicateChunk   yes
ExportCameras   yes
ExportDem   yes
ExportDepth   yes
ExportMasks   yes
ExportMatches   yes
ExportModel   yes
ExportOrthomosaic   yes
ExportOrthophotos   yes
ExportPanorama   yes
ExportPoints   yes
ExportReport   yes
ExportShapes   yes
ExportTexture   yes
ExportTiledModel   yes
ImportCameras   yes
ImportDem   yes
ImportMasks   yes
ImportModel   yes
ImportShapes   yes
InvertMasks   yes
LoadProject   no
MatchPhotos   yes
MergeChunks   yes
OptimizeCameras   yes
RefineMarkers   no
RefinePoints   yes
RenderPhotos   no
ResetMasks   yes
ResetOrthomosaic   no
RunScript   yes
SaveProject   no
SelectDensePoints   yes
SmoothModel   yes
TrackMarkers   yes
TriangulatePoints   yes
UndistortPhotos   yes
UpdateOrthomosaic   no

Network supported means that you can run the task in this mode, and doesn't mean fine level task distribution. Most of these tasks would be performed on the single node.

Thanks for the reply,

I have another question : if I launch a "RunScript" in the network mode as a task, How can I mark in the script code that the task is "failed" with an fail message if something is wrong ?

General / Re: Performance 1.2.5 vs 1.3.0 and gpu usage
« on: March 23, 2017, 12:36:00 PM »
Hello Gaealice and jiji,

Can you provide more detailed information about the tests: number and resolution of the images used, processing setting, timing for each step (or full processing log)?

Comparison table of the processing time for both versions would be also helpful, if the GPU-supported tasks (depth maps calculation for 1.2) are separated from CPU-only tasks.

Hello Alex, i have sent the test results table and some logs to you (, please check


General / Re: Performance 1.2.5 vs 1.3.0 and gpu usage
« on: March 18, 2017, 01:23:42 AM »
Are your video driver settings at Maximum Performance power option?

I am not sure, but with the exact same gpu driver config, in our tests on v1.2.5, the gpu usage is much higer  on g2.8xlarge (about 60 - 70 %) and on p2.8xlarge (about 30 - 40 %)

General / Re: Performance 1.2.5 vs 1.3.0 and gpu usage
« on: March 16, 2017, 11:59:08 PM »
Hello jij,

Yes, I mean that after release of the version 1.3.0 build 3772 some optimizations were implemented.

Hello Alexey,

I just install your beta version my ec2 instance (linux), but i could not run it with a script option -r

I got this error :

QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display
photoscan-pro/ line 19:  9370 Aborted                 "$dirname/$appname" "$@"

I did not have this error in the 3772 build.


General / Re: Performance 1.2.5 vs 1.3.0 and gpu usage
« on: March 16, 2017, 05:21:57 PM »
Hello jij,

Yes, I mean that after release of the version 1.3.0 build 3772 some optimizations were implemented.

Ok, cool, so I want that beta version for my tests,  if you can give me the download link, or you can send me by email :

thanks !

General / Re: Performance 1.2.5 vs 1.3.0 and gpu usage
« on: March 16, 2017, 04:59:42 PM »
Hello jiji,

There were some optimizations regarding GPU usage for the depth maps calculation since 1.3.0 build 3772. If you wish, I can send you a beta-version with those optimizations, so that you can perform additional tests. It would be also helpful so save the processing logs for the analysis.

I think I was using the 3772 build, 

"Agisoft PhotoScan Professional version 1.3.0 build 3772 (64 bit)" --> the message from the help of my photoscan

What do you mean that you have a beta-version ? the optimization is not in the build 3772 build yet ?

General / Performance 1.2.5 vs 1.3.0 and gpu usage
« on: March 16, 2017, 12:52:29 PM »
Hello, admin

I was trying to test the performance between 1.2.5 and 1.3.0.  I have a dataset with 200 images, and I ran Alignement and buildDenseCloud.

I ran my tests on AWS EC2 instances with 4 different types of instances:

ec2Type    cpu  gpu      gpuType        ram( G)

g2.2xlarge   8   1   NVIDIA GRID K25     15   
g2.8xlarge   32   4   NVIDIA GRID K25     60

p2.xlarge   4   1   NVIDIA Tesla K80    61
p2.8xlarge   8   8   NVIDIA Tesla K80    488

I found that alignment is much faster on v1.3.0 than v1.2.5, which is very exciting !

But for the build dense cloud, I get some wired results, I found that the v1.3 is faster than v1.2.5 on g2.2xlarge and p2.xlarge (both with one GPU),  but much slower on p2.8xlarge (8 gpus) and g2.8xlarge (4 gpus).

I observed the gpu usage on these instances, I found that, for v1.3.0, only 10 - 15% of gpu is used on p2.8xlarge (8 gpus) and only 30 - 40 % gpu is used on g2.8xlarge (4 gpus).  But the gpu usage are higher on v1.2.5 on these 2 instances.

Thanks for the reply

So it means that it will use the rest cpu availble ?  like I have 8 cpu and 2 gpu, so if the cpu_enable flag is on, it retains 2 cpu to operate with the gpu, and the 6 cpu will be used to compute ?


Hello, Admin,

I saw the change of 1.3 about the [cpu_enable] changed from [cpu_cores_inactive].

I am wondering [cpu_enable] means that photoscan will use all the cpu when gpu is working ? so it does not leave any cpu to operate with the gpu ? Or it means anything else ?


Is the matrix return by crs.localframe(geocentricPoint) like below ? :

R = [ -sin L;               cos L;               0
         -sin N cos L;   -sin N sin L;   cos N
        -cos N cos L;  -cos N sin L;   -sinN

I found this matrix when my CRS is WGS 84. But there's some small difference when my CRS is some projection coordinates system.  where does these differences come from ?

Hello Alex,

I have the same question here and I understand gloabally the whole code that you gave.

But I don't really understand what the does exactlly ?
What does the result matrix mean ? and how we can get it from the geocentric point ?
could you give some details about the matrix calculation on this step ?


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