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Messages - rossnixon

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General / Re: jpg + jgw
« on: May 04, 2019, 03:28:29 AM »
The photos you linked to are georeferenced orthophotos. They are *outputs* from a program such as Photoscan. They can't be used to create DEMs.

General / Alignment problem - 1.5.2 build 7838
« on: April 04, 2019, 03:39:43 AM »
I have four parallel overlapping runs of (vertical) aerial photography.

Using Generic Preselection, I can only align the first two runs, no matter what other settings I use.

If I disable Generic Preselection, I can only align the OTHER two runs.

I have saved these as two separate PSX files.

Is there some way to merge the two jobs? Or should I just process them separately?
The only requirement is an orthophoto. Do not need an accurate DEM.

Have other people had alignment problems with version 1.5.2?
Should I install version 1.4 as a parallel installation and try with that?

General / Re: System requirements - where is my fault ?!?
« on: March 04, 2019, 03:32:53 AM »
If on Windows, note the exact time of the crash (to the nearest 5 seconds even).
Then look at your Event Logs, especially the System ones. They will often be a very strong clue as to what went wrong.

Bug Reports / Re: 4GB Max file size when exporting orthophoto
« on: March 03, 2019, 04:26:22 AM »
Will it delete after you restart the compter?
If not, try one of these:

General / Quick and dirty mosaicking - possible?
« on: December 24, 2018, 05:45:48 AM »
Is it possible to create a 'quick & dirty' mosaic from hundreds of well-overlapped aerial images (GPS data is in images)?
The land is mostly quite flat.
Don't need georeferenced output.
Don't need any height info.


General / Re: computer performance question
« on: October 02, 2018, 03:48:18 AM »
It certainly could Alvin. I've processed 2000 photos (5472 x 3648px) using a 2nd gen i5-2500k (overclocked) with *onboard* graphics only. Sure, it takes a *long* time though.

General / Re: Balancing dense cloud specs vs mesh specs
« on: August 29, 2018, 02:04:33 AM »
Hi Alexey,
Any comments on the values I used?
Also, what effect would disabling interpolation have on the orthophoto?

General / Re: Balancing dense cloud specs vs mesh specs
« on: August 20, 2018, 02:10:44 AM »
Hi Alexey,
Details are all in my PDF report here
Some of the values you will see are
254 images: 5472 x 3648 px
Key/Tie point limits: 80,000 / 20,000
Tie points: 471,998 of 699,990
Dense cloud points: 122,457,855

Windows 10 with 16GB of RAM.

General / Balancing dense cloud specs vs mesh specs
« on: August 17, 2018, 06:32:46 AM »
I was producing an orthophoto from about 260 aerial photos.
I ran out of memory creating the mesh from the dense cloud.
I lowered the mesh face count down to low (2.7 million), but still ran out of memory.
Then I disabled interpolation. This then worked.

1. What is the effective of disabling interpolation?
2(a). Should I have used Medium Quality, instead of High when building the dense cloud?
2(b). Would that affect how many faces the mesh could have?
2(c). If so, could I (somehow) thin down the dense cloud a certain amount?
3. What does Calculate vertex colors do; and does this take much memory?

General / Re: Photo Alignment Takes too much time
« on: August 07, 2018, 07:26:18 AM »
That may be fine if you don't have to do it very often.

I make do with i5 2500+ (overclocked), 16GB, onboard graphics!, and have processed 2000 photos in one chunk. Yes it did take a long time, but I only do this once per year.

General / Re: Ram usage on Orthomosiac stage
« on: July 06, 2018, 05:16:09 AM »
Before you get to the orthomosaic stage, you would have to build a mesh though. At an estimate, in your case you'd need about 800GB for that step. I base that on a Medium Quality model with 10,000 photos of 12 Mpx requiring 40GB.

General / Re: Problem with align of forested images
« on: June 21, 2018, 05:38:59 AM »

I'm working with forested areas, but the images not aligning. The flights that are in trouble were made at 60 meters of altitude and 80% of overlap, where only as border areas are recognizing homologous points. I made a new mapping at 70 m altitude and 90% overlap, where I got a better result but it is not 100% yet
We work with forested areas and get good alignment when flying about 6700 feet above ground. Using a Canon EOS 5D Mark II via a mount in a small aeroplane.

Bug Reports / Re: Export of Ortophotos
« on: June 12, 2018, 04:34:31 AM »
That is strange. I'm still getting orthophotos out from version 1.4.2.
This is for very small projects - only two or three photos in the job.

General / Re: about windows pagefile.sys file
« on: April 20, 2018, 04:21:54 AM »
"Not enough memory" refers to RAM.
The pagefile size probably has no effect on your problem. However, if your pagefile is getting extremely large for no apparent reason, you can set it to be a fixed size. Mine is set to 1GB.

General / Re: Optimize camera alignment creates larger errors
« on: March 02, 2018, 04:52:58 AM »
Images are fine. Only one of 0.69; the others average 0.80.

I usually use 40,000 key points & 10,000 tie points. On this job, those settings left me with 65 or 70 non-aligned photos. Setting to 0 (unlimited) made them all align.

I disabled all camera locations in the reference pane before running optimisation, as suggested.

Just now I tried the Gradual Selection process again. Last time I tried it, I backed out due to (at first glance) too many points being selected.

Options used this time: Reconstruction Uncertainty 10. Reprojection Error 0.75. Projection Accuracy 10. My sparse cloud has dropped from 3.1 million points to 200,000 points. Then I did Update & Optimize. The problem is now that optimization gave console messages: "removed 29 cameras", removed 29 stations", "removed 3 points".
My Z errors before decimation ranged from -1m to 13m. But now they range from -33m to 44m.
Perhaps I should be less aggressive with removing points in this case?

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