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Messages - GrinGEO

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 18
« on: February 28, 2019, 01:28:38 PM »
There is the archive format as well.

I advice to store it in psz, in the program settings you can set wich components you want to save.

And yes, the image dataset needs always to be backed up separately.

General / Re: Depth Maps understanding
« on: February 13, 2019, 09:04:24 PM »
Alexey, any feedback regarding this?

General / Depth Maps understanding
« on: February 11, 2019, 04:29:15 PM »
Can someone explain to me, what is the exact use of Depht Maps? Beocuse under preferences I can say to keep them.

Now my computer crashed while creating the Dense Cloud, but strangely it kept the Dept Maps. But is this Dept Map not even used for the Mesh?

Becouse my normal process is:

1 Align
2 Optimize
3 Build Dense Cloud (but I didnt know its genertaing depht maps as well)
4 Build DEM based on Dense
5 Build Ortho based on DEM
6 Build Mesh based on Depth

But if in Step 3 generating Dense Cloud I don't keep the Depht Maps, does it mean that the Sept 6 building Mesh restarts the entire Build Depth Map process again? If I keep the Depht Map, will the Mesh Model be much faster?

General / Re: Anafi Parrot Drone- Wide vs Rectilinear lens
« on: February 08, 2019, 02:41:52 PM »
Mohammend, I tried the Anafi right now and Im not happy with the results at moment.

I advice to set to JP+DNG non rectified and try to use the DNGs. My JPGs does not look very sharp, 90% of the images have a quality less then 0,8 calculated by Agisoft. So in my opinion, the imageset can not be used.

How is your experience with Anafi?

General / Re: Shapes made in DEM not retroprojected to Dense Cloud & Mesh
« on: February 06, 2019, 08:13:48 PM »
amazing help... improves my workflow again.

General / Re: Batch Processing
« on: February 06, 2019, 08:12:30 PM »
PERFECT... now I understand where my mistake was. Great support

General / Re: DEM overlay to model
« on: February 06, 2019, 07:53:54 PM »
Ok thanks sound interesting. I normally don't use vertex colors and have it disabled, since I didn't understood this feature.

Like Exporting the DEM in normaly grayscale and now added palette, Could we not export the DEM as palette & than import as overlay to the texture?

General / Re: Batch Processing
« on: February 06, 2019, 07:48:18 PM »
yes exactly, I was wondering about this feature becouse in standard Mesh Creation from dept Map this is not visible.
So I set to 3.000.000 but it creates something about 8.560.000 faces

I assume it only uses the constrain high high and skip the custom face count, like it does in the standard windows when creating mesh from Depth Map

General / DEM overlay to model
« on: February 06, 2019, 07:06:56 PM »
Is it possible, instead of using the texture generated by Agisoft, overlay to the 3D model the DEM color palette? Becouse I have a very interesting alpine mapping that I would like to share to the client in DEM palette overlay mode via Sketchfab.

If this could be possible, it would be awesome

General / Shapes made in DEM not retroprojected to Dense Cloud & Mesh
« on: February 06, 2019, 07:03:11 PM »
To create a Shape as Outer Border I normally do it in DEM view, becouse there I can see where I have the most artefacts that need to be cut off in the outer area.
Unfortunately, when made in DEM view the shape is only visible in the Orthofoto, but not in the Dense Cloud & Mesh View.

It would be good becouse especially for OBJ export for clients I normally clean the outer boarder manually to avoid any strange artefacts.

General / Re: Batch Processing
« on: February 06, 2019, 07:00:23 PM »
mhh seems didn't work. I set 3 M faces, Metashape made 8M in Batch process
Shoud be fixed, looks like a bug

General / Re: Batch Processing
« on: February 06, 2019, 04:17:30 PM »
Yes using the latest. Ok now I understand, this is very great and so the batch can work over night. PERFECT

General / Batch Processing
« on: February 06, 2019, 01:52:17 PM »
Dear Alexey
In batch processing mode under Generate Model by Depht Maps there can be the faces adjustet. What does this mean, becouse in the standard interface of Model calculation, even selecting depht maps this feature is not available.

Is this an automatic mesh reducer to fit the number I have inserted?

General / How to share tiled orthomosaic on the web & embed?
« on: February 04, 2019, 04:27:53 PM »
Im wondering if someone has a good workflow to share hihres Orthomosaics on the Web... Dronedeploy does it very well, but than you need to do all the processing in the cloud.

Is there any other alternative or can someone tell me his workflow?

If we could have a cleen layout like sketchfab I would be happy.

General / Re: Built Texture size, whats better?
« on: February 04, 2019, 01:35:02 PM »
By using 99x 512 texture size I could reduce a 2M vertex model size from 76MB (10x 4000 texture size) to 47 MB. I don't know exactly why, but it seems to work well.
Maybe this helps someone else too to reduce models for Sketchfab upload.

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